Thursday, August 04, 2005

Homeland Security-Storming The Gulags

The new Homeland Security Department has finally done something that might prove it is worhty of it's status as the countries newest cabinet level department. And of course, it is certainly to eventualy become the subject of controversy and legal challenges. I am talking here about the recently announced "Operation Neighborhood Shield".

Unless, of course, they stat out by going after some of the rabidly far-right conservative miitias, or the Ku Klux Klan, or maybe some white biker gangs. But of course, the real targets wil be what we know it was meant to be.

Gangs. Stret gangs. Thugs. The kind that infest the African American and Latino communities and result in an increase in crimes of violence, drugs, rape, and murder. To say nothing of the myriad of out of wedlock pregnancies that invariably occur in these areas.

The kind of areas where the majority of the people who are ordinarily hard-working, decent, law-abiding, and respectful citizens, are kept mired in poverty, fear, and misery. Where honest business investment and commerce are kept at a minimum, while price gouging runs rampant and slumlords rule the day.

Where the elderly on fixed incomes are afraid to leave their homes even in the daytime, and the young and the vulnerable are easy targets for exploitation.

The gangs that rule these provinces by fear and intimidation, and prowl it's alleys and corridors like packs of wolves or wild, rabid dogs, are, true enough, sometimes white. They are Slavic, Italian, sometimes Irish. Also Jewish. But they are also, certainly, African Americans. Or black immigrants. Haitians. Nigerians. Jamaicans. Also Oriental. Vietnamese. Koreans. Chinese. And, yes, they are Hispanic. Mexican. Columbian. Cuban. Puerto Rican.

It is a sad but true fact that non-whites do make up the majority of these gangs, the gangs that prey mercilessly on their own people, and serve to keep them as destitute as the neighborhoods in which they are trapped. Liberal poitics have, in fact, turned them into prisoners of their own special gulags, with the gangs in the role of the gulag guards.

It is only right that Homeland Security should free them from this imposition. From this American Gulag System. But will they suceed in doing so?

I certainly hope so, not just for their sake, but for the well being of all American society. For all of us. But the guards, and the wardens, of this American Gulag System-well, they have powerful benefactors.