Friday, October 30, 2009

You Will Never Escape

This is really such old news I have to wonder why I'm even talking about it, but I feel compelled to address to some extent the trends in some communities to ban scary costumes for school Halloween celebrations.

No vampires, werewolves, witches, zombies, or anything remotely suggestive of any kind of weapon, murder, or mayhem. I mean, you can make a case for rules such as discouraging costumes that play on racial or ethnic stereotypes, to a point, and I at least can certainly understand the desire to discourage pre-teen girls, or even fully teen girls for that matter, from dressing as sexy French maids.

Still, as is usually the case, the worry warts tend to take their good intentions way too far, and in some cases are offering suggestions that would limit costumes to historical figures (presumably only the more wholesome or allegedly positive ones) or, in a suggestion that has got to be fraught with the possibility of sarcastic irony-wholesome foods and snacks.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not so sure if I had a twelve or thirteen year old daughter that I would particularly like the idea of her going dressed in a costume that looks like something that people like to eat, regardless of whether or not the food item in question was wholesome and nutritious, any more than I would want her to dress as Britney Spears flashing her vagina.

Let's just have a day, just this one day a year, where kids can have fun and be themselves by escaping from themselves and their mundane lives for just a few hours. Is anybody really so feeble minded as to think that a kid that dresses up as Jason Voorhees is a potential mass murdering psychopath?

Or has Halloween school celebrations become just another avenue for the indoctrination and brainwashing of American schoolchildren to make them adhere to the preferred social attitudes, mores, role models, and lifestyles of the day?

Don't they deserve a break from the bullshit every now and then? Don't we all?