I just had this brilliant idea, but like I always said, give credit where credit is due. So anyway, these two old hippies came up with this crazy idea that if everybody in the world participated in some kind of sexual activity on the last Yule, with the goal of as many people in the world on that day experiencing a near simultaneous orgasm, they could call it World Orgasm Day and it might lead to world peace. Or something like that. I guess you could call it "Get A Piece For Peace Day".
Well, obviously, even if it did happen-which if it did not many people are talking about it-then it did not work (as if). The problem with this idea is, to begin with, they tried to turn it into a fucking quickie, when they should have been encouraging more of a big build up, a gradual increasing of sexual activity leading up until the target date for maximum impact.
Then, their stated goal would still be unattainable, simply because there are too many different people involved with too many disparate, even contradictory goals. The act itself should be the goal, becasue the act itself would do wonders toward minimizing all those disparate and conflicting inner goals, desires, and energies.
But that should not be reason to give up on the project of establishing a world orgasm. The whole problem was the lack of a build-up. This is something that would better be accomplished by a string of orgasms, culminating in the biggest one set to occur on a specific date. I vote for Litha, or as the plebes call it, "Midsummer".
Now what makes more sense, to have a world sexual orgasm day on the first day of winter, or the first day of summer? Yeah, the first day of summer is Litha, and sex is more in keeping with the magical energies of the longest day of the year than it is the shortest one.
Of course, you could make the argument that the longest night of the year might be more appropriate, and what better thing to do on what is at least symbolically the coldest day of the year-than to fuck?
Well, the thing is, you could make a good case for fucking any day or any night. The first day of spring would be equally appropriate, or for that matter Beltane (May Day to you commoner types).
The point is, what is sex without a little bit of foreplay? In my experience, the more the better. So let's ratchet up the goal of everybody in the world fucking, but let's do it in a slightly different way. If you want to play the game, then this is what you do.
Every man or woman must agree to go out and fuck somebody. No, it cannot be your wife or husband or boy friend or girl friend. It has to be somebody that you have NEVER FUCKED BEFORE.
That person then has to go out and fuck somebody under the same conditions, somebody they have never fucked before. At the risk of sounding stupid and insulting, I guess I'll add that adults only should participate in this game, not that I really give a shit, it just sounds like something you're expected to say. Let's compromise here. Adults should just fuck adults and teenagers should just fuck teenagers, and then only if they are already sexually active.
Ok, now that that little bit of politically correct unpleasantness is out of the way, let's get on with it, shall we? So, what is the goal? World Peace? Understanding and harmony? No, fuck people, do you really need a fucking reason? Get real. It is simply to start a train, a fuck train that has as it's goal to make a stop in every city, town, village, etc., in every country, province and county of the world. It would be a little much to set as a goal of by the time it's over everyone in the world will have gotten on board the fuck train, but then again, who knows?
Remember, JUNE 21st, 2007.
People all over the world
Join In
Start A Fuck Train
Fuck Train
People All Over The World
Join In
Start A Fuck train.
Fuck Train
Remember, fuck a stranger or somebody you have never fucked before. Do it as often as you can with as many different people as you can. They in turn should do the same. By the time Midsummer (Litha) gets here, then on that day there should be more people fucking than at any other single time in human history.
Comments here are of course welcome, but I don't want to hear anything about STD's. Use protection.
Let's get this fuck train going.
Interesting idea. Maybe it'll catch on.
Looks like the Dutch are getting into the spirit of your idea with "Naked Sundays" at the gym.
Well if your doing it with someone you have never done before then why bother with foreplay?
Ok maybe a little but nothing extravagant.
Widow's Son- you can always count on the Dutch
Zanthera-You wouldn't be doing it with just any old person for the hell of it, it would ideally be with someone to whom you are attracted, therefore of course foreplay would enhance the experience.
What I was referring to though is that if a set number of people were to start now, and more and more people joined in as the days progress (as opposed to a bunch of people doing it all just on one specific date, as originally proposed)that would amount to, collectively, a kind of foreplay which would culminate in the maximum amount of people partaking of the activity by the target date.
In other words, it's not like you would be doing nothing but foreplay until that date, you would start fucking now or whenever, but more and more people would eventually be fucking until, by Litha (to use my proposed example) there might be hundreds of millions of people who either would be, or would have been on board, the fuck train.
Even if they themselves had disembarked by the target date, even well before it, they still would have done their part, played their role, in making that fuck train roll on.
HAHAHA Give , getting some ass a chance, in stead of give peace a chance...Give a little get alittle I'm game..lets all fuck!!!!!!...umm mabe not..
Ahh, c'mon now samhains, give it a shot, surely there's SOMEBODY SOMEWHERE you can get on board with.
"Don't you miss that traiiin
At the staaa-e-aation
'Cos if you miss it
I'll feel sorry
Sooorry for yooouuuu"
Great idea,
But careful with those photos, or I will have to drop the SFW warning from your link...
She's a cutie, ain't she Sonia? I've had that pic for months now, waiting for the right post to use it with. My female Eros.
I've got another one I just recently acquired that I think you'll like when I get around to finding a good post to use it with.
It probably would be a good idea to drop the SFW thing, just for those rare occasions when I do post porno pictures, which aren't often, but I do from time to time.
Glad you liked my idea. You can do it with a woman, but she still should "pass it on" to someone, who should do the same, etc.
Ah exponential idea, gotchya! ;)
So then, Zanthera, I take it then that you are seriously considering sharing with someone "Zanthera's Nook"?
(Sorry, couldn't resist).
I have live half of my life on the fuck train from one end of it to the other. This is a good idea though and that is a hot bitch you have there.
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