Monday, July 28, 2008

Blue Pagans, Red Meat

A new blog by two pagans is called Blue Pagan, and it aims to chronicle the time leading up to and including the presence of these two pagan bloggers from Maine at this years Democratic National Convention in Denver, where they have been granted press credentials.

One of them is Rita Moran, a Maine bookstore owner who was outed and stalked by a conservative Christian group, and so determined to live openly as a pagan and Maine Democratic Party official. (I forget her exact title).

Ed Lachowicz is the other team member of the blog, and another Maine based Democratic Party activist.

I include this blog on my blogroll for the same reason I would include a "Red Pagan" (be that Republican or communist) blog if there were one-not out of support, but as a matter of presumed general interest.

My own personal agenda-not that I will ever have a snowball's chance in hell of ever seeing it become reality-is for all political parties to be outlawed and the government at the federal level limit itself to adhering to the powers granted it by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and otherwise keeping the fuck out of everybody's lives.

As for Ed and Rita, I would like to think they are going to use their press credentials in order to perform actual journalistic work, as opposed to devoting their time and talents to being Obama/Democratic Party cheerleaders. I am not hopeful.

Hey, Rita and Ed, I have a great idea for you. Why not stage a ritual where, after imbuing an American flag with personal power, on live television, you burn it in a ritual designed to release that energy in "positive" ways.

Don't explain what you are doing, though, as long-winded explanations tend to limit the effectiveness of ritual. Just do it, and wave those athames proudly in the air for all to see that you are proud Democratic Party Pagans.

Weather permitting, I'm going fishing on election day.


Frank Partisan said...

In Minneapolis for whatever reason, the Pagan community, overlaps with the BDSM community.

My neighborhood is so liberal, Republicans don't compete for office. We have 2 BDSM stores, across the street from each other, and a witchcraft store nearby.

Anonymous said...

Ed is hot

SecondComingOfBast said...

Ren-I don't understand why liberals are so taken with the Democratic Party, unless it's because they are the party of entitlement spending. That's the only thing I can see.

Republicans have written them off, not the other way around. It should be relatively easy for a real conservative to make headway among folks such as you describe, by simply advocating for lower taxes and for limited government, especially insofar as government intrusion in people's private lives.

The fact that that don't play well in your neighborhood tells me that most people there aren't liberal at all, they are simply advocates of government control of society. That's scary. Maybe they feel they need the government to protect their rights to live their lifestyle, and I guess opposition to things like the war could be part of it too, but I just can't comprehend an entire being dominated exclusively by one party and thinking they are going to get anything out of it other than lip service.

Frank Partisan said...

Historically the Dems represent liberalism, because of the failure of Herbert Hoover, and Roosevelt's New Deal.

SecondComingOfBast said...

Roosevelt was one of the truly great presidents. The downside of the New Deal was that it taught Democrats how to use social services and entitlement spending as a means of buying votes.