Friday, February 18, 2011

Kick Some Asses, Walker

UPDATE-Death threats against Governor Walker, and his administration, in the midst of a public outpouring of vile and hateful discourse.

Here's some of the highlights of Wisconsion Governor Scott Walker's Budget Repair Bill-

(1) Collective bargaining rights, except for salary, will be eliminated for 175,000 public employees;

(2) Any salary increase greater than inflation will have to be approved by a referendum;

(3) University of Wisconsin system employees will be denied the right to collectively bargain at all;

(4) Union dues will now be optional for state workers.

In other words, just to simplify, Wisconsin state employees are not beleaguered Egyptians being denied access to economic opportunity or any kind of hope, and despite all the crazy rhetoric, Scott Walker is not Hosni Mubarak. He's not even Hosni Lite. Granted, I wouldn't be surprised at this juncture if Iranian warships didn't end up in the Great Lakes, no doubt preparing to dock in Chicago, but Walker is simply an elected official who recognizes his state is broke. Guess what? He's going to do something about it.

And if the Green Bay Packers don't like it, well, that's just tough fucking shit, ain't it now?

Will Walker call out the National Guard in the face of threatened continued strikes? He says he will only if necessary, which it might well be. God I hope he doesn't back down. While he's at it, he should declare the fourteen Senate Democrats wanted fugitives and send somebody to track them down. I'd love to see those fuckers physically dragged into the state Senate just so they could watch in agony and frustration when the Senate Republicans vote for the bill. The next thing they should have to sit and watch is many of their House Democrat colleagues getting gerrymandered out of existence. Now that would call for some gourmet Reddenbacher.