Sunday, February 06, 2011

Doctor Gosnell And His Chamber of Whorers

The headline from Ace of Spades HQ says it best-"abortion should be safe, legal, and rarely used in a negative headline". You have yet to hear a report in the media about the latest undercover investigation by Breitbart in which a Planned Parenthood employee counseled an undercover journalist, disguised as a pimp, on the best way to handle potential problems with what he described as underage foreign sex slaves. But even that almost pales into significance compared to the story of the Philadelphia abortion doctor, Dr. Kermit Gosnell, that went above and beyond the call of duty in performing late term abortions. He induced labor, allowed the children to be fully born, whereupon he murdered them by cutting their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.

The case was so grotesque that he and nine of his employees have been indicted by the Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams-a Democrat-who is the first black DA in Philadelphia history. The vast majority of the doctor's clients and patients were in fact black, and he has been charged with the murder of seven newborn infants, and one woman who also died accidentally as the result of an abortion procedure.

No one in the media seems interested in this story, but that's no surprise. After all, they don't want to be seen as being on the side of the Pro-Life movement, so they have taken the stance they have criticized so many politicians for related to other scandals. They would prefer to cover it up, sweep it under the rug, just ignore the story and pretend it goes away. Otherwise, they might offend the Pro-choice lobby that makes up such a large percentage of their viewers. Also, it might outrage the far right to such an extent there could be riots, or threats to abortion clinics and other abortion providers.

Thus, it has been deemed, obviously, as non-newsworthy, even though DA Williams has stated that he might seek the death penalty.

So what does the left have to say about it? Oh, have no fear, they are truly outraged. Not at the story itself, but because somebody made the statement that Obama, as a black man, should be angry that so many innocent black babies were murdered in this manner.

That outraged the left so much they turned to their tried and true accusation against their opponents. Whoever suggested Obama should be angry at the story is RAAAAAAA-CCIIIIIISSSSSTT!!! This is a perfect example of how the left uses cries of racism as a diversionary tactic. Obama is a known supporter, from his days as Illinois State Senator, of the practice of allowing babies who were born in the aftermath of failed abortion attempts to die. He even co-authored the bill that would have made this a state law.

The dirty secret there, that the Right doesn't care to know, is that these infants are probably so grossly damaged by the procedure that they would have no chance for any quality of life if they were saved. So I tend to give Obama the benefit of the doubt on that one. But this case is vastly different. In the Gosnell matter, babies are born through induced labor, and then unceremoniously murdered.

Gosnell was reported for almost the entirety of his forty years of these practices, yet no one in authority ever did more than cursory investigations at best, even when it was told how he cut off the feet of the infants and kept them in jars, for "research" purposes, after discarding the infants bodies like so much garbage. All of this has been well-known but rarely spoken of save in hushed whispers, until a Grand Jury recently, finally, decided to take action.

The Left, for the most part, has nothing to say, and neither does the media. Unless that is they think these women had given birth to crickets.

I bring this up now, even though the story is actually a couple of weeks old by now, for the simple fact that I am always hearing from the left as to how the media is not partial to the left. Most of them even accuse the media of being conservative, if you can believe it. The only thing conservative about the mainstream media is their inclination to protect their own bottom line by not insulting their mostly liberal audience. After all, they are the only audience they have. Well, they and that undecided, mushy middle that make up the majority of so-called independents-you know, the ones they still manage to bullshit on a fairly regular basis.