Thursday, July 10, 2008

Don't Cry

She's not gone, she's just moved down to the bottom of the page. The one in her place is at least as hot anyway, at least in my opinion.

Other changes-

Sidebar rearranged. and two new links, plus an old one I want to draw your attention to.

The old one is Religion Clause, a blog by Milton Friedman, professor of law at Toledo University, that deals with the legal implications of religious matters. So frequently posted I have to wonder if he assigns the blog to his students for extra credit. I don't see how he could possibly find that much time to blog otherwise. However he does it, it's worth a look.

I recently found Scientific Blogging quite by accident when I noted an article listing on Technorati about Kumbachka tea. I probably haven't spelled it right, but it's a fermented tea with purported near miraculous health benefits. I've lost track of that particular article in this also frequently updated blog, but it covers a wide range of different scientific fields.

Finally, our friend Rufus and his associates from Grad Student Madness have started a new website called Another Sky Journal. He had to put it on hold due to a recent trip to France, but he is now in the process of reviving the effort. Check out the articles on Graz Austria in particular from Greg. I put this one on the Myth-Ing Links section. Rufus is trying to make it more like a magazine format, and I wish him luck.

I actually thought of trying to do the same thing once, and still do, but it took me days to just get around to changing the damn sidebar here around. I'm still wanting to add more good websites under more categories-like something dedicated to hedonism, for example, with this cool picture of a fat, drunken Bacchus. I might get around to it in a year or two.