Sunday, March 22, 2009

Gateway Policy To Common Sense

Here's a riddle-Who stops to shake hands with a saluting soldier, derides the skills of Special Olympics bowlers on late night network television, mistakes windows for doors, bumps his head on helicopter doors, insults the Brit Prime Minister and is so mellow he gives the wrong speech during a meeting with an international leader just cos the other guy did?

Why that would be the same guy who has decided to relax national policy on medical marijuana, of course. Who else?
Happy Oestre indeed. Although this does make me wonder just what Michelle is planting in that White House garden, I have to say this is a good thing in my opinion. With this decision, the US becomes just a little bit less fascist, at least in regards to this Obama Administration policy. About high time too.

To celebrate, why not check out some Bad Obama Paintings? Or, maybe just smoke some pot. For medicinal purposes, of course.