Monday, February 28, 2011

Zenga Zenga Song

From Joshua Pundit comes this video satire of Moammar Qaddafi, which was wildly popular with Arabs. That is, it was up until they found out it was actually made by an Israeli Jew. In answer to a further complaint, he obliged them by creating a second version without the girl. Because, you know, what could be more horrible than to have to look at a nearly nude beautiful blonde dancing girl?


Inch, inch. house, house. home, home. zanga zanga

Forward, forward, Revolution, Revolution


I got millions on my side not from the inside but from other countries. From here i send a call to all the millions of the desert.. from desert to desert the millions will march and no one will be able to stop them.

Fast, fast


The bell of work has rang!, the bell to march has rang!, the bell of victory has rang!, no turning back!


Enjoy!! Gaddafi RAP

Sunday, February 27, 2011

North Korea, South Korea-Here We Go Again

Apparently, someone in South Korea has decided it would be a good idea to drop leaflets over North Korea encouraging the citizens of North Korea to rebel against the communist regime, in imitation of the rebellions that have been on-going in the Middle East. For their part, the North is threatening a military response, calling the South's actions "dangerous". They are also threatening, naturally, to attack the US. Evidently, there is going to be a new round of joint military exercises of the South Korean and US military, and the North has threatened also to increase its stockpile of nuclear weapons.

If this is true, and not just another Alex Jones conspiracy theory/rant, not much is likely to come of it one way or another. For one thing, what the South is forgetting is that the protests in the Middle East is inspired as much by anti-US and anti-Israeli sentiment as it is a rebellion against the Middle East dictators, such as Mubarrek. Granted, the actions against Gaddafi in Lybia may well be taken at face value, seeing as how he is not now nor has he ever been a friend of the US or Israel.

However, the Libyans are without a doubt being influenced by the same factors as are currently inflaming situations in the Middle East-influences such as Al-Jazeera, various arms of international labor, and even elements within the US State Department, to name a few.

Oh, and by the way, one of the major influences in the Middle East is-the international Socialists movement.

So once you remove the radical Islamists, labor unions, cabals within the US State Department, and student democracy movements from the mix, you have a situation pretty much like you have in North Korea, where nobody has any influence, except of course for one of the applicable groups in question-the communists.

So I think its farily safe to say this isn't going to go much of anywhere. What are the communists going to do in North Korea, encourage their people to rebel against their own rule?

Mishka The Talking Husky

Friday, February 25, 2011

Two And A Half Men Minus Charlie Sheen Equals-Two Men

If the hit TV series remains on the air past this season, Two Men should in fact be what the producers of 21/2 Men change the name of the show to once Charlie Sheen departs, which now seems likely in the face of his latest rant on The Alex Jones Show. He called Thomas Jefferson a pussy, and asserted that Alcoholics Anonymous is a "bootleg cult", but he saved the worst of his ire for show producer Chuck Lorre, who he calls a clown and a turd. He also asserted that Lore's real name is Chaim Levine, evidently a way of casting aspersions on Lorre's integrity by way of his Jewish (read, Zionist) roots.

Sheen, himself a long-time proponent of the "Truther" conspiracy theories regarding 9/11-the government was behind it, possibly also the Israelis-has had a long association with conspiracy theory monger Jones, and he left nothing out in this latest rant, even going so far as to call President Barak Obama "a coward in a cheap suit".

This is due to Obama's refusal to engage Sheen in regards to all of the so-called evidence calling into question the official 9/11 story. I can tell him the answer to that one. It's not that Obama doesn't believe in it. Doubtless he doesn't, but that damn sure wouldn't stop him if it was a politically popular position. Unfortunately, its not, because its pretty well established that people that do believe in Trutherism are fruit cakes, like, well, Charlie Sheen.

Production of the CBS hit show has now been cancelled for the remainder of the season. My response is, its about time. I always wondered how Sheen could be so popular playing such an unabashedly misogynistic, sexist character as he does on this show, and I've always wondered why CBS would promote it for so long. The show, and Sheen, should be an embarassment to them, and to all liberals, but lo and behold, it remains one of the most popular shows on television, and Sheen is undeniably the star who at about a million dollars per episode brings the undoubtedly liberal audience back for more misogynistic and sexist laughs, week after week.

Maybe part of Sheen's problem is he has a problem processing the unadulterated hypocrisy of his audience, and himself. If so, no wonder he is driven to lash out at everybody in sight. Including, again, himself, with the alcohol, the whores, etc. Well, the gracy train may soon be over. If so, it can't happen soon enough, but I'm sure he'll find somebody else to blame for his downfall. The Koch Brothers, maybe.

Listen if you dare.

Download now or listen on posterous
022411_sheen.mp3 (22129 KB)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Book Of Kanye

And then it came to pass that the searching hordes, hungry and thirsty for words of wisdom and knowledge, made their desperate way to the land of Twitter. Finding Kanye, they gathered around him. Seeing them, and discerning their need for guidance, he looked to them and he said-

an abortion can cost a ballin' nigga up to 50gs maybe a 100. Gold diggin' bitches be getting pregnant on purpose. #STRAPUP my niggas!

Kanye's disciples said, "Yeah we feel ya dog!"
And there was unrest and discontent throughout the land.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Won't Back Down

If you ever go to a townhall hosted by Republican Florida Congressman Allen West, a word to the wise. Don't confront him while holding a Koran, because not only will West not back down, he might give you a history lesson you might not want to hear. That is what happened anyway to Nezar Hamze. Who is he, you ask? Why, he's only the executive director of CAIR.

Stray Cat Strut

This video is a pretty good description of my mood and attitudes lately. I used it as kind of an introductory post on my new Posterous blog. Then, all of a sudden, this blog returns from no-blogs land, as unexpectedly and mysteriously as it disappeared. And this is the second time this happened. So I figure, why not use the video here as well, to mark my third coming? I mean, not that I'm bragging, but Jesus Christ only come back from the dead once. Do I have nine lives? I hope I don't have to find out, but I definitely feel like some kind of alley cat of bloggers.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back From Limbo

I don't know what happened, but The Pagan Temple was shut down by Blogger, a second time, this time for a period of about three days. During that time I started a bunch of other blogs, including one on Blogger, and all but one of which is also named The Pagan Temple. The one exception is a Wordpress blog I named Chapter Twelve. I was using that one originally as private blog on which to write Chapter Twelve of a horror novel I was working on at one time. It's a very long, novella length chapter in its own right.

Anyway, I'm back, but I'm taking nothing for granted anymore. There are going to be Pagan Temple blogs eventually all over the blogosphere, on every free blogging platform in existence, but they are all going to be the same. Same name, same exact posts. And really, it won't take up one second more of my time. How is this possible, you ask? Well, I've discovered a blog platform called Posterous, which you should check out. When you post to Posterous, you also post simultaneously to any other blog you set up on your Posterous account.

In other words, most if not all future posts you read on this blog (or any other of my blogs you might happen across) will have been sent here by way of Posterous.

As for why my blog disappeared, that's just the problem. I can guess, but I don't know. I was gone for awhile, removed, and then just as suddenly, I'm back. Who knows when or if it will happen again? Who cares, besides me. The point being, since I've discovered Posterous, I feel more secure. It's not likely every single blog I start will be taken down, is it?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kick Some Asses, Walker

UPDATE-Death threats against Governor Walker, and his administration, in the midst of a public outpouring of vile and hateful discourse.

Here's some of the highlights of Wisconsion Governor Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill-

(1) Collective bargaining rights, except for salary, will be eliminated for 175,000 public employees;

(2) Any salary increase greater than inflation will have to be approved by a referendum;

(3) University of Wisconsin system employees will be denied the right to collectively bargain at all;

(4) Union dues will now be optional for state workers.

In other words, just to simplify, Wisconsin state employees are not beleaguered Egyptians being denied access to economic opportunity or any kind of hope, and despite all the crazy rhetoric, Scott Walker is not Hosni Mubarak. He's not even Hosni Lite. Granted, I wouldn't be surprised at this juncture if Iranian warships didn't end up in the Great Lakes, no doubt preparing to dock in Chicago, but Walker is simply an elected official who recognizes his state is broke. Guess what? He's going to do something about it.

And if the Green Bay Packers don't like it, well, that's just tough fucking shit, ain't it now?

Will Walker call out the National Guard in the face of threatened continued strikes? He says he will only if necessary, which it might well be. God I hope he doesn't back down. While he's at it, he should declare the fourteen Senate Democrats wanted fugitives and send somebody to track them down. I'd love to see those fuckers physically dragged into the state Senate just so they could watch in agony and frustration when the Senate Republicans vote for the bill. The next thing they should have to sit and watch is many of their House Democrat colleagues getting gerrymandered out of existence. Now that would call for some gourmet Reddenbacher.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Chicago Blows

Chicago is so far gone even the Tea Party doesn't want to step into the mess. Denying a recent report by the Huffington Post, the leaders of the movement possibly show their average ages by declaring that "Chico Is Not The Man".

In a way, that might be a sign that things haven't yet gotten so bad in the Windy City, compared to places like California and New Jersey. But they're definitely on the way, with more than a billion dollars of unfunded pension liabilities. I guess things have to completely fall apart before people get the message and demand change. And even then, there will be more than a few taking to the streets to demand the status quo.

But for now, Chicago is still living in that old New Deal style American dream world where you just do things because its the right thing to do, dammit, and everything will eventually work out because, you know, its the economics of prosperity where you give the citizens what they want, because a happy citizenry is a productive one.

Of course, eventually the bill comes due, and then-and only then-the citizenry takes to the streets, and then the parties realize they have to retool their political apparatus to accommodate the outrage, only nothing really changes. The Democrats blame the rich and demand higher taxes, while the Republicans blame the entitlements and demand spending cuts. Or, if they are in a really blue area, like Chicago, they just demand marginal spending cuts and well, a slightly lower increase in taxes. That seems to be the case with Gery Chico, and the Tea Party isn't going along.

Most of the time, the people go along with the Republicans in these cases, until they start to feel the pinch, then they vote for the Democrats. Its hard to fault the Republicans in Chicago for wanting to cut their losses at the polls, and its impossible to blame the Tea Party for not wanting to play the game. The only people you can really blame, in the long term, is the people. Well, and maybe Andrew Jackson. Let's face it, most people are pretty fucking simple minded at best, and downright stupid at worse, so when you give the masses the right to vote, and give the political parties the power to control the electoral process, you can expect nothing if not skulduggery.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So These Two Muslims Are In This Juice Bar

So these two practitioners of the religion of peace are in a hooka lounge enjoying a bowl of apple cinnamon…

One says to the other: “Fayaz, have you ever noticed that after having sex with a Western infidel woman, your eyes burn and your nose gets scratchy, and you get all teary-eyed?”

Rafiq: “Yes, I notice that too, all the time, why? What do you think that is?”

Fayaz: “I think it must be the pepper spray.”

Lara Logan probably wouldn't appreciate the whimsy of that little joke I lifted from the comments page of Debbie Schluessels blog, but what the hell.

I don't agree with Schluessel in the sense that Logan deserved it or asked for it, and I certainly take no sadistic pleasure that it happened to her, but on the other hand, it does reinforce what I've always known. These people are fucking animals. Bottom line. They also threatened Katie Couric, and beat up Anderson Cooper of CNN. But the rape of Logan, who might have been killed but for the intervention of some Arab women and some Egyptian soldiers, was the penultimate outbreak of hatred and rage yet against a western journalist. Logan is now in a hospital recovering and for now wants privacy, understandably so.

Here is a picture of Logan

And here is a picture of Logan immediately following her rape-

Oh, I'm sorry, this was not Logan, it was a Muslim woman who was purposely mutilated after she ran away from her family when they tried to force her into a marriage. This is an act that is sanctioned by Islamic law and you can probably count the number of times such crimes against women and girls have been prosecuted by even secular authorities on the fingers of one hand. The perpetrators are never looked down upon by their societies unless it is for having a wayward daughter for whom such punishment is deemed appropriate.

I could go on and on with such examples, some from right here in America, such as the case of the man who murdered his own daughter for being too westernized, or the cable television network owner who beheaded his wife after she sued him for divorce-again, here in America, like the Somalian man who murdered his wife and children in Louisville Kentucky once she also filed for divorce because he was a brutal ass hat.

And now a western journalist, a woman, has come face to face with a brutal example of Islamic tradition. And the worse part of it for the rest of us is, her employers, CBS, and the American political establishment-Republican as well as Democrat-will try to portray this as just an example of a fringe element of Islamic society, by no means representative of a majority, or even of a large minority.

And in a sense, they might be right. But the most important part will never be addressed, but will be avoided-the fact the it is representative of the misogyny which is an inherent and integral part of an Islamic culture which at worse, outright encourages acts such as this, and at best, turns a blind eye to them.

They have to turn a blind eye, though. They, especially the women, have been browbeaten from birth into acquiescence. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. But we should know better than to swallow the line of shit we've been spoon fed for decades, including by Republicans, that Islam is a religion of peace. We've had chance after chance, been given warning on top of warning. It's time now to eschew the political correctness and say howdy to reality.

Otherwise, the cultural and societal rape that our descendants will one day endure will be ongoing and permanent. And no one is going to step in to put a stop to it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

OMFG-George W. Bush Calls Barak Obama "Muslim Scum"

Bush has to be drinking again, and was probably drunk at the time he said this shit. What's even worse, since he allowed himself to be videotaped, on the video below, he can't deny it now, or play it off like he was misinterpreted or like his words were taken out of context.

Get ready for it, I have an idea this is all you're going to be fucking hearing about for days, and days, and fucking days on end.

If You Were Gay-With Bert And Ernie

H/T Titan Uranus

The FDA Is Out To Regulate Your Nuts

The FDA might soon classify walnuts as a drug and regulate them as such based on the claims of one website that sells them. I know it sounds like a joke, but evidently its not. They have even threatened to impose some kind of fine on Diamond Nuts, due to the claims made on their website, which the FDA claims is in violation of FDA Guidelines. Why? Because the use and benefits to which Diamond Nuts ascribes their products, especially walnuts, make them a drug. goes into detail as to the health benefits of walnuts.

This is what happens when you allow government to grow too big and give its agencies too much regulatory power. Nothing good comes out of it in the long run. The FDA is one of the first government agencies that should be totally stripped of funding, along with the EPA.

Waller R. Newell: You say you want a revolution?

Here is a pretty good article that describes the processes that surround most revolutions, and the unfortunate aftermath of far too many of them. Consider it must reading, preferably without the rose colored glasses far too many people try to read through. Thanks to Titan Uranus for the link.

Waller R. Newell: You say you want a revolution?

And So It Begins

"The Camp David Accords are finished."

These words, spoken in the aftermath of Mubarak's resignation as President of Egypt, did not come from the Muslim Brotherhood, but from a top opposition leader.

An influential Egyptian opposition figure and likely presidential candidate called Sunday for Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel to be reassessed, the first sign since former president Hosni Mubarak’s ouster Friday that the 32-year-old agreement may be in jeopardy.

Ayman Nour, a former lawmaker and chairman of the Ghad (Tomorrow) party, told an Egyptian radio station that the 1978 Camp David Accords were no longer relevant, and said the country’s leadership should at least rethink the terms of the framework agreements that led to a peace deal between the erstwhile enemies the following year...

“The Camp David Accords are finished,” Nour said. “Egypt has to at least conduct negotiations over conditions of the agreement.

This does not bode well for Egypt or for Israel. One must assume this is a popular attitude among the Egyptians, for a top political leader to come out with it this quickly. If he makes good on his threat, and he has widespread support amongst the Egyptians, the Israelis will have no choice but to either renegotiate or hold firm and demand fealty to the old treaty. What choice do they have? If they renegotiate they will be obliged to consider new terms that are not favorable to them by comparison. Yet, if they refuse, they will be criticized as warmongers. The end result is dependent solely on who has, or gains, power in Israel over the next few months, to couple of years.

This might lead to the first real gains among the really ultra-Orthodox parties like the Kahanists, in the face of what might be seen as mounting and unreasonable pressure and aggressive rhetoric. And it will probably be only a matter of time now before there is another Intifada among the Palestinians, particularly if Hamas sees such a provocation as the only way to keep their people from giving them the same treatment the Egyptians gave to Mubarak. It's the old scapegoat the Jews strategy, an unfortunately time-tested and proven strategy that has proven effective from Spain, to Russia, to Germany, and beyond. What's worse, it might spread beyond the Hamas areas of influence to include the West Bank and Eastern Jerusalem. The Baca Valley of Southern Lebanon and the Golan Heights might similarly erupt as well. All of Israel's surrounding nations, not only Syria and Lebanon, but even Jordan and Saudi Arabia, all nations which have experienced their own threats to peace and public order and security, might experience their own upheavals. What better way to get their people off their backs than to encourage yet another round of Israel bashing. The Israelis have a perfectly reasonable right to be concerned, because this time, it might go farther than the leaders of these countries might intend and possibly herald a conflagration which no reasonable person, especially a national leader, wants to be involved with.

And it does bear asking-WWOD? It's a good thing for him he has a teleprompter. If the last couple of weeks is any guide, he's going to be far too busy wringing his hands to be able to read any scribbled notes on his palms.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Atlas Shrugged-The Movie

I never read the novel, and I'm not a Libertarian, but there's no denying the impact of this book or it's author, Ayn Rand. As I understand it, the premise of the book is one in which all the productive members of society, or at least a substantial percentage of them, including captains of industry and skilled professionals, go on strike in protest against government regulations and high taxes. The original, working novel of the novel was, in fact, The Strike.

Now, somebody has finally made a movie out of it (I think for the first time), and in this day and age of the Tea Party, its going to be interesting to see what kind of impact it has. The trailer certainly looks compelling, and I'm sure it's going to be widely discussed over the weeks ahead until its release, and after. Will it have any impact on American political society and culture? We'll have to wait and see, but this seems to be the perfect time for it.

If it is true to the original novel, don't be surprised if it doesn't equal Mel Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ in terms of impact and influence. If I'm right this will be a much bigger deal than the typical big, hyped movies of late, such as Inception. Look for invitations from civic groups to view the movie for free, much like churches across the country screened Gibson's movie.

If it encourages critical thought and discussion throughout the country among those who ordinarily don't think past the days headlines and editorials, it will provide a valuable service.

The Swamp Thing

I guess I should point out, this video is a joke, and I mean that in a good way. It's actually kind of a mean joke to pull on people, but oh well, what the hell.

Hilarious Racist Commercial

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cracked Madness

From Cracked, its how typos could have changed things.

Just some silly fun, what the hell? Here's a few more, but go check out all twenty-eight at the link.