Saturday, January 28, 2006

A Hair Cutting Spell

I've devised a ritual for prosperity, actually I did so quite some time ago, but I haven't used it lately. I shall do so this Sunday night, to coincide with the New Moon. It involves the simple act of ritual hair cutting. As I am by no means a barber or hair stylist on anything of a skilled or professional level, this takes some time, and caution. On the other hand, when I do take my time, I can do quite well at it.

The first thing that you need, of course, is a sharp pair of scissors. It goes without saying of course that you need a mirror. Narturally, you need to ritually empower these two items, and you should do so by candlelight.

Then, after you ritually empower your scissors and mirror, you attune with your deities, and visualize your magical goal. In this case, as I said, it is prosperity. As you begin cutting your hair, you visualize yourself cutting away all the burdensome and defeatist attitudes that has hindered your progress, that is keeping you bound, and down. As you do this, you cut away.

Make certain that you collect all of your cut hair, gathering it into a paper bag. You can even ritually empower the bag, as a means of containing all the negative energy you have determined to, by this act, rid yourself of. Later, after you have released the circle in which you perform this ritual, you can take this outside, and dispose of it in whatever manner you feel most comfortable. You can bury it, you can burn it, or you can simply scatter it to the winds, visualizing it being taken out of your life, a burden no longer.

Of course, you should never lose sight of your ultimate goal, and that is the more postive visualization of yourself as gaining in prosperity, which you begin your ritual with. As you cut, as you visualize the negative energies fading, visualize at the same time positive forces entering your life and enhancing your road to prosperity.

Soon, the ritual cutting of hair will be completed. Don't be completely horrified by what you see here. Or by what you are now about to read. You see, as you cut your hair, by gazing into the mirror, you are to do so-by candlelight, the same candlelight by which you earlier blessed your ritual items, your scissors, your mirror, etc.

Bear in mind you can always do the appropriate touch ups later by more sufficent light. In the meantime, enjoy the experiment. Who knows, you may discover that you have a heretofore unknown talent here, ready to be nourished and evolve.

Now, in the days that follow, you are to no longer focus on the banishing aspects, but to concentrate more on the positive aspects of gaining in prosperity, in fertility, or whatever it is you wish to gain in. Every morning, or night, or both, or whenever through the day it is more comfortable to do so, simply visualize yourself as gaining these attributes as your hair grows. Also, visualize from time to time your desired outcome, visualizing your hair as having grown back to a certain length in conjunction with this attainmnet. It goes without saying, of course, that your goals should be reasonable ones, otherwise you are simply setting yourself up for future failure. So be realistic, but at the same time, have faith in the prospects of the most positive outcomes that are possible.

You can also follow up these rituals with the application of a magical facial mask, or the creation of a hair tonic to stimulate the growth of your hair, along with the attainment of your magical and/or spiritual goals.

At any rate, give it a try, and don't be afraid of messing up your hair. I would even go so far as to say dont' be afraid to really let loose, to be as relaxed and ritually attunned with the deities as you can possibly be. After all, it is really defeating the purposes to try to attempt this ritual if you are going to be all hung up about how you are going to look afterwards. To this end, it might be adviseable to spend a fairly large amount of time, at least a day or two, in preparing yourself psychically for this, perhaps even going so far as to perform a beginning ritual to rid you of whatever anxieties you might have concerning the possible outcomes as regards your appearrance. Like I said, whatever damage you do can be easily repaired.

Well, that's about it for now, if you try this ritual, be sure and let me know how it goes. Good luck.