Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back From Limbo

I don't know what happened, but The Pagan Temple was shut down by Blogger, a second time, this time for a period of about three days. During that time I started a bunch of other blogs, including one on Blogger, and all but one of which is also named The Pagan Temple. The one exception is a Wordpress blog I named Chapter Twelve. I was using that one originally as private blog on which to write Chapter Twelve of a horror novel I was working on at one time. It's a very long, novella length chapter in its own right.

Anyway, I'm back, but I'm taking nothing for granted anymore. There are going to be Pagan Temple blogs eventually all over the blogosphere, on every free blogging platform in existence, but they are all going to be the same. Same name, same exact posts. And really, it won't take up one second more of my time. How is this possible, you ask? Well, I've discovered a blog platform called Posterous, which you should check out. When you post to Posterous, you also post simultaneously to any other blog you set up on your Posterous account.

In other words, most if not all future posts you read on this blog (or any other of my blogs you might happen across) will have been sent here by way of Posterous.

As for why my blog disappeared, that's just the problem. I can guess, but I don't know. I was gone for awhile, removed, and then just as suddenly, I'm back. Who knows when or if it will happen again? Who cares, besides me. The point being, since I've discovered Posterous, I feel more secure. It's not likely every single blog I start will be taken down, is it?