Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So These Two Muslims Are In This Juice Bar

So these two practitioners of the religion of peace are in a hooka lounge enjoying a bowl of apple cinnamon…

One says to the other: “Fayaz, have you ever noticed that after having sex with a Western infidel woman, your eyes burn and your nose gets scratchy, and you get all teary-eyed?”

Rafiq: “Yes, I notice that too, all the time, why? What do you think that is?”

Fayaz: “I think it must be the pepper spray.”

Lara Logan probably wouldn't appreciate the whimsy of that little joke I lifted from the comments page of Debbie Schluessels blog, but what the hell.

I don't agree with Schluessel in the sense that Logan deserved it or asked for it, and I certainly take no sadistic pleasure that it happened to her, but on the other hand, it does reinforce what I've always known. These people are fucking animals. Bottom line. They also threatened Katie Couric, and beat up Anderson Cooper of CNN. But the rape of Logan, who might have been killed but for the intervention of some Arab women and some Egyptian soldiers, was the penultimate outbreak of hatred and rage yet against a western journalist. Logan is now in a hospital recovering and for now wants privacy, understandably so.

Here is a picture of Logan

And here is a picture of Logan immediately following her rape-

Oh, I'm sorry, this was not Logan, it was a Muslim woman who was purposely mutilated after she ran away from her family when they tried to force her into a marriage. This is an act that is sanctioned by Islamic law and you can probably count the number of times such crimes against women and girls have been prosecuted by even secular authorities on the fingers of one hand. The perpetrators are never looked down upon by their societies unless it is for having a wayward daughter for whom such punishment is deemed appropriate.

I could go on and on with such examples, some from right here in America, such as the case of the man who murdered his own daughter for being too westernized, or the cable television network owner who beheaded his wife after she sued him for divorce-again, here in America, like the Somalian man who murdered his wife and children in Louisville Kentucky once she also filed for divorce because he was a brutal ass hat.

And now a western journalist, a woman, has come face to face with a brutal example of Islamic tradition. And the worse part of it for the rest of us is, her employers, CBS, and the American political establishment-Republican as well as Democrat-will try to portray this as just an example of a fringe element of Islamic society, by no means representative of a majority, or even of a large minority.

And in a sense, they might be right. But the most important part will never be addressed, but will be avoided-the fact the it is representative of the misogyny which is an inherent and integral part of an Islamic culture which at worse, outright encourages acts such as this, and at best, turns a blind eye to them.

They have to turn a blind eye, though. They, especially the women, have been browbeaten from birth into acquiescence. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. But we should know better than to swallow the line of shit we've been spoon fed for decades, including by Republicans, that Islam is a religion of peace. We've had chance after chance, been given warning on top of warning. It's time now to eschew the political correctness and say howdy to reality.

Otherwise, the cultural and societal rape that our descendants will one day endure will be ongoing and permanent. And no one is going to step in to put a stop to it.