Friday, August 11, 2006

Conspiracy And Strategery

A whole lot of planes blowing up in mid-flight, or maybe upon landing at their destination (which would conceivably have an even greater both immediate and long term impact, in addition to causing incalculably more damage and loss of life) sounds like one hell of a conspiracy to me.

Of course, there are some who cry foul. How convenient. Had the news been released a couple of days prior to the Connecticutt primary it would have been insisted it was done to help out Joe Lieberman-Bush’s Democratic butt-boy. But since this was not the case, I would imagine there are frenzied board meetings to try to ferret out exactly what happenned, in an attempt to spin, er, determine the truth.

Within a number of days, I expect word to circulate that it was intentionally timed to be released after Liebermans defeat, in order to help the ousted three term Democrat, a., siphon off enough votes to enable the Republican Schlessinger to win the newly vacant Connecticutt Senate seat, or b.) to insure a Lieberman victory as an independent, with no demands of loyalty to the Democratic Party.

And to really be clever, to make it look really good and authentic, the entire British government and Intelligence services were co-opted to play a pivotal role in the plot. The so-called “British Muslims of Pakistani descent” are probably innocent, ignorant dupes.

Why do I bother? I’ve tried ridicule. I’ve tried sarcasm. I’ve tried accussations of stupidity, and even duplicity. To no avail. People willingly believe this crap, and the people who promote it either believe it just as strongly or are purposely promoting what they know to be a wild-eyed falsehood for the purpose of crass political gain.

Why? Because to believe otherwise means you are loyal to George W. Bush. That is pretty much it in a nutshell. That is how simple-minded these people are. Any appeal to reason is going to be met with the response that you, in fact, are the deluded one. Okay. So maybe an appeal to reason might work a small miracle. I am going to work here on the assumption that, out of all the peoele that might one day read this, who are of an extremsit liberal mind-set, roughly ninety nine point ninety nine percent of them are not going to buy into it, and will for the most part think I am either a conservative shill who just is too ignorant to know any better, or a paid shill who only cares about profiting from the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice, etc. war machine.

Still, if I can only convince that meagre point zero one percent, I wil feel like I have accomplished something that will have made this post worth the time and effort. I can also find solace in the fact that my reasoning is such that it can not be disputed-although I am certain someone somewhere will forward me a link to a web-site that will contain the “proof” of the evidence of US government and Bush Administration collussion and involvement with the events of 9/11. After all, could it be in such a web-site if it weren’t true?

Well, on the grounds that you can’t necessarily believe everything you read on a web-site, no matter how well “documented” it is; and on the grounds that bullets will not bounce off Supermans hide, with or without exposure to Kryptonite; on the grounds that one out of every three government employees were not involved in the Kennedy assassination; and on the grounds that hundreds of thousands have people have not been at any time abducted by intergalactic aliens piloting UFOs;

I therefore present the following essay, an appeal to reason which I call:


For the purpose of making my point, I am going to pretend that I am George W. Bush. I have been presented with a plan that will insure my re-election, and in the meantime, before and after, I will be presented with the prospect of going down in history as the greatet President in the history of the country. My name will be up there with the great ones, the ones on Mount Rushmore. Hell, I could be the next one there. I will be so popular, so universally beloved, on a non-partisan level in this country, and internationally, that I will be able to accomplish the entirelty of my agenda. People will refer to my reign as the “Bush Americana”. The constitution will likely be repealed to enable me to run for a third term, and beyond, if I am so inclined.

All I have to do, is murder thousands of Americans, on American soil, and make it look like the work of a shadowy Islamo- Fascist terrorist organization, known as Al-Queda, which, I have been told, is actually a US funded psy-ops operation headed by a denizen of a wealthy Saudi family with whom my family has had a long business conection going back decades.

It’s the perfect plan. A group of disgruntled, Muslim fanatics that adhere to an extremist branch of Islam known as “Wahabism” hijack a bunch of American jets as soon as they take off, and they will fly these flying bombs of death and destruction straight into the heart of a heavily populated urban area. The resultant exlosion of the jet fuel, combined with the impact of the planes coming down at top speed, filled with said jet fuel, will kill thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, of American citizens.

I am wary of this plan. Aftr all, will I not take some blame for this, will it not be laid at my doorstep? No, I am told. After all, I have only been President for about eight months as of the tentative date set for this event-September 11th, 2001-so the blame can be placed squarely on the shoulders of the previous Democratic President, who held the office for the previous eight years, and did nothing substantial to reduce the terrorist threat that had been on-going and of increasing concern throughout the entirety of his presidency.

Okay, that sounds good to me. So, I set about with my Vice-President and some of the other Neo-Cons as we strategerize. What would be the best targets? For some reason, we are only limited to an ability to hijack four planes, so we had better make sure we make it count, with as much impact as possible. The more innocent Americans who are mercilessly slaughtered, the better. A number of potential targets are discussed-

  1. Disneyworld-Hell yeah. Let’s make sure it’s in the middle of the day, hell just think of all the tourists out milling around, riding rides and seeing all the sights, having the time of their lives with their little sons and daughters. The nation would be horrified and thrown into the depths of despair, followed by an immediate call for revenge. If we strike Disneyworld thousands would be killed, and thousands more mained for life. The whole nation would rally behind me just for that one strike. But, the more the merrier. We should have more than just one.

  1. The University Of Notre Dame- One of the most popular, respected univesities of America. The nation would be transfixed in horror, as the pride of our nation, the youthful students who are the promise of America’s brightest future prospects, are turned into victims of evil monsters who hate our freeddoms and are determined to destory our way of life. Damn, this is starting to get to be fun. What are some other potential targets?

  1. The Golden Gate Bridge-If possible, this one should occur during rush hour, a jet flying smack dab right into the middle of it. Even the radicals in San Francisco and Berkeley will be on my side then. When I am up for re-election, I might even be the first Republican to win that district in who knows how long, shit I don’t, I was never worth a fuck in history, or math either. I’ll damned sure win California, though. Fuck Reagan International Airport, it’s time for a name change.

  1. The United States Capitol Building-Yeah, I know the Republican Senators and Representatives will be killed as well. Tough shit! There will just be another round of elections, and in the meantime me and my Administration will have total control over the country, emergency powers that no one would dare defy me or begrudge me in the slightest way, not even the ACLU. After a few months, when we go ahead and have a new round of elections, a new batch of Republicans will once again make up the majority in both houses. I’ll see to that. I have Diebold.

Of course, the point should also be made that if Bush and the Neo-Cons were actually the ones behind 9/11, why stop at four planes? Why not nine or ten? Why were the terrorist stooges utilized for this operation not sufficiently armed to prevent their loosing control of one of the planes, resulting in it being crashed into a field in Pennsylvania?

Finally, why the Twin Towers? Why would Bush and Cheney purposely seek to destroy people who were, for the most part, probably their supporters? Why attack a part of America that would insure the possibly near total collpapse of vast sectors of the economy and thus make worthless stocks and bonds that they probably had vast sums of money invested in? And would do so in such a way that, insofar as they knew at the time, it might require decades for the economy to recover, if it ever completely did, while at the same time leaving the rest of America, for the most part, technically unscathed?

I understand of course that anybody,through supposition and theory, can offer plausible answers to these questions, or any others. Of course, then they need something in which they are sadly lacking-a little something called proof.

Unfortunately, these people are not the kind to let a little thing like lack of factual evidence stop them.


Rufus said...

Right, I've called this 'Mulder's Razor': The tendency to answer any question by automatic appeal to a conspiracy theory. It's endemic these days. I think eventually political polls will just ask which conspiracy theory you believe.
"Are academics and journalists conspiring with terrorists to destroy America? Or is President Bush conspiring with oil companies to install global tyranny? Or is it all the fault of the Jews?"

SecondComingOfBast said...

Well, I do tend to believe in a conspiracy involving the Neo-Cons and international business interests, but that is something that you can see unfolding every day. I also tend to believe Kennedy was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy-just not one involving the government, in fact probably was limited to maybe five or six people.

Certainly, though, not a large cabal of government operatives acting in conjunction with foreign agents,the Maffia, etc, as if usually proposed.

A conspiracy theory doesn't necessarily have to be the result of a whack job engaged in delusional thining or psychoses. It does, however, need to be measured and evaluated by what can be demonstrably seen as some degree of factual evidence.

It doesn't have to be an open and shut case, hard core proof. It should though contain an appreciable amount of circumstantial evidence, and in addition should make some degree of sense, which this does not.

I always said I could accept the premise that people in government might have had some awareness that some kind of attack was imminent, and instead of working overtime to prevent the disaster, sat back and did nothing with the aim of utilizing it for their own particular advantage after the fact.

But to surmise from this that they plotted, choreographed and stage managed the entire thing goes way beyond the realms of feasibility and rationality.