Friday, July 29, 2005

The Recent London Terror Bonanza

I guess they finally got the guy by promising they wouldn't kill him as long as he behaved himself. Actually, I think he came to realize that they damned well were going to kill him if he didn't give up. The important thing, is they got him, and now comes the real truth about why it took so long. He was ashamed to come outside in his underwear. That's just the Muslim mind-set. That's why the Abu Ghraid prison photos were so scandalous to the Arab world. The very idea of a wicked American woman pointing and laughing at the penis of a godly Arab man. I am not being sarcastic either, I am being very serious. The Britsh, as well as American, authorities had better stop worrying about treating these fanatics with kid gloves and about the opinions of the far left with their absurd accussations of torture, and devise methods of dealing with these people. I propose you do the exact thing that seems to humiliate them so much. When guys like this are holed up and won't surrender, you can't take the chance that they might blow up an entire block just to satisfy the civil liberties crowd.Shoot gallons of urine and feces through the windows at them, and tell them there is more to come if they refuse to surrender. These guys aren't wrapped too damned tight, after all, it shouldn't take that damned much to crack them, but we have these idiots in our midst insisting we should play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules, on the grounds that we are "better than that". Speak for yourself, I'm not better than that, I want to win and I want this shit over with, and I want the fucks that want to kill us dead. Period.

We can start by not allowing anymore of these idiots in our repsective countries, just close the door to any further imigration, and whenever possible kick out the ones who are here that aren't American citizens. And keep a close eye on them. Of course,it's racist, some will say, but consider the following. The man that was arrested today, was a teacher of underprivileged children. He had even been interviewed on the BBC, not too long prior to this. No one would ever had imagined that he was a terrorist, or a terrorist sympathizer, as his mother was of such a good reputation, she had been invited to dinner at Buckingham Palace. A typical example of how a good citizen should live.

Of course, it is true that a good many Muslims have at last started to get the message, as just yesterday a delegation of Muslim clerics issued a proclamation declaring their renunciation of violence. All well and good, but it certainly was a long time coming, wasn't it now? Another good cop bad cop routine was how I saw the past Muslim actions. The bad Muslims bomb us, blows us up, chops off our heads with a dull blade on the Internet for all the world to see, and declares they will destroy us beause we are infidels. The good Muslims come along then and assure us that Islam is not really like this, we are a religion of peace. You should join us. Well, that didn't work, so now they have to step up to the plate and issue a Fatwa. Words. Empty, meaningless words. Until, that is, they are followed with actions. If they are sincere, fine, but let them demonstrate their sincerity by turning in anybody they may have reason to suspect is engaging in criminal activity. Instead of delivering proclamations for the benefit of the television cameras, how about a few sermons, a whole bunch of them, denouncing this violence you allegedly deplore so greatly.

And no, I dont hate all Muslims. I greatly respect and even appreciate the efforts of Mushariff in Pakistan, for example, who also just today, announced that all foreign students in the madrassas in his country will have to leave, with no exceptions. Mushariff has gotten the message. He wants to build a good life for the honest people of his country, and wants to encourage an actual civilized lifestyle. He finally figured out the Madrassas were a big drain on his nations reputation.

The same goes for Mubarrek in Egypt, after the recent terror attacks his country suffered, which affected a god many Muslims as well as tourists, he realizes that this will prove to be nothing but a massive drain on Egypts tourist industry, and will accomplish nothing else. As long as these kinds of people are being radicalized by their imams, and their madrassas, they will not be able to be controlled by anybody other than people like Mushariff and Mubarrek, men who know if they don't rule with an iron hand, they will end up getting their own throats slit.

And of course I would hope that most Muslims in this country are good, law-abiding people. But all too many of them are of the calibre of former University of Miami Professor Sami Al Aryan, who is now on trial for raising money for Hamas. He even went so far as to send a letter to a Kuwaiti legislator soliciting money for the families of suicide bombers in Palestine, in order for "this good work" to be enabled to continue.

That's the kind of mind-set we deal with here. The kind of mind that refers to the bombing of innocent children and elderly as an example of "good works".