Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Planet Pluto-Astronomy v Astrology

Hey, astronomers, yo, yeah you-


Yeah, I'm talking about the decision to declassify Pluto from it's status as planet to that of "dwarf planet". Evidently, size does matter. Well, not really. It seems the astronomers have a conumdrum. At least partly as an effort to distance themselves from what they like to think of as their crazy uncle up in the attic, they long ago denied that the perturbations observed years ago in the orbits of Neptune were caused by the tiny planet Pluto. This despite the fact that those perturbations lead to Plutos discovery in exactly the place it was predicted a planet would be discovered-this finally occurred in 1930.

Immediately, astronomers insisted there had to be a much larger planet out there somewhere that was responsible. Well, it's been seventy six years, and still no "Planet X". Just a bunch of smaller asteroids, most of them smaller than Pluto, some a little larger, and all of them way farther away than Pluto from the sun and from Neptune. This was dubbed the Keipper Belt. Nothing on the magnitude of a gas giant which Planet X was presumed to be.

Well, to astrology, size doesn't matter. Nothing matters but power, and measurable effect. Therefore, as the obvious effects of Pluto on Neptune lead to it's discovery in 1930, I propose that, from the perspective of the astrologer, Pluto should remain classified as a planet. Nuff said.

But, if you want to read more, the following post which I have reproduced through the magic of copy and paste from from a December 18 2005 post entitled "Pluto-Planet of Darkness And Magic", should suffice.

People who believe in astrology-not the hocus pocus newspaper kind that purports to predict life events to an impossible degree, but to those of us who use it as a form of divination,or a method of measuring the effects of the energies of the planets on the sun and earth (and therfore indirectly, through such things as the weather, on ourselves), need no longer concern ourselves with the views of the astronomer, who evidently have way too much time on their hands to be taken seriously on matters such as this.

So, without further ado, the original article follows which should explain the potential and power of Pluto-still the ninth planet of the solar system:
Pluto-World Of Darkness And Magic

Well, tonight may be a Full Moon to remember, for while the Sun is in oppossition to the Moon tonight, it is also in a nearly complete conjunction with the dark planet, Pluto (within just one degree). Should be a great night for magic, as Pluto is a planet of immense power, despite it's tiny size and great distance from the sun, and from us.

Most astronomers long ago decreed that Pluto is a fairly insignificant place, and I have always felt that this was a shot fired across the bridge of astrology, the quirky and somewhat disreputable cousin to astronomy. True, the tiny planet, the smallest one in our solar system, was discovered due to disruptions noted in the orbit of the giant planet Neptune-which is four times the size of earth. Neptune, it so happens, was discovered the same way, by disruptions in the orbits of it's nearest neighbor, Uranus, which is even larger than it.

So whatever this as yet discovered planet was that was causing this disruption in the orbit of Neptune was undoubtedly of considerable size itself, right?

Well, no, not really. Until recently Pluto was considered the second smallest planet in the solar system, slightly larger than Mercury, when it was first discovered around 1930. However, by the 1970's, it was ascertained that Pluto was even smaller than had previousy been believed. You see, up until this time, astronomers had not been looking at Pluto alone. They had been looking at Pluto alongside what turned out to be it's moon, (Charon it was later named, after the mythological ferryman to the Underworld of Hades, or Pluto, and Persephone).

As it happenned, so distant was Pluto, and so small, that the two worlds together created the illussion of being just one planet. Or was it a planet? Due to the peculiar eccentricities of it's orbit, many considered that Pluto may have at one time in the long ago past, been a comet. At any rate, it was certainly too small to have influenced in the slightest way the orbit of Neptune. There must have been something else that was respnsible for this. The inadverdant discovery of Pluto was simply-a coincidence.

Wel, it has been going on seventy-five years since the planet, or comet, was first discovered. Astronomers have perused the solar system, just recently discovering what is apparrently an even smaller planet, or perhaps a mere asteroid, which in an earlier post I nicknamed Minerva-yet this tiny little world is even farther from Neptune, and as if that weren't enough, it is orbiting the sun at a higher plane than all the other planets, which orbit on the same plane. So Minerva is not a sufficient explanation for the past disruptions in Neptunes orbit. Nor has anything else been discovered that can offer up a reasopnable explanation.

But the question remains-how can such a tiny little planet, perhaps no more than a third the size of the planet earth, have such a disruptive effect on a planet such as Neptune, which is four times earth's size. And the answer to that question may well be found in the planets little moon, Charon.

Consider-our moon is roughly one seventh the size of the earth, and has been said to have a great effect on the tides of the oceans, and possibly has an electromagnetic gravitational pull, and effect, beyond just this known fact. At one seventh our size, the moon does indeed seem to pack a powerful punch. Were it not for our moon, earth would not be the same, in fact, it is hard to envision just what it would be like.

Yet, no one has seemed to have noted that Charon, the planet of Pluto, is ONE-THIRD the size of Pluto. To illustrate, imagine if our moon were two and a half times the size it is now, what the effect on our planet might be. The disruptions in the atmosphere would be constant, no doubt. There would probably be constant earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes, and even constant volcanic eruptions. The constant energy release into the atmosphere would be staggerring, and doubltess this would have an extended and permanent effect on the gravitational pull of the earth itself.

The point is, what if this might not equally apply to the planet Pluto. It would depend, of course, on exactly what the overall make-up of the planet is to begin with. After all, there has to be something there in sufficient quantitiers to have any kind of effect, to begin with, right? Well, there can be two ways of inferring this, actually. To start out with, we go back once again to the disruptions in Neptunes orbits that lead to Plutos discovery. The other point of inference is the simple fact that, after all, Pluto is maintaining enough of a gravitational pull to support a moon one third it's own size to begin with. These two starting points are as good as any, and I would maintain that position until it is proven otherwise.

No one really knows for sure if Pluto is even cold or not, it is just assummed it is due to it's distance from the sun. It is said that Pluto is probably a small planet or former comet made up of frozen methane, for the most part, with possibly a small amount of frozen oxygen, ammonia, carbon, and maybe just a smidgen of water ice. But no one knows for sure. No one has ever had a probe close enough to know for sure even what the surface looks like, to my knowledge. Unless it is something fairly recent, there has been nothing done to establish even what the surface of the planet is like, let alone what it's interior is made up of.

Although I would hazard a guess that more than likely the planet is severely cold, it is possible that it could be warmer than currently thought, or at least could contain pockets of warmth. It could at least be hot in the interior.

My own mental image of the planet is that it might well be something very similar to Iceland, with constant eruptions of frozen geysers, though made up mostly of frozen methane. There could be fairly high mountaneous areas on the planet which could be the result of these constant eruptions. A beautiful place, yet dark, foreboding, even terrible.

But certainly powerful, and a conjunction with it is always something that is noteworthy, especially comig at a time of the Full Moon. When performing magic, it is always wise to take note of the various astrological aspects which might come into play, and those involving Pluto are certainly no exception.

I am not a believer in extraterrestrials, insofar as their purported presence on our own planet is concerned. However, this statement comes with a caveat. If there are extraterrestrials that have visited or are visitng us now, and those extraterrestrials do indeed come from some point within our own solar system-Pluto would be the most likely point of origin, for the reasons I have mentioned. Because of the power involved in this tiny and deceptive, seemingly insignificant, dark and assummedly cold little world, nothing can be taken for granted where it is concerned.

It's power, incidentally, has long been asserted by astrologers as being not only great, but disruptive, and potentially destructive. That would certainly be in keeping with the nature of my theories about the dark world. It's power has long been considered dark, in some cases sexual, in some cases aligned with death and destruction, and in some cases it is seen as catharthic.

Whatever the case, it is a power that should not be ignored, and, utilized properly, especially in conjunction with the magic inherent on any full moon night, such as tonight, it can certainly lend a beneficial edge to any magical working.

Of course, some might say, well, even if what you say is true, and Pluto does have enough power to influence Neptunes orbit, that is a far cry from being able to influence us here on earth, and especially the sun. I would remind you of the one scientific fact of which you should be aware. Any action causes an equal and corresponding reaction. In other words, the pull of the sun on the planet Pluto itself will of necessity cause an effect on the sun itself. And that will, of course, have an effect, if only a slight, imperceptible one, on us. Naturally, the heavier a weight that you pick up and carry, the greater effect on your muscles, right? It's the same principle. But even the carryng of a relatively light weight will have an effect. And so it is with the effect of the sun on Pluto, and vice versa, and inadverantly, on us.

No, it is not an effect that can be predicted, like in the absurdly ridculous newspaper horoscopes. It is not even an effect that can be measured. But it is an effect that is there, and it is an effect that, if you wish, you can utilize for your own, hopefully positive, benefits.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

JonBenet Ramsey-Truth And Lies

The first thing that lent so much credibility to the claims of John Mark Karr as regarding his supposed involvement in the sexual assault and murder of JonBenet Ramsey, was, well I guess it would be the fact that anybody would deem it appropriate or wise to confess to such a crime if they didn’t do it.

The second thing is the guys past history, to say nothing of his overal strangeness. He has gone through a string of teaching jobs, both in this country and a horde of foreign ones, including Thailand, none of which seems to have lasted more than a couple of weeks.

He was let go from some due to the fact that he was too strict. He was let go from others because he was too affectionate. Given his confessed sexual predilections, you would think he would have had to have read “Goldilocks And The Three Bears” at one time or another. Unfortunately, the lesson seems to have been lost on him. Yet, the nature of the man seems to cry out that, indeed, for his purposes, JonBenet was “just right”.

More so than his three sons, with whom he was overly strict and controlling, according to the words of his second now ex-wife, who divorced him after he was indicted for possession of internet child pornography, while living in the same California town from where Polly Klaas had been abducted and murdered-another case he was obsessed with, even to the point of communicating with the convicted Klaas killer.

He had also recently just lost yet another teaching job at the school here. I think this was one of the ones where he was “too affectionate”, though as with everything else in this bizzarre story, it’s hard to separate the facts of one case from those of the other.

Shortly afterwards, he left the coutnry, thus avoiding prosecution, after his wife seperated from him and then secured a restraining order to keep him away from their sons. He left, and seemingly never looked back, as he engaged on a trail of teaching jobs that took him to South and Central America, Africa, and Asia.

Somewhere along the line, he decided he wanted to get a sex change operation, and as of now has removed all his body hair as a first step. In the meantime, he engaged in a series of internet communications with Michael Tracey, a journalism professor at the University of Colorado, who has filmed documentaries about the case.

It was Tracey who became ever more convinced that Karr was not only one strange dude, he became convinced that he was a key player in the story of the life and death of JonBenet Ramsey, posibly the most important one of all.

The Colorado authorities thought so too, at first. However, strangely disconcerting information began to come out. Karr, according to his ex-wife, had been with her not only on the Christmas Day in question-in Alabama, no less-but had likewise been with her on every Christmas they had been together. Karr’s former father-in-law verifies this.

Karr also insists that he had drugged JonBenet and that, as if that were not enough, he had picked her up from school on the day-Christmas Day-of her death. Yet, according to the autopsy, no drugs or alcohol were found in her system, not even trace amounts, and of course there was no school on Christmas Day.

While insisting that he “loves” the child, he goes on to assert that her death was not a murder, but a horrible accident. A horrible accident, incidentally, in which the child was not only beaten over the head with what appears to have been a flashlight (though no murder weapon has turned up that would account for the contusions on her skull) but strangled with a garot fashioned makeshift from a cord tied around a broken paint brush handle that had belonged to the childs now dead mother Patsy.

He has to be lying. Or is he? There are other factors to consider.

The ransom note left behind at the scene ended with the words “Victory”, then on the final line what appears to be the signature “SBTC”.

According to a former clasmate of Carrs, he had signed her yearbook with the hope that he would in some far future find “multiple peace” and that he “shall be the conqueror”. It has also been noted that the first letters of the phrase in question was capitalized Though this is a strange declaration at any rate to put about ones own self on another persons yearbook, it may be more an indication of a strange and deluded mind, it’s connection to the Ramsey case no more than a bizarre coincidence.

If it were not, however, for one other thing. The Boulder police have stated that Carr has knowledge that was never released to the public concerning the state of the murdered girls body-something only the killer, or killers, would know. No word as of yet on exactly what that would be.

I wondered initially if it might have to do with drugs in her system. But I have seen the official autopsy report, and it has no mention of this, so that can not be it. What then is it? Perhaps more appropriately, how would this man, obviously deranged, have access to knowledge not availiable to the public at large.

There are only three explanations that make sense.

One, he could have gotten this from leaks from officials close to the investigation in the course of his obsessive compulsive study of the case.

The second possible explanation is that the Boulder police, the DA’s office, the Colorado governors staff, or someone else eager to write finis to this story, fed him the information surreptitously, in order to help him frame himself for the crime.

Both of these explanations need to be carefully looked into. Yet, there is a third that is at least as likely, and may even be more horrifying, more disturbing, in it’s implications. And that is-he might have actually got the information from the true killer or killers. Remember, this was a man who was indicted for the possession of internet child pornography. As such, it is not beyond the realm of feasibility that, at one time or another, probably following his indictment, he came into contact with someone, a fellow member of some pedophile internet ring, who told the truth of the story.

As horrible as that is to contemplate, the question still must be asked, well why would he take credit for it? And the answer to that may well be hidden deep inside the recesses of this mans diseased mind. Still, I think it is actually reasonably easy to answer-because he has become so divorced from reality, he actually truly believes himself to be the perpetrator. I have no doubt, and would certainly not be stunned, if upon being given a polygraph examination where he repeated his “confessions”, he would pass the test with flying colors.

If so, this could well be the result of years of fantasizing about the crime, of imagining himself in the situation of the killer, of wanting to run away with his beloved JonBenet, and of accidentally killing her. After all, he was a strict disciplinarian, according to some who know him as well as you could possibly know an individual such as this. Such a fantasy would play into his personality and character. Of course, afterward he would grieve for his unnecessarilly rough actions, which cost him a good many of his jobs, both of his wives (the first of whom was only thirteen when he married her while he was in his twenties), his three sons, all his friends and families, the respect of all who knew him, and now, JonBenet Ramsey.

I believe that JonBenet Ramsey has become like a goddess to him, a mediator if you will in order to attone for his past actions, like, the hard way.

There is yet another aspect to this-a much darker one. What if, while one night in the course of making his regular rounds on Internet porn sites, he happenned onto a site, a private, encrypted one, that it would take him months to gain approval to join.

After so long of being a member of this site, it paid off in a way he had never suspected. One night, he logged onto a link on the site that took him into the darkest depths of the vilest hell imaginable. He was transfixed by the site of the film on the link, and went back to it over and over again.

He probably never actually saw the men on the camera, though he saw glimpses of them, more shadows than substance, save maybe for a flash of arm and leg, possibly a huge hardened dick pointing in the direction of the little blonde haired girl that lay sleeping in a bed before she was suddenly grabbed up, a duct tape forcefully stretched around her mouth as her eyes stared wide in horror.

Perhaps the camera followed them on their journey to a darkened room in the farthest corner of a basement, as the man carried her with one or two fingers of one hand tightly clenched into the panties that yet covered her vagina while the other arm cradled her by her back.

Once down in the basement, perhaps the tape came off. Perhaps the man-or the boy-was demanding oral sex from her. Instead, she screamed. Loudly. Perhaps the sound was captured on film, perhaps it was silent, though the actions might well have been obvious. Not expecting this reaction, the girl was hit, forcefully, on the head. A little too forcefully.

Looking now at the fruits of their labors, the men then fashioned a garrot in order to finish the job, out of a cord and the first availiable implement they could find that was handy-a paint brush. Though this part might not have been filmed, the first unnecessarily and accidentally savage blow doubtless would have been.

In time, over the years, the men might now have realized what they had done-and more importantly, they realized what they had. A film that, over an encrypted child pornography site, might be worth a lot of money. And one that, maybe, just possibly, would be graphic enough to send a man with a mind already teeterring over the edge into psychosis spiralling down into the depths of a fantasy from which he might never recover.

I know it sounds almost too bizarre to be believed, but consider-it helps to explain as to why John Mark Carr would have such intimate knowledge of the details of the crime, yet in all likelihood had no true involvemnent in it. It explains other things as well. The piercing scream reported from a neighbor, yet which was reportedly unheard by the other family members. Which, accorrding to accoustic investigations of the house, makes sense. A scream coming from that part of the basement would not have been audible to the family asleep upstairs, yet would have been to those in close proximity on the outside.

And there is one other factor. Though one neighbor asserted that she had noticed that one light on the house, which was always left on, had been turned out that night, yet another interviewed neighbor in the course of an official interview attested to having noticed “strange lights” coming from the house.

The ransom note may have been a blind, meant to buy the perpetrator, or perpetrators, enough time to make a getaway and make sure they covered their tracks in various ways. It might have even been left beforehand, for pretty much the same purpose. Which if true would presuppose the intent to actually either kidnap the child, or to rape and murder her, maybe there at the home, maybe somewhere else.

All the movie references in the note does seem to suggest an action movie buff, who might have been the kind of person to make this kind of movie. They are out there. But that can be the subject of another post.

For now, though I hate to end this with a cliche', it does seem appropriate to note that, as they say, behind every lie there is at least a small grain of truth.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Prison Break-The Long Awaited Return

The best show currently on TV is back with a vengeance, and, for the next six weeks, you should be aware that one time you need not expect to see any new posts from me is from 8:00 p.m. to after 10:00 p.m. on Monday night. This is because Prison Break is now followed by a new serial adventure/mystery/drama called "Vanished". More on that at some later date.

When last we left Prison Break, at the end of season one, the motley crew of assorted felons had finally successfully broken out of Fox River Pentientiary, though one was captured and another was killed in the course of the escape. Still, eight are on the run.

1. Michael Scoffield- A structural engineer who, unknown to the authorities, had as an employee of an architectural firm designed the prison, and had on his body a tatoo that was a symbolic rendition of the prisons designs. He had arranged his own incarceration by "attempting" to rob a bank, in order to free his wrongfully convicted brother, on death row and due to be executed for the murder of Terrance Steadman, brother of the sittting Vice-President (now President due to her predecessors unfortunate "heart attack").

2. Lincoln Burrows - Michaels half-brother (the relationship was also initially unknown to the prison authorities) who was set up in an as yet to be unraveled conspiricy to take the blame for Steadmans murder. Come to find out, Steadman is actually still alive, and imprisoned in a mansion in Wyoming, where he was found by Veronica Donovan, Lincolns lawyer and ex-girlfriend, who has been working feverishly on the outside to prove his innocence.

3. Fernando Sucre'-Scoffields celmate through all of last season, a Puerto Rican madly in love with a woman who was, unknown to him, also the object of the affections of his own backstabbing cousin, who set him up to be caught in the middle of an armed robbery. Sucre' during last season had a falling out with Scoffield and temporarily had himself resassigned to another cell, but the rupture was healed over Michaels attempts to gauge his trustworthiness.

4. "Haywire" Potashik-Was for a brief period Scoffields cellmate, which made things very difficult. He was, as his nickname implies, crazy, and to make matters worse, due to a lesion on his brain, never sleeps. Also somewhat of a genius, he quicly figured out in limited detail the symbolic significance of Michaels tatoos. Michaed feined an assault by Haywire, whereupon the crazed con, imprisoned for sixty years for the second degree murder of his own parents, was sent to the psych area of the prison. Later, Michael prevailed upon Haywire to help him recall the part of the tatoo that had been inadverdently burned off. By this time, Haywire figured out the entirety of the tatoos meaning, and as the escape route went part of the way through the psych ward, managed to muscle in on the escape at the last minute. After the escape, the others managed to ditch him, whereupon he stole a bicycle and helmet from a young girl, and was last seen in the woods, riding down the road doing the classic "look ma no hands" maneuver.

5. John Abruzzi-The don of a Chicago area Mafia family and uneasy ally of Scoffields, whom the latter approached for aid by dangling the bait of Fibbonacci, the informer who had caused Abruzzi's life without parole sentence for murder and conspiracy and other related charges. Veronica Donovan, it turned out, had been Fibbonacis attorney, and Michael knew where he had been relocated in the federal witness protection program. In an unexpected plot development, Abruzzi had corrupted Veronica's partner on the outside, intending to kidnap Donovan and so force Scoffield to reveal the whereabouts of the informant. But Nick Savrin betrayed Abruzzis thugs at the end, which cost him his life, unknown to Veronica, as she made her way to Montana in search of Steadman.

6. Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell-In prison for life without parole for the kidnapping, rape, and murder of six teenage victims, the white supremacist gang leader and homosexually inclined predator had nothing to lose when, upon learning in the course of a riot which he had instigated of the tunnel in Scoffields cell, he blackmailed his way into the plot to escape. And, when he was warned by Abruzzi to back out or lose his life, he responded by slicing Abruzis throat. Abruzzi, temproarily overcome with a religous conviction due to the accidental murder of T-Bags cousin and his young son by an associate on the outside, temporarily let his guard down, but survived the incident. He returned to the prison some weeks later, itching for revenge. He got it at the end when, T-Bag having handcuffed himself to Scoffield during the course of their escape in order to protect himself from Abruzzis wrath, Abruzzi responded by cutting off Bagwells hand with an axe he found in a barn that had become a temporary hideout. Bagwell was then left on his own in the barn, and was last seen trudging through the woods on his own.

7. "Tweener"- "That Vanilla Ice Kid" as he was referred to by the one con caught in the escape when it was demanded that he reveal the name of his confederates, he as a thief had the extraordinary bad luck of stealing a series of baseball cards, one of which was very old and very valuable. Thus, the thief and pickpocket received a prison sentence for grand larceny, and was immediately the object of sexual harrassment by T-Bag. Michael warned T-Bag to leave him alone, wherupon the violent con relented. Tweener, however, was impressed upon by Brad Bellick, the corrupt Chief Prison Gurard,ever suspicous of Scoffield, to inform on the PI work crew. This lead to Bellicks temporary incapacitation and the death of one of the cons, Charles Westmorland (in reality, it turns out, famed skyjacker D. B. Cooper). Scoffield came to realize Tweeners betrayal, and after they escaped, told him he was on his own. When last seen, Tweener had hidden in a horse trailer stopped at a roadside construction crew, and soon was headed to St. Louis.

8. Benjamin "C-Note" Franklin-Having been discharged from the army while in Iraq, ostensibly for smuggling, in reality it was due to his reporting of an incident of torture of an Iraqi prisoner. On the outside, finding life difficult, he found work as a transporter of stolen merchandise, for which he received a prison sentence, though telling his wife and daughter he had been recalled to duty in Iraq. He was the go to man among the black cons at the prison, and Scoffield sought and received his aid in securing the drugs he needed to make him seem diabetic, thus gaining him regular lengthy acess to the prison infirmary, a key to the escape. C-Note, however, was suspicous, and when he determined that the PI crew was tunelling under the guard shack Westmoreland had sabotaged for that purpose, he demanded to be let in on the escape.

Tonights season premier took up where the last seasons finale ended, with the five cons running through the woods with Bellick and his guards in hot pursuit. However, a train afforded some cover, as they managed to barely make it to the other side of the tracks, thus holding up the pursuit.

It later becamse obvious that Michael and Lincoln would have a problem with the other cons. More than one of them had heard of Westmorelands dying words to Michael when he extracted a promise from Michael to visit his dauhter, hospitalized and dying of cancer. Westmoreland revealed that he had five million dollars stashed under a silo in Utah. C-Note, one of the cons who had heard this (Tweener and T-Bag were the others) reminded him in front of both Abruzzi and Sucre'. It was obvious they would be stuck with them for awhile.

Michael then revealed to Lincoln that the tatoos contained more than just the prison designs. They contained a map to various outside areas pivotal to their eventual escape to South America. One such plan involved a grave which contained money, and clothing, the last of which would be now availed of by all five of the cons.

They barely escaped from their newest nemesis, an FBI agent called in to head up the search for the escaped convicts, whom he called in a press conference the "eight most wanted men in America". He was on to the tatoos, and knew that the tatoos, which he would soon reproduce from the tatoo artist who had in painstaking detail applied Micaels design, were the key to not only the prison escape, but to their future plans.

Bellick as well is hot on their trail, and is doggedly detrmined to track them down.

As for T-Bag, he soon stumbled upon a camp site, which contained the one thing he was looking for-a cooler with ice, into which he put his severed hand, which he carried with him from the minute he left the barn on his own. He then secured the services of a veterinarian, whom he threatened in the harshest trms with the murder of his wife if he would not-without anesthesia-reattach the hand.

The other cons meanwhile had availed themselves of a stolen vehicle. While still in the woods, they were approached and questioned by a young girl, whom Abruzzi promptly grabbed up and held at gunpoint when her father appearred and threatened them with a shotgun. Though the others decried this tactic-after the fact, of course-they all still went uneasily down the road in the stolen vehicle.

But the real shocker came at the end, when Veronica Donovan, having confronted the still very much alive Terrance Steadman, found out that he was as much a victim of the conspiracy as Lincoln, and was adverse to crossing his sisters murderous conspiratorial designs on government power. He pulled a gun on her when she used her cell phone to call the police, but she refused to be moved from her course of action. After she called the police, and reported that Terrance Steadman was still alive and was a part of the plot to frame Lincoln Burrows for his own murder, along with the now President of The United States, she then called Lincoln Burrows, who now had a cellphone, which I assume was likewise extractd from the false grave.

When she found out the escape plot had been sucessful, she urged Lincoln to tun himself in. She now had proof that Steadman was still alive, that the President was in on the conspriacy to frame him, and the police were on their way, in fact, they had just puled up to the house, then entered the house. The last thing Lincoln heard was the cops orders to Steadman to back away from her, which he did. He then pointed the gun at Veronica, whose last words were "oh no" before a hail of bullets went crashing into her forehead and chest.

The entire town in which Steadman now lived, imprisoned in a house the doors of which can only be opened from the outside, and which has windows which are bullet proof and two inches thick, is on federal land, and policed by federal agents. As scenes of the dead and strangely smiling Veronica Donovan transformed into the federal agents carrying out what was evidently her hacked up body in garbage bags and placed in the trunk of a car, the scene changed to a horribly distraught Lincoln Burrows, being comforted by his borther Michael.

Televisions best adrenaline rush is on for another season, reportedly it's last. It was originally conceived as an eight part miniseries, then ran for the entirety of the season, and then was renewed for a second season. If tonights episode is a portent of things tocome, might we prevail on the executives of Fox to renew it yet again? Probably not. Some things just cry out for an eventual ending, and it's hard to see how many extensions of this theme can be rasonably justified. But, while it lasts, damn is it good.

As good as it is,though, last season required quite a bit of suspension of belief, and this season can be assurred of the same. The bit with T-Bag and his hand has already been decried by critics who had reviewed the season premier before hand (no pun intended) one pointing out that such an operation would not only require anesthesia, but micro-surgery aimed at enabling the healing of damaged nerves. But as T-Bag told the vet when informed that nobody could withstand such an operation, "I ain't nobody".

Still, for the coming season, our eight cons (no sign tonight of Tweener or Haywire) will find out the hard way, escape from prison is not exactly freedom. It's just not quite as claustrophobic.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sodom And Gomorrah Revisited

I’ve searched high and low for all the different links I could find pertaining to the discovery of the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, and ferretting out the truth is about as easy as, ironically, finding the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Not that my previous post called The Last Days Of Sodom And Gomorrah is innaccurate, far from it. A perusal of various different links reveals the facts of the discoveries. Where it seems to get tricky is in the matter of the interpretation. But this is easily explained.

By far the best site I have found so far is to be found at the web-site listed for the Bblical Archaeology Society. The only problem with it is that the article about it was written in-get this now-1980.

In a sense, that is almost ancient history itself. Still, because it is the best site, and because it is an excruciatingly long link, and because the little link box in Bloggers post editor can’t be pasted into from copied links, or mine can’t anyway, I have supplied this link as a title to this post title. Just click onto the title of this post and it will take you there.

Another good site, which contains a link to the Smitsonian, is to be found here at

Other links, such as here, verify the discovery, while pointing out that this is proof that the ancient cities were real, and, unbelievably, that the discoveries verify the Biblical account. Well, this is an easy enough claim to make, all you have to do is ignore, i.e. not mention, any of the evidence to the contrary.

Still others likwise verify the authenticity of the discovery, but also from a Christian perspective, in a negative way. These sites could not be the sites of the ancient cities because-get this, now-the timeline is improper. The cities were destroyed two hundred years before the Biblical cities, so Bab edh Dhra and Numeira can’t be Sodom and Gomorrah. As though the Biblical writers would never dream of playing around with the facts, or heaven forbid actually make shit up to suit their own purposes.

This one here describes the sites, but gives as the site of Sodom an entire different place in an entirely different area adjacent to the Dead Sea. Again, the writer of this article as well seems overly dependent, even addicted, to the Biblical account.

I guess by now you get the message. The only thing for which there seems to be any kind of agreement is that five different places were discovered that were at one time ancient cities, that they were destroyed around roughly 2300 BC, and that is pretty much it.

I will stick to my thesis, as shown in the original post on the subject, for the following reasons.

1. There were five of them, the exact same number given in the Biblical account.

2. Bab edh Dhra (Sodom) and Numeira (Gomorrah) at least were totally destroyed by an intense fire which was obviously profound in it’s intensity. (the others so far as I have been able to determine had not been excavated).

3. It fits the story as well as could be hoped for, in fact, better than any scholar would have dared to hope for.

So why is this story so little known? Well, let’s see now. Because it doesn’t fit the Biblical story, perhaps? Sure, I know I said it did, just now. But there are parts that don’t fit.

The largest of the cities, Bab edh Dhra (Sodom) had at most a population of a thousand, and maybe as little as four hundred people. Yet, this was the largest and most important, according to the Bible. It is also seemingly the largest of the discovered ruins.

Yet, this was a city that, along with the other four, according to the Bible, engaged in an armed rebellion against their overlord Cherdolaomer, the King of Babylon, and his allies, so it must have been huge, right?

Well, if you believe the Bible is the infallible word of God, you’d damned well better, by golly.

What seems to have actually happenned is as I said, at the time the stories were circulated a mythology was created to explain the barely visible ruins. To put it in laymans language, they made the shit up. There was a purpose to it, of course, but you have to wonder just how authentic it can be or how well it was believed by the perpetrators of the myth when they didn’t even bother to make up names for the places that would make sense as being descriptive of their founding, nature, character, or environment.

No one would found a city and call it Sodom, which means “Burndt”, or Gomorrah, which means “A Ruined Heap”.

And in the midst of researching these links I made another discovery, one that is just as unlikely. And that is, if I were the King of Sodom, and discovered that my name, Bera, meant “Son Of Evil”, I think I’d be a little like the “Boy Named Sue” of Johnny Cash hit song fame, I’d be wanting to kick my old mans ass. Unlike old Sue, I’d change my name.

So what happenned obviously is that the ancient Israelites took the old story of the destroyed cities and made a myth out of it in which, of course, their founding ancestors and their God played a vital, pivotal role. Nothing at all mysterious about it. It was slander on a grand scale, no doubt, of the true cities inhabitants. On the other hand, you have to look at all this in perspective. By the time these stories were circulated amongst the Israelites, the destruction of the cities, would have occurred-take a deep breath now-

No less than seven hundred years, at least, before the stories were told. Think about that. That would be like me finding the ruins of an old Indian settlement in Kentucky that had been destroyed in the year 1300 AD and, not having the slightest knowledge of the history of the settlement, the true nature of it’s destruction, or the character and culture of the people, to say nothing of having limited at best knowledge of archaeology or anthropology, etc, I devised a story to explain the catastrophe.

How acurrate could I possibly be? Therefore, how accurrate could the original purveyors of the myth of Sodom and Gomorrah have been?

So there you have what is in my opinion the answer to the question as to why this discovery isn’t so well known. These ruins affirm the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Then, they turn right around and demolish it.

Therefore, you have people that get excited over the discovery of a rock formation on a mountain in Iran that looks vaquely like a ship and are all too ready to gleefully jump the gun and declare the discovery of “Noah’s Arc” as proof of the literal truth of the Bible. But, as embarrassing as this is when the truth comes out, hey, it still doesn’t disprove the Bible, it just proves this particular find was a false alarm.

This, however, is not a false alarm. This, my friends, is a five alarm fire, and it burns to ashes any legtimacy as to claims for the literalist interpretation of the Bible. And that is all too appropriate in this case especially.

It is valid, historical proof, not of the Biblical accounts or their accurracy, but rather is proof of something more substantial-the cities of Bab edh Dhra and Numeira are one irrefutable snapshot in time, and are proof of the historical evolution of mythology and religion.

True scientists and archaeologists-people that actually love and revere the truth, in other words-can be forgiven for taking the opportunity to conduct their work in private, in peace, and away from the controversy of the glaring lights and accussations born of religious fanaticism. The religous fanatics, for their part, will be all too happy in this case to allow them to do so.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Republicans Crazy John McCain

I’ve probably got a few new assholes symbolically torn in my hide by now over at Vodka Pundit, where I’ve been engaged in the futile and thankless task of talking common sense and reason to a bunch of people that like to think of themselves as conservatives. To join in the fun, or just to stare at the blood, look fo ra post entitled (Way) Too Early Handicapping.

Most people of course know what the standard definition of a conservative is. They pride themselves on being fiscally responsible (remember now, I said the “standard” definition), and they believe in small, limited government, law and order, a strong national defense, low taxes, lessening of bureacracy, limited regulation of businesses, non interference in state matters where the powers of the federal government are not expressly defined, and a strict constructionist interpretation of the constitution.

In regards to social issues they also tend to be conservative (though not necessarily always). As such they tend to be “Pro-Life” (read Anti-Abortion).

Most of these standard definitions, by and large, if not all of them, perfectly fit Arizona Senior Senator John McCain. Had he lived in the forties and fifties, he might well have given Ohio Senator Robert Taft a run for his money for the title of “Mr. Republican”.

Listen to a conservative Republican of today refer to Senator McCain, and you would think he was referring to the spawn of Satan. When you think of the relatively new phrase RINO (Republican In Name Only), you think of John McCain. It is almost as though the term was invented for and inspired by him. I fact, I’m almost certain that to be the case.

These conservative Republicans are up in arms at the prospect of a McCain run for the Presidency of The United States under the Republican label. Just as John Kerry was swiftboated in the 2004 eection, some of the same players have now attempted to float a trial balloon to do the same to McCain. Suppossedly, there are rumours circulating to the effect that McCain, while a Prisoner Of War in Viet Nam, colluded with his captors. He may have broke under torture, or indeed may never have been truly tortured at all, despite what to them is the exxaggerated at best and totally made up at worse fiction of his incarceration during some five years or more of that conflict. In return for special treatment, including his own private, comfortable quarters, and a live in maid and sex kitten, he relinquished all kinds of vital information, pertaining to American tactics and strategy, and who knows what all else.

And of course we all know about the half breed mulatto baby he had by a black mistress which we all learned about during the course of the 2000 Republican primary contest in South Carolina.

Before I go on, I want to make it clear, I am not a supporter of Senator John McCain. As I said on Vodka Pundit, in exactly these words-he is too damned conservative for me. There are other things. I still have reservations about his integrity of the past, but this based solely and exclusively on his involvement in the nineteen eighties as a Freshamn Senator with the so-called Keating Five. He was one of the ones mired in this banking scandal, yet there was never enough evidence for him to be indicted, along with the older son of then Vice-President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Of course, you never hear this bandied about, though this scandal caused the crash of the Savings And Loan Industry, necessitating a massive federal bailout. You never hear it mentioned, of course, because it involved a member of the Bush family.

I also have reservations due to his concerns about the treatment of prisoners of war, which has been greatly exxaggerated, for the most part. He wants them treated according to the Geneva Convention. I feel this is giving them a status they do not deserve. It’s not that I think they should be painfully or brutally tortured, it’s just that I don’t think they should be recognized as legitimate armed combatants. I believe in coercive interrogation when it comes to them. McCain does not. That is an honest difference of opinion and is probably inspired by his own time in a Prisoner Of War camp.

Still, the man is a hero, and is deserving of respect, until such time as he does something, or something comes out about his past involvement with Keating, that proves otherwise.

So why do conservatives hate him so much? I think it has to do precisely with his integrity-not his lackof it. This is a man who has gone on record as excoriating the out of control spending exhibited by members of his own party, in addition to that of the Democrats. He has gone on record as being extremely critical of the culture of special interests and PACS that has pervaded Washington politics over the course of his career.

He has approached this issue on a non-partisan level in words, and on a bi-partisan level in deed, as witness his co-sponsorship with Wisconsin Senator Russ feingold of the Campaign Contributions Reform Bill. For all the bills faults-and they are legion-at least McCain did draw attntion to this problem, and in fact ran his campaign on it in 2000, touring the country by bus in what was billed as “The Straight Talk Express”. He won the New Hampshire Republican primary that year in an upset over George W. Bush, whose operatives took off the kid gloves afterwards. The rest is history. Relastions between Bush and McCain have been strained, barely cordial. McCain, like Lieberman, was a recipient of “The Kiss”.

Since then, McCain has towed the line, and as I said on Vodka Pundit, shame on him for that. Still, he knows, understands fully, that this is his one and only shot at receiving the Republican Party nomination, of not being swift boated or otherwise sabotaged by the powers that be, the movers and shakers of the party.

The Falwells, the Robertsons, the Dobsons.

The Limbaughs, the Hannitys, the Coulters.

The Bushes, the Cheneys, the Roves.

And all those shadowy operatives who lurk somewhere in the nether region through which they are all bound.

It makes you wonder if maybe McCain as a Prisoner Of War didn’t just possibly give out valuable war time information to the enemy.

Not during Viet Nam. During Keating.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Last Days Of Sodom And Gomorrah

Modern forensics can perform miracles, even on old bones that have been buried for more than four thusand years. In the preceeding picture, we see the reconstructed image of your typical, garden variety Somomite. Further scientific investigations around the area of the environs to the Southeast of The Dead Sea have gone so far as to provide not just tantalizing clues, but a great deal of verifiable evidence as to what actually happenned to the old, long destroyed “Cities Of The Plain”.

There were five of them altogether, Sodom being, according to tradition, the most important of the five. Next in stature seems to have been Gomorrah. All of them were burnt to cinders, with the sole exception of one called Zoar, the smallest of the five, which later seems to have become abandoned. In fact, the names are actually incorrect. The actual original name of Sodom was “Bab edh Dhra”. Sodom was given as the name of the city way after the fact, and is a name that tranlates simply as “Burndt”. The name of Gomorrah was actually “Numeira”. The name by which it has become known to us simply translates as “A Ruined Heap”.

So what exactly happenned? How did Bab edh Dhra become “Burndt”, and Numeira “A Ruined Heap”? The answer seems to have been a coming together of a series of unfortunate catclysmic natural events. There is a vast fault along the coast of Africa that now seperates it from the Arabian peninsula by way of the Red Sea. Evidently, there was at one time a great earthquake that opened up veins of great reserves of natural gas, which, being lighter than air, floated up into the upper atmosphere. Simultaneously, the event that triggerred this massive earthquake simultaneously caused the ruption of a great volcana, possibly the volcano of Thera off the coast of Greece, or possibly another one.

As the hot burning ashes made their way across the atmosphere, they eventually made their way to the skies over the five cities,whereupon the exposed and escaping natural gas condensed around the sulpheric ashes and embers, which then erupted into flames, of thousands of degrees farenheit, which then rained down mercilessly on Bad edh Dhra and Numeira.

Numeira is an interesting case. For, by the time the catastrophe occurred, the city had been abandoned. Whether this was in response to the first earthquake, or whether Numeira, which may have been an astrological observatory and so might have seen the raining sulfur before it approached the city, is unknown. It’s quite possible that the city was abandoned before any of these events, as it had become economically unfeasible as a community, due to the natural arridness of the region. Whatever the case, they left. Not one person within the environs of “Gommorrah” died as a result of the “fire from heaven”.

Sodom is a different story. There was indeed a city there that was for the time vastly huge. In fact, it contained some 200,000 to 250,000 people. All of them in tombs. Yes, Sodom seems to have been a necropolis. The gentleman at the top of the page was not a victim of the flames from heaven, it seems, but a mere corpse who had been buried well before this event.

The city that was determined to have existed in these environs and which indeed contained a living population, seems to have amounted to an amazingly low figure of from 400 to 1000 persons. Possibly an ancient world funeral cult and community. Those buried here, including our featured Sodomite, may then have been from any number of areas of the Canaanite lands.

There is also a question as to the time of the destruction. Using the Bible as a guide, the timeline would have been somewhere between 2000 to 2100 BC. Yet, according to scientific carbon dating and other such analysis, these cities seem to have been destroyed actually some two hundred years before this.

So what is going on here? It seems to me that the ancient Hapuru, the ancestors of the Hebrews-the Israelites-had heard tales of the cities destruction, and this became the germ of a myth. In ancient times, almost all cultures contained symbolic stories of evil cities, ruled by wicked and avaricous people. This is the case of Homers The Illiad, and is also the reason for the Battle of Kuruksetra which forms the backdrop to The Bhagavad Gita. So these stories fit this need of the Hapiru quite nicely. But there must have been a point to it.

Most people assume the Sodomites were destroyed because they were homosexuals, and though the Biblical account does imply this as a partial reason, there were others as well. Given interpretations incude everything from ritual prostitution, to beastiality, to arrogance and pure avarice. Human sacrifice was as well said to be the norm.

But mainly, their chief sin seems to have involved the crime of inhospitality, as witnessed the account of the Sodomites demands to have sexual relations with Lots visitors, who were two angels. Once you look at this, and all the other reasons, for the Sodomites destruction, and you look at it plainly in the context of the times in which the story was being circulated, it becomes all too crystal clear.

The Hapiru were engaged in a policy of genocide. They were suppossedly told by God that all the then present inhabitants of the land-the Canaanites-should be destroyed. Every single one of them. Every man, woman, and child. Even their cattle and livestock were to be destroyed in some cases, and even in some cases their gold and other valubles were to be destroyed. The reason for this is a subject for another post, but suffice it to say, for whatever reason, it amounted to a cultural and racial extinction on the scale of mass murder, one that would have made the Nazis envious in it’s scale and scope, and, in the long run, in it’s degree of success.

Of course, something this profound has to have with it something in the way of an explanation. The long destroyed and yet, at the time, barely visible remants of Bad edh Dhra and Numeira , provided the entirety of the reason. The Canaanites were, in every way, as bad, if not in some cases worse, than the preceeding cities of Sodom and Gommorrah. These were the people that God himself had destroyed, due to their sin and avarice. Now, the Hapiru, God’s chosen people, were being called on to conduct this holy war, this merciless slaughter, of the people of Canaan. And they must not fail. They must not faulter. It wasn’t a mere murderous venture. It was divine retribution, as vistied by God himself through the hands of his chosen people.

The Caananites did indeed share all the qulaities of the Sodomites, including, it is vital to realize, what has been interpreted as their chief sin, that of inhospitality. They probably despised the Hapiru. They didn’ tfit in with the remainder of the population, and were to be carefully watched, if possible destroyed. Whatever the truth of the Canaanites feelings about them, it was probably the truth as the ancient Israelites saw it. And the long forgotten Cities of The Plain provided not just an excuse, but an inspiration, to destroy the people that were in the way of their destiny.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Case Of Corporate Conspiracy

You just can't trust your employees these days. Being human, they might actually have a conscience. Some of them just can't be bribed, or threatened, and thankfully, a good many of them are familiar with the work of Chuck Hamel, an activist who has amassed a veritable treasure trove of documented treachery related to British Petroleums Prudhoe Bay oil pipeline operations.

Therefore, when BP announced it would have to suspend operaions on a substantial portion of the pipeline, it was quickly ascertained that this was the line that supplied eight percent of the country's domestic oil production.

400,000 barrels a day.

Hamel then responded quickly, letting it be known that the reason for the problems, the leaks, at this part of the pipeline, had everything to do with negligence on the part of the company. A kind of negligence that has been on-going for roughly eight years.

Simply put, they had been performing no maintenance whatsoever, and had even gone so far as to order maintenance operations suspended. This resulted in the build-up of bacterias which slowly yet consistently ate away at the line, corroding it, and eventually resulting in the leaks.

It gets worse. Acording to Hamel, one of the whistleblowers, a Robert Brian, had met with two Senators, who failed to follow up on his claims of company neglect. The Senators involved? Joe Lieberman and Bob Graham.

The Connecticutt Senate race just got a little nastier.

Nor does this tell the entire story. Gayle Norton was also informed, and nothing was done. According to Hamel, Britsh Petroleum has consistently lied to regulators and government officials, who routinely fail to follow up.

Now, we see the result. It is interesting to note that, since the story of what can only be described as evidence of BP's criminal neglect surfaced almost as quickly as the news of the failure of the pipeline itself, they have suddenly come out and said the problem, though substantial, is not as bad as initially feared. Very interesting indeed. I can't help but surmise that they initialy intended to shut down more of the pipeline than was necessary, but realized this would not be a good idea. Not good at all.

Such as another story told by Hamel, who was told by whistleblowers of a cover-up in 2003 that involved the disposal of more than 2000 gallons of toxic drilling mud and fluids through the ice. This of course was not the proper method of disposing of the material. But this act saved the company a lot of money.

And, according to the same whistleblowers as related through Hamel, this was pretty much the reasoning behind the lack of maintenance on the pipeline. It saved a lot of money.

Of copurse, companies never tell their employees everything, and they sure don't tell them anything more than they absolutely have to know. My feeling is, this wasn't about saving money.

This was about making money. It may have also been a form of domestic terrorism.

In 1998, when this policy was first begun, Clinton of course was President. and by the end of the year had been completey exonerated of the charges brought against him in his trial in the Senate following his impeachment. He was riding a crest of popularity and approval, and Al Gore, staunch and some would say rabid environmentalist, looked to be a sure bet to win the Democratic Party nomination for the year 2000, and seemed a safe bet to suceed Clinton to the office of the Presidency.

Al Gore of course was every energy executives worse nightmare. To the people who have advocated drilling in ANWAR, he was the reason for a lot of sleepless nights.

If the pipeine had to suddenly largely be shut down for extensive repairs, that would of course increase the pressure to drill in ANWAR and in other areas not favored by Democrats and liberals.
In the meantime, supply would not be up to meet demand, and so the prices, and thus the oil company profits, would rise. Therefore, oil company stocks would stay steady, and may even rise, to thus offset any negative influences of a potential Gore presidency.

Gore of coure was not elected, but the policy continued. Why not? Under Bush, and his Administration, including the Interior and Energy Departments, and the EPA, regulation became increasingly less stringent, even, by golly, downright friendly.

There were a couple of slaps on the wrist here and there, just for the sake of the technicality that these people are, of course, suppose to enforce the law. But for the most part, the energy industry has had a free hand for the last six years.

Strange how all those Republican tax breaks, with less and less in the way of regulatory enforcement, seems yet to not have trickled down to the rest of us. In fact, the oppossite is the case. There always seems to be a reason-an excuse, to increase the price of oil and gas. The ever increasing profits should, it is explained, be understood as the market forces at work. Those profits are best put into expansion and into research, blah, blah, blah.

This then was planned as yet another excuse to raise the price of gas and oil, thus increasing profits and so the price of industry stock.

Thank God, or the Goddess, or the Gods, or the Great Pumpkin, or whoever you want to thank, for activists like Chuck Hamel and the whistleblowers who depend on him. Or, perhaps more appropriately, just thank Chuck Hamel.

This is a criminal matter, and a national security matter. The industry, and all others that are vital to our national security, should be nationalized, or, failing that, offending companies such as BP should be confiscated and sold off to the highest qualified bidder.

Finally, all laws and regulations should be strictly enforced, in the most brutal way allowable by law.

The Republican and conservative ideals of a market economy are a string of fables based of deceptions and manipulations. It's time for the gravy train to come to an end.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Conspiracy And Strategery

A whole lot of planes blowing up in mid-flight, or maybe upon landing at their destination (which would conceivably have an even greater both immediate and long term impact, in addition to causing incalculably more damage and loss of life) sounds like one hell of a conspiracy to me.

Of course, there are some who cry foul. How convenient. Had the news been released a couple of days prior to the Connecticutt primary it would have been insisted it was done to help out Joe Lieberman-Bush’s Democratic butt-boy. But since this was not the case, I would imagine there are frenzied board meetings to try to ferret out exactly what happenned, in an attempt to spin, er, determine the truth.

Within a number of days, I expect word to circulate that it was intentionally timed to be released after Liebermans defeat, in order to help the ousted three term Democrat, a., siphon off enough votes to enable the Republican Schlessinger to win the newly vacant Connecticutt Senate seat, or b.) to insure a Lieberman victory as an independent, with no demands of loyalty to the Democratic Party.

And to really be clever, to make it look really good and authentic, the entire British government and Intelligence services were co-opted to play a pivotal role in the plot. The so-called “British Muslims of Pakistani descent” are probably innocent, ignorant dupes.

Why do I bother? I’ve tried ridicule. I’ve tried sarcasm. I’ve tried accussations of stupidity, and even duplicity. To no avail. People willingly believe this crap, and the people who promote it either believe it just as strongly or are purposely promoting what they know to be a wild-eyed falsehood for the purpose of crass political gain.

Why? Because to believe otherwise means you are loyal to George W. Bush. That is pretty much it in a nutshell. That is how simple-minded these people are. Any appeal to reason is going to be met with the response that you, in fact, are the deluded one. Okay. So maybe an appeal to reason might work a small miracle. I am going to work here on the assumption that, out of all the peoele that might one day read this, who are of an extremsit liberal mind-set, roughly ninety nine point ninety nine percent of them are not going to buy into it, and will for the most part think I am either a conservative shill who just is too ignorant to know any better, or a paid shill who only cares about profiting from the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice, etc. war machine.

Still, if I can only convince that meagre point zero one percent, I wil feel like I have accomplished something that will have made this post worth the time and effort. I can also find solace in the fact that my reasoning is such that it can not be disputed-although I am certain someone somewhere will forward me a link to a web-site that will contain the “proof” of the evidence of US government and Bush Administration collussion and involvement with the events of 9/11. After all, could it be in such a web-site if it weren’t true?

Well, on the grounds that you can’t necessarily believe everything you read on a web-site, no matter how well “documented” it is; and on the grounds that bullets will not bounce off Supermans hide, with or without exposure to Kryptonite; on the grounds that one out of every three government employees were not involved in the Kennedy assassination; and on the grounds that hundreds of thousands have people have not been at any time abducted by intergalactic aliens piloting UFOs;

I therefore present the following essay, an appeal to reason which I call:


For the purpose of making my point, I am going to pretend that I am George W. Bush. I have been presented with a plan that will insure my re-election, and in the meantime, before and after, I will be presented with the prospect of going down in history as the greatet President in the history of the country. My name will be up there with the great ones, the ones on Mount Rushmore. Hell, I could be the next one there. I will be so popular, so universally beloved, on a non-partisan level in this country, and internationally, that I will be able to accomplish the entirelty of my agenda. People will refer to my reign as the “Bush Americana”. The constitution will likely be repealed to enable me to run for a third term, and beyond, if I am so inclined.

All I have to do, is murder thousands of Americans, on American soil, and make it look like the work of a shadowy Islamo- Fascist terrorist organization, known as Al-Queda, which, I have been told, is actually a US funded psy-ops operation headed by a denizen of a wealthy Saudi family with whom my family has had a long business conection going back decades.

It’s the perfect plan. A group of disgruntled, Muslim fanatics that adhere to an extremist branch of Islam known as “Wahabism” hijack a bunch of American jets as soon as they take off, and they will fly these flying bombs of death and destruction straight into the heart of a heavily populated urban area. The resultant exlosion of the jet fuel, combined with the impact of the planes coming down at top speed, filled with said jet fuel, will kill thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, of American citizens.

I am wary of this plan. Aftr all, will I not take some blame for this, will it not be laid at my doorstep? No, I am told. After all, I have only been President for about eight months as of the tentative date set for this event-September 11th, 2001-so the blame can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the previous Democratic President, who held the office for the previous eight years, and did nothing substantial to reduce the terrorist threat that had been on-going and of increasing concern throughout the entirety of his presidency.

Okay, that sounds good to me. So, I set about with my Vice-President and some of the other Neo-Cons as we strategerize. What would be the best targets? For some reason, we are only limited to an ability to hijack four planes, so we had better make sure we make it count, with as much impact as possible. The more innocent Americans who are mercilessly slaughtered, the better. A number of potential targets are discussed-

  1. Disneyworld-Hell yeah. Let’s make sure it’s in the middle of the day, hell just think of all the tourists out milling around, riding rides and seeing all the sights, having the time of their lives with their little sons and daughters. The nation would be horrified and thrown into the depths of despair, followed by an immediate call for revenge. If we strike Disneyworld thousands would be killed, and thousands more mained for life. The whole nation would rally behind me just for that one strike. But, the more the merrier. We should have more than just one.

  1. The University Of Notre Dame- One of the most popular, respected univesities of America. The nation would be transfixed in horror, as the pride of our nation, the youthful students who are the promise of America’s brightest future prospects, are turned into victims of evil monsters who hate our freeddoms and are determined to destory our way of life. Damn, this is starting to get to be fun. What are some other potential targets?

  1. The Golden Gate Bridge-If possible, this one should occur during rush hour, a jet flying smack dab right into the middle of it. Even the radicals in San Francisco and Berkeley will be on my side then. When I am up for re-election, I might even be the first Republican to win that district in who knows how long, shit I don’t, I was never worth a fuck in history, or math either. I’ll damned sure win California, though. Fuck Reagan International Airport, it’s time for a name change.

  1. The United States Capitol Building-Yeah, I know the Republican Senators and Representatives will be killed as well. Tough shit! There will just be another round of elections, and in the meantime me and my Administration will have total control over the country, emergency powers that no one would dare defy me or begrudge me in the slightest way, not even the ACLU. After a few months, when we go ahead and have a new round of elections, a new batch of Republicans will once again make up the majority in both houses. I’ll see to that. I have Diebold.

Of course, the point should also be made that if Bush and the Neo-Cons were actually the ones behind 9/11, why stop at four planes? Why not nine or ten? Why were the terrorist stooges utilized for this operation not sufficiently armed to prevent their loosing control of one of the planes, resulting in it being crashed into a field in Pennsylvania?

Finally, why the Twin Towers? Why would Bush and Cheney purposely seek to destroy people who were, for the most part, probably their supporters? Why attack a part of America that would insure the possibly near total collpapse of vast sectors of the economy and thus make worthless stocks and bonds that they probably had vast sums of money invested in? And would do so in such a way that, insofar as they knew at the time, it might require decades for the economy to recover, if it ever completely did, while at the same time leaving the rest of America, for the most part, technically unscathed?

I understand of course that anybody,through supposition and theory, can offer plausible answers to these questions, or any others. Of course, then they need something in which they are sadly lacking-a little something called proof.

Unfortunately, these people are not the kind to let a little thing like lack of factual evidence stop them.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Joe Liebermans Concession Stand

Joe Lieberman lost his primary election by a landslide of somewhere it looks to be between three and four percentage points. I call that a landslide when you consider the incredible ground his victorious opponent, Ned Lamont, gained over the course of roughly three months. Thanks to the unwavering hostility towards Lieberman and enthusiastic support for Lamont by such leftist blogging establishments as The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and AmericaBlog-all three of which are included on the Blogroll, by the way-in addition to support from liberal figures and organizations such as Jim Deans “Democracy For America”, and, and Michael Moore, it was almost, in retrospect, an inevitability.

The anger, in some cases hatred, toward Lieberman, was intense, even visceral. Joe LIEberman. Joe Looserman. Joementum. Holy Joe. Nomentum.

Well, when you have to reassure your own party members that you are not the leader of the oppossition party, you know you might well be on the way out.

There were plenty of reasons for honest disatisfaction with Liebermans positions and record. For me, it was his support of the vile and evil bankruptcy bill that was mainly a Republican gift to the credit and banking industry. It was to my way of thinking a reward for predatory lending practices, and encouragement for more of the same. It was a hearty “fuck you” to all those who have amassed a mountain of debt, whether it be from carelessness, ignorance, intentional abuse, spendthrift immaturity, unforeseen circumstances beyond their control, and in not a few cases, through outright lies and deceptions by the industry. It made no difference to the supporters of this bill. It was a stop-gap measure, a band-aid solution to keep America’s plastic, credit based economy afloat for just a few more years, before it eventually, inevitably, crashes like a Joseph Lieberman campaign rally.

There were those who blamed him for supporting the war on terror, and who remembered he was one of the original sponsors of the Homeland Security Department, back when that newest cabinet department was previously oppossed by Bush, who then proceeded to hijack it and twist it to suit his own ends. Every abuse, real, potential, and imagined, that has been blamed on the agency, has been left at Liebermans doorstep, despite the fact that, in the final analysis, he had little-actually nothing-to do with how the new agency took shape and evolved.

Finally, of course, while there are other reasons, the main reason is his support for the Iraqi War, and his overall and bluntly stated support for the nation of Israel, which has been unwavering and unflinching. Of course his detractors point out his Jewish heritage and wonder just who he is loyal to, America or to Israel.

Finally, they call into question his loyalty to the Democratic Party, in the wake of his recent announcement to file a peition with the Connecticutt State Attorney General’s office to run for re-election as an Independent. There are people who spend hours on the Internet raging about this latest development. Before this, some seemed to spend all their waking moments on the subject. Now, they never sleep, it seems. The anger and hatred has turned into a manic frenzy, and has evolved to the point where this is considered as a warning to other Democrats who once supported the war in Iraq. Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, John Edwards-they’ve all been put on notice.

The defeat of Lieberman has been turned into a call to arms, a demand for complete Far Left Liberal Democratic orthodoxy-and woe be unto any that spout the heresy of compromise and bi-partisan cooperation.

Personally, I am sorry that Lieberman has decided to pursue this route, though I was one who had hoped he would rally back from behind and pull off a victory. But, he did not. Within five minutes of his announcement remarking of how he had phoned Ned Lamont to congratulate him on his victory, he went on to announce his plan to file the following day. He used a sports metaphor. Lamont is ahead, but the game itsn’t over, it’s only half time.

Lamont for his part called for an urge for a return to investment in America, for a fix to the current health care crisis, for a return to fiscal responsibility, and an end to the war. He sounded good, there was something even Kennedyesque about the speech. Provided he doesn’t later come out with the typical Far Leftist lunacy positions such as gun control, death penalty moratoriums, overly permissive immigration policies, and a few other things, I can support him, and will support him.

I’m afraid though that Liebermans third party candidacy might well be the factor that enables the Republican Schlesinger to emerge victorious. Though no one as of now gives him much of a chance, he is a relatively unknown quantity. You can bet the Republican Party will throw tons of money into his campaign, money Schlessinger would never have seen otherwise.

It would be ironic if the Republican party held on to control of the Seante by just this one Connecticutt Seante seat, due to the machinations of the Far Left, and their virulent hatred of any views contrary to theirs, and their dictatorial drive to dominate Democratic Party politics. Of course, they would blame it on Liebermans disloyalty and stubbornness in running as an independent and splitting the Democratic vote. But, though I don’t agree with his decision to run, I certainly understand his anger and frustration at the Far Left, and his desire to reign them in.

If Schlessinger wins, I am going to laugh my ass off at them. If Lamont wins, as a Democrat I will hope for and encourage the best. He might actually be the breath of fresh air the country needs. He might be of better character and higher quality than the nature of the origins of his candidacy might suggest.

If Liebermann wins, on the other hand, I won’t be the slightest bit upset. I certainly won't lose any sleep over it.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Paradise Lost

A lot of people are looking toward the island of Cuba in lustful, unbridled anticipation. They dream of sun drenched, sandy beeches, of margueritas and pina coladas, or brown skinned, lithe and muscular men. And women. And boys and girls.

Of extravagant dining and entertainment, music and laughter, and dancing. Of resort hotels and gambling casinos. Of billions and billions of dollars. They stare wistfully at their humidores, and dream of days gone by, and, for most of them, of days that never were. Merely legendary stories handed down now for going on four generations, and more, from aged lips and wizened old eyes that stare out from wrinkled, furrowed brows.

There are less and less of them. They, too, are dying out. But they still dream their dreams, and they smile outwardly at the thought of bygone glorys, of happy memories that seem ever more distant. Their memories might in some cases be faulty. But it was the dream that was important.

Inwardly, they rage.

Castro's days are numbered. For fifty years he has kept the island nation in the vise like grip of Stalinist Communism, and now death seems to be knocking at his door. No further word on his current state of health for some days now, and no appearrance by his brother Raoul, to whom he temporarily ceded the reins of power. Can he maintain Fidel's hold on power after Fidel is gone, or will the country fall apart? Will he be open to minor economic and social and political reforms, or will he ruthlessly crush any dissent, real or imagined, in order to establish the totality of his new reign?

Fidel has all but carried Cuba to hell in a centralized planned handbasket in which no entrepreneur or business interest is wiling to invest any degree of capital. Everything is a shade of it's once fromer glory. The hotels, the beaches, the hookers, the liquor, the casinos, all those things that made Havanna one of the vacation spots of the world. Even the cigars aren't as good as what they once were.

There is a technique to making fine Cuban cigars that amounted to a secret recipe jeaousy guarded by a few families-all long gone from the island. What remains, while yet of the highest quality, is said to pale in comparison.

When Fidel overthrew business friendly and yet brutally dictatorial strong man Fulgencio Batista in the late nineteen fifties, the life blood of the island, it's inviting party atmosphere economy, similarly went up in a puff of smoke. Batista was friendly to the Mafia that made billions of dollars on the island. While he was there, they operated freely. When he left, they had to follow, along with the wealthier families, what ones were able, their properties confiscated by the new state, which pledged to never again allow the poor people of Cuba to become downtrooden, oppressed, and abused for the pleasure of the wealthy elites.

The party was over.

So what happens next? If the brothers Castro days are numbered, then what awaits the island and it's inhabitants?

The great hotel chains are doubtless bursting at the seams to re-establish a foothold on the island, along with assorted criminal enterprises and their devotees. You can almost imagine them clearing a space on their travel itinerary. The gamblers, the beach addicts, the hookers, the pimps, the johns, the pedophiles, the drug cartels, the land speculators, and on down the line to the remaining bottom feeders.

Who knows how many hundreds of millions, no, make that tens of billions, has been privately earmarked for Cuban investment?

But, not so fast. The last laugh could indeed be Fidels. News of his demise may be greatly exxagerrated, if that day ever comes, and any indication by Raoul of a willingness to consider any economic reforms might well turn out to be the greatest April Fools joke of all So don't pour that money into the island just yet, wait for the autopsy.

Fidel will eventually die, of course (and at seventy five, can Raoul be far behind?), but it won't be that easy. Thanks to the American embargo of the island, America has no diplomatic presence there, as of roughly fifty years ago. In other words, we have not the teeniest, tiniest leverage with which to influence events.

And there are of course more communists on the island than merely the Castro brothers. And they will not go quietly. Eventually, of course, there stands to be a great deal of tension, hostility, and even all out Civil War. The few remaining original Cuban ex-patriots in mainly Florida, especially the Miami area, will see to it that communist opponnents are well endowed with arms and tons of moral support.

They will fan the flames of Civil War, and will expect the US government to put out the fire, which could well conceivably turn into an inferno. Of course, the Bush Administration denies any plans to invade Cuba.

But there is, of course, a lot of oil there, just off the coast-lots and lots of oil.

Naturally, there will be a new tidal wave of immigration from the island on the offset of hostilities. The way the law stands, all any Cuban has to do is reach American soil, set foot on the ground, and he is home free. Percentage wise, they will rival Mexico in the amount of immigrants, both legal and illegal. A great many of these, of course, will be common criminals in addition to organized crime cartel members, such as gun runners and dope smugglers.

When people like Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice insists that Cubans will be discouraged from coming here in mass numbers, and Cuban Americans will be discouraged from returning to Cuba to further inflame tensions and incite rebellion, of course she is talking out of her ass. She knows that there is precous little that can be done to prevent it, if they wanted to, which they do not.

All of this is speculation, of course, but in the event of a massive, bloody civil war on this island jewel just fifty miles off the coast of Florida, can we stay out of it? Of course we can't, and anybody that thinks otherwise is smoking something stronger than any cigar.

The best thing for the island would be for either Castro to survive, or for Raoul to take over, and for both of them or either of them to agree to some of those limited reforms and to dialoque with the US. But it takes two. There has to be somebody here willing to partake of a diplomatic stategy, even if it were for no other reason than to validly establish a presence, and thus an influence, on the island when that day does eventually come around.

A nice, thoughtful get well card, even if insincere, might work wonders. Elean Gonzales wished Fidel a speedy recovery, surely we can, if but with tonque firmly, and diplomatically, planted in cheek.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

An Intelligible Design

Very littlle has been said lately about the past Kansas Primary, but I think myself it is profound in it's implications. Kansas is as a state amongst the reddest of the red. Look at any detailed election map and I would guess you would see very little there in the way of blue, or even purple. You might see a slight shade in kansas City, and I am betting that is questionable.

Yet, in this last primary, Conservative Republicans went down to a stunning defeat for school board elections, seemingly based on their approval of new classroom standards that question the legitimacy of the theory of evolution.

Five seats were on the line, and in the end, it looks like at best, the anti-evolution conservatives will maintain a hold on only five of the ten seats. One exception to the state wide trend was the victory of Conservtive Republican John Bacon, yet this was made possible in part due to the fact that he had two Pro-Evolution opponnents who split their votes.

Even Conservative Democrats are in trouble. Janet Waugh, a Kansas City Democrat and supporter of the teaching of evolution in science classes, defeated a conservative Democratic opponent.

So, what does all this mean? Is this dissatisfaction with Republican Conservative policy limited to this one issue, or is it indicative of a larger trend?

Are Kansans becomming dissatisfied with the Republican Party in general, or just their overall position on social issues, or is it limited to mere anger at this one issue? This insistence on the discarding of evolution and teaching the creationist version known as Intelligent Design-not as a philosophical prospect in a comparative religion or social studies context-but as science.

Kansans might not believe that man descended from the apes, but they evidently don't appreciate their elected officials making asses out of them either.

1946-The Battle Of Athens

It was sixty years ago when corrupt officials, determined to continue the tradition of stuffing ballot boxes with pre-marked ballots in their favor, were faced with an uprising by an armed militia of World War II veterans determined to put an end to the practice.

The veterans surrunded the courthouse of Athens and, using parked cars as a barrier, engaged in a pitched gun battle with the corrupt city officials barricaded inside the building, while supporters of the veterans served them refreshments.

It was a surreal event, and seemed to take on almost a carnival type atmosphere. The city officials, nevertheless, held out for a long time, but eventually gave in when the veterans made use of dynamite. Following this, the ballot boxes were surendered and the veterans ensured the ballots were proper;y counted. Their candidates were declared the victors.

Now in their eighties, the survivors of this historical event recently celebrated this little known nor remembered occassion, which occurred sixty years ago in Athens-not Athen,s Greece, however, but in Athens, Tennessee.

Now, they bemoan the fact that voting for the primary this coming Tuesday is projected to be about 35%.

Said one witness to the event, "the lesson is that people ought to take voting a whole lot more seriously than they do and not let things get out of hand."

The link to the entire story is in the post title.