Friday, March 11, 2011
The Specter Of A Palestinian State Born In A State Of War
It is understandable that Palestinian supporters are of the hopes that the fledgling new governments of the Middle East will give them greater support, or at the very least not actively or covertly hinder them or the support of their citizens. But they may have overlooked the Palestinians greatest supporter thus far-President Barak Obama.
According to Caroline Glick, there is a diplomatic push recently to pressure Israeli Prime Minsiter Benyamin Netanyahu to grant further concessions to the Palestinians, which like all others would not be reciprocated, nor would any reciprocation be required. And how is the Obama Administration and State Department going about this? Glick claims they have threatened to name an international group to be the main arbiters of the final decision toward recognizing Palestinian statehood. This group includes the US, but also includes Russia, the EU, and the UN.
According to this scenario, the Palestinian state would be granted all of their current demands, which includes, but is not limited to, control over all of Judea and Samaria, as well as all of Northern, Southern, and Eastern Jerusalem. Glick makes the further point that such a declaration and recognition of Palestinian statehood would, by its nature, amount to a state automatically at war with Israel, and that any further counter-terrorist activities by the Israelis on the soil of this newborn Palestinian state would constitute an act of war by definition.
Glick claims that Netanyahu is also facing internal pressure to make these concessions to the Palestinians in order to hopefully forestall such international action, but maintains that such a move would be at best shortsighted, and advises that Netanyahu would be better advised to forthrightly oppose any such move by Obama and the international community, and to do so by appealing for help to the US Congress.
I agree, and would further advise Netanyahu to make it clear that such an action is likely to result in a bloodbath for one side or the other, and that he does not intend to take anything like this lying down. The Israelis have a strong plurality of American public opinion on their side, and probably an outright majority, and Obama knows this very well. Netanyahu would be well advised to appeal to this support while he still has that option. It might not be there forever.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
What Hast The Obamassiah Wrought
Those who are opponents of Obama are unlikely to be impressed. For example, at least four of Obama's listed accomplishments are aspects of The Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare. The site is obviously geared to reach those who are already Obama supporters, but who might not be aware of the extent of his many so-called "accomplishments".
Ironically, much of the site could easily be utilized by the anti-Obama forces as easily as by his supporters. It also has a link to a more family friendly version, "What the heck has Obama done so far".
I'll say this much. He's done quite enough, as far as I'm concerned. So much, in fact, I think he is very deserving of an early retirement package by the time of, oh I don't, maybe the end of next year.
The Most Evil Man In History
According to Dixonverse,Marvel Comics in the pages of its Ultimate Captain America series has decided the most evil man in history is-Richard Nixon. How did this revelation come about? Well, it seems that Captain America, sometime during World War II, due to some time travel anomaly, meets his nineteen sixties counterpart, who takes the earlier version hostage. The nineteen sixties Cap then regales his past self with what he knows to be the future history of the US, where Kent State demonstrators were murdered-shot in the back, during the Nixon era. Nineteen sixties Cap, you see, is having a hard time coming to grips with what the US has become in his time, and evidently he thinks that by telling all this now to his past self-which is of course himself-then he, meaning he in the nineteen sixties, will be better prepared, psychologically and emotionally, to deal with the gut-wrenching disappointment over how his beloved America has gotten away from its core values of freedom, justice, and fairness.
So what, you say? It's only a comic book, right?
Well, let's remember just what character we're talking about. Captain America originated just prior to the entry of the US into World War II. Even then, before our entry into the war, Cap's main foes were Nazi spies and saboteurs. In fact, the cover artwork of the very first issue of Captain America featured Cap punching none other than-Adolf Hitler, at that time considered by many the most evil man in world history.
In later years, that would be a sentiment shared by the majority of folks in not just America, but the world, as Cap himself entered World War II along with the US, fighting such notable Nazi foes as the Red Skull.
After the war ended, Cap's popularity waned, and so after a couple of futile attempts to revamp the character for the post war era (once during the Korean War, where he also fought a now communist Red Skull), the character was dropped.
Once superhero comics became popular once more, Marvel successfully revived Captain America, ignoring for the time being the post war adventures and saying he had been frozen in an ice glacier after a battle with the evil Baron Zemo, during which his teen sidekick Bucky was killed (many years later he too was revived as the Winter Soldier).
After his revival, and his successful reintegration in the silver age of Marvel Comics, he joined and eventually became the leader of the Avengers, while also carrying his own title, during which he continued his battles with the Red Skull, who also had fallen for a period into suspended animation, and who upon his revival wanted to take up where he left off in bringing about the Nazi dream of world domination.
To Captain America, the Nazis represented the most vile evil the world had ever conceived or produced.
Now, he is in the pages of Ultimate Captain America, learning through his future self that the evil of Hitler paled beside that of Richard Milhous Nixon, 37th President of the United States, and of course a Republican.
This is the most insidious attempt at leftist indoctrination of childtren I have ever heard of, I do believe, and I've known of some doozies. I hate to say it, but I think parents would be well advised from here on out not only to monitor what their kids are taught in school, but to censor what they watch and read in their spare leisure time as well.
Marvel and DC have both always had a leftist slant to the material, but this is just so over the top, it makes you wonder if the left hasn't gone completely over the edge into sheer raging, rabid insanity.
I wonder what's next on the list. George W. Bush as the new Green Goblin? Glenn Beck taking over the mantle of the new Red Skull? Or maybe a zombie Ronald Reagan clawing his way out of the grave driven by the urge to eat the brains of the innocent?
It's almost too depressing to make light of, but what are you gonna do?
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Brokeback Government
Granted, you could fund a thousand of these things every year, ten thousand even, and it would still amount to a minuscule portion of the federal budget. The total money would not even amount to ten percent of one percent. But the point is, this is a signpost of government involvement in all areas of our life. It has become an obtrusive part of the national culture, and it, like so much else, needs to end. If things like this can't survive without infusion of taxpayer funds from the federal government, then the harsh truth is, they have no intrinsic value that would validate their continued existence.
Go to a fucking rodeo if you want to appreciate cowboy culture. End of Update.
In a year of trillion dollar deficits, and more down the line as far as the eye can see, and an accumulated National Debt of fourteen trillion dollars and growing, what does Senate Majority Leader Democrat Harry Reid insist the government should keep funding?
The Cowbody Poetry Festival
Because, you know, nobody would come to see this thing if all it had to depend on for the funding were the area businesses that benefit from the tourism.
Monday, March 07, 2011
Leftist Indoctrination Of-The Girl Scouts
Here is a page from a pamphlet put out by Planned Parenthood, and distributed at a special UN forum to-wait for it-The Girl Scouts.
According to this pamphlet, which was presented to representatives from the Scouts at a "No Adults Allowed" forum, it is the right of anyone with HIV to decide when, if ever, to reveal whether or not they are infected with HIV, including to their own sexual partners. After all, if you tell your partner, there's a pretty good chance he or she might, well, end the relationship. And everybody, including the Girl Scouts, whether or not they have HIV, has a right to a healthy, fulfilling sex life. If your parents don't like it, tough on them. Just use protection and if you get pregnant, find another adult who can help you procure an abortion, in the event your backwards thinking parents don't want you to have one.In the meantime, there are many more ways than the traditional one of gaining sexual fulfillment. There is oral sex, for example.
This should come as no surprise to anyone. The Girl Scouts have, as an organization, become a hotbed of radical feminism and leftist political indoctrination for now going on thirty years, if not well before then.
Unlike the Boy Scouts, who mean what they say when they say "be prepared", the Girl Scouts have long held their doors open to all manner of leftist influences, and its easy to see why. It has been a tradition for some time now that the First Lady is automatically a Girl Scout leader.
That means Michelle Obama is a special Girl Scout Troop leader, just like Hillary Clinton was when she was First Lady.
And before you laugh that off, ask yourself, just why is it such a matter of controversy to the left that they just can't seem to get a foothold into the Boy Scouts of America? If you are tempted to think the Girl Scouts isn't such a big deal, then why is the Boy Scouts as an organization so important to the Left?
And now this, the UN and Planned Parenthood, working in collussion to influence more young people, this time through the auspices of the Girl Scouts.
And in the meantime, Barak Obama has promised to veto any funding bill that deprives Planned Parenthood of federal funds, despite the fact that we are, as of now, operating on upwards of a trillion dollar deficit, with similar deficits projected far into the future. Just another example of how Obama, and the Democrats in general, are a wholly owned subsidiary of what amounts to an incorporated American Left.
Just remember if you buy Girl Scout Cookies, you should wonder who you are really helping, and what.
Sunday, March 06, 2011
Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
SELF STORAGE from Peter O'Brien on Vimeo.
Friday, March 04, 2011
Eat That Poo-Poo
H/T Natasha Leggero.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
The Red Skull
Entertainment Weekly has a new photo up of Hugo Weaving as The Red Skull in the up-coming movie Captain America-The First Avenger. Here it is-
Pretty impressive. I'm always disappointed in the superhero movies I;ve seen, but I have to admit from what little I know about this one, it looks good. On the other hand, I said the same thing about The Dark Knight and Iron Man, and in both cases I was greatly underwhelmed (notwithstanding Heath Ledger's brilliant portrayal of The Joker in The Dark Knight).The Red Skull is the penultimate Marvel bad guy. Where Stever Rogers was transformed by the super soldier serum into a representative of all that was great about America, Johann Schmidt was transformed into the living symbol of Nazi Germany.
In other words, evil incarnate. Sort of like a Democrat, but more stylish.
Obama And Americans Must Embrace Islam And Shariah-Or Else!
You just can't make this stuff up, you can only wish somebody else had.
The British radical Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary said on Sunday that U.S. President Barack Obama must embrace Islam as a way of life or face the consequences of a trial under the Shariah Islamic court system.
Choudary, who spoke with investigative reporter Aaron Klein during his radio program on New York’s WABC Radio, claimed during the interview that Obama is waging a war against Islam.
So this peace of shit is going to demonstrate in front of the White House today, and call for Obama, and for all of us, to convert to Islam and adhere to Shariah Law-or else!
Bear in mind, we aren't talking about just any old lunatic with some axe to grin. We are talking about the man who is responsible for the following video, courtesy of Hillbuzz-
Not everyone is down with this nonsense. At least one US Congressman, Myrick, wants to ban him from the US, but evidently that's not going to happen. Why not? We have people listed on terrorist watch lists who aren't allowed to enter the country. Why should this guy be allowed to come here and spread his filth?
It might not be a total loss, though. Thnakfully, Pastor Terry "Burn The Koran" Jones from Gainesville Florida is also planning to be on hand to lead a counter-protest, and hopefully provide some much-needed comic relief.
Muslim Brotherhood To The Western Left-Your Services Are No Longer Needed Or Desired!
I have no idea why more people aren't talking about this, but the world would do well to heed the warning of Israeli journalist Caroline Glick.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
The Union Label
In the video below, a group of union thugs outside the Madison Wisconsin statehouse chase GOP legislator Glenn Grothman until they have him trapped. If it had not been for the intervention of Brett Hulsey, a Democrat, who knows what would have happened? Grothman may have been seriously injured, or possibly even killed. This crowd was obviously out for blood, but Hulsey, to his credit, and at obvious risk to himself, eventually got the crowd under control, possibly only because he was wearing a clearly identifiable orange union t-shirt.
Michelle Malkin has as good a rundown of events, complete with screen shots of some of the union protesters, as you will find anywhere, but I have to question her identification of Hulsey as a "Democratic State Senator". Aren't they supposed to be in hiding in Illinois someplace? I'm guessing Hulsey is probably a fellow state representative of Grothman, who he tells the crowd is his friend.
Whatever the case, I think its time now to put to rest the lie that Democrats and their supporters are all about having positive discussions based on civility and respect, though it is good to know that there are a few Democrats here and there that try to live up to the bullshit. Unfortunately, there are also those such as Rep. Gordon Hintz who shouted "You're dead" at colleague Michelle Litjens, a Republican representative. I'm afraid that when push comes to shove, they are the majority. But numbers, while important, don't tell the whole story. All it takes is a relative handful, or worse, a large minority, to do serious damage to life and limb, to say nothing of property.
Sooner or later, I'm afraid its going to get really ugly, and if somebody injures of kills one or more of these union thugs in self-defense, I think its a pretty safe bet who will get the blame in the mainstream media. If they injure somebody, on the other hand, you might not hear that much about it, if anything. Mark my words, its coming. Its almost like fate in the current atmosphere, and if not in Madison, then in Columbus, or Indianapolis, or Cleveland.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Sheen versus Qaddafi-Who Said What?
Sheen versus Qaddafi
Teddy, That Liberal Lion
Something strange happened in 1961 that has just come to light involving late Massachusetts Democratic Senator Edward Moore Kennedy, something that has created a lot of buzz over the last few days, yet also something that seems to be in keeping with Kennedy's character, such as it was. On a trip to Latin America in that year, he rented a brothel, for an entire night, and also tried to meet with various regional leftists. His explanation for this latter action, or perhaps a better word might be excuse, was that it was his intention to "find out how these people think".
There is as of yet no discernible reason given for his renting of the brothel, aside from the obvious, so let's assume that just speaks for itself.
I find it telling that Kennedy's associations with Latin leftists seems to have made such a mark on him, to the point that he seems to have come around to their way of thinking. The most oft-cited incident during this period revolves around the Chilean Embassy, where officials refused to take part in any such meetings or to invite any of the Chilean leftists of note.
It's also worth pointing out that the most important leftist politician during this time in Chile was Salvadore Allende, who in twelve years would go on to lose his life as a result of a coup, allegedly forumulated by the CIA under President Richard Nixon.
But during 1961, he was not yet the Chilean President, but the most important opposition leader against Chile's then very conservative government.
It also bears mentioning that 1961 was the year that Kennedy's brother, President John F. Kennedy, had first initiated what would eventually prove to be one of his biggest long-term failures, the so-called Alliance For Progress, which might be best described as an intiatiative for instituting reforms in Latin American countries meant to benefit the working class and poor. In return for instituting these reforms, Kennedy's new organization promised a total of twenty billion dollars in low interest, in some cases zero interest loans.
The program pleased almost no one. To the leftists, it didn't go nearly far enough. To those on the right, it went way too far. And Chile, as I mentioned, had at the time a conservative government, and their supporters were in staunch opposition to the new policy, which was really meant as a way of stemming the tide of communist encroachment while guaranteeing American access to vital raw materials. In the case of Chile, for example, the main concern would be access to the vast natural resources of the desert north, especially copper.
But the main reason the program ultimately failed was that it accomplished nothing of lasting value for the people of Latin America, or for infrastructure and business development, that was commensurate with the loan obligations entailed by the program. Some might feel Kennedy was there in an attempt to gain support for the program, but it seems unlikely that his brother would have entrusted him with such a mission. I personally believe Ted Kennedy was playing James Bond, but that's just my opinion. This was before he gained his Senate seat, which happened in 1962. At this time, he was an Assistant District Attorney for Norfolk County, an obvious political appointment.
He would go on to a long career in the Senate, and notably had many close encounters in the realm of international subterfuge and betrayal involving contacts with the Soviet hierarchy, in the seventies and eighties. One notable case involved his collussion with the Soviets against the military and foreign policies of President Reagan. He offered to help their cause and to work against Reagan to their benefit. He also had a long association with the Irish Republican Army, his support for the terrorist Irish organization being indisputable.
And there are other instances that calls into question not only his loyalty, but his overall character, to such a degree that one has to assume that his degree of power and influence in the US Senate would make him a prime target for extortion and blackmail.
Indeed, all of this has only come to light due to an ultimately successful drive for release of classified documents in possession of the FBI through the Freedom of Information Act on behalf of anti-corruption watchdogs Judicial Watch. Much of the material was redacted, and a further suit succeeded in having much of this material released as well. But presumable, not all of it. And it was kept secret for fifty years, up until now. Given then Director Hoover's well known hatred of the Kennedy brothers, was he planning on releasing this to interested parties at a pivotal moment during the 1964 elections, had President Kennedy lived to run for re-election?
One has to wonder exactly when Kennedy became such a hard-core leftist and communist sympathizer. Was this the beginning stage, or did it come about well before this time?
It would really be interesting to interview some of the prostitutes from this night in question. Some of them might well still be alive, though they would be in their seventies, and eighties. For that matter, some might well be in their sixties. or fifties.
And, seeing as how this is Ted Kennedy we're talking about, one or two of them might well still be in their teens, or twenties. Unfortunately, if this is the case, they wouldn't have a lot to say.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Natalie Portman-Star Whores
Natalie Portman is probably a very liberal woman, although I say that with the caveat that I don't really know that much about her. I remember her more as a child star who in one film became the companion of a crime syndicate hit man. I don't even remember the name of the film, though I remember I was impressed by the then barely teen actresses acting chops.
The only other thing I know about her is, she's a vegan, which tells me she is more than likely very liberal, which means she would basically fit in with the Hollywood hoi-poloi quite nicely.
But then, in accepting her Oscar for her role in last year's film The Black Swan, she made a very serious boo-boo.
This assertion of the importance of her up-and-coming role as a new mother prompted this acerbic, rabid response in the pages of Salon.
Early on in her speech, before the part about her becoming a mother (while thanking the guy who kindly provided this golden opportunity), she thanked her parents for, to paraphrase her, giving her life and being good parents to her.
So there you have it, sensitive Hollywood types, and other leftists/liberals, being forced to endure the spectacle of a successful actress declaring her intention to be a good mother and further asserting that it would be the most important role of her life. As if that were not bad enough, she seemed to give some credence to the idea that a married couple-a man and a woman-might do a good job at something that is generally seen as the legitimate purview of government social services-raising a child. She even implied that she learned a good many things and that her relationship with her parents was positive. Oh, the horrors.
Seriously, liberals have a right to expect better than this from one of their own. And speaking of ingrates, Natalie Portman portrayed a lesbian in the film, yet did not give so much as a shout-out in acknowledgment of sympathy and support for LGBT issues. No, not so much as a word. See, that's the kind of thing that makes leftist fucktards chew their nails and rip their hair out. What an appaling lack of sensitivity on her part. Here you have a case where long lines of leftists line up for miles on end to bask in the glow of a young woman ballet dancer experiencing sexual release with a member of her own sex, and what does Natalie Portman do when she is rewarded for her efforts with an Oscar? She thanks her parents and brags about being pregnant with her own child.
Fret not, leftards, I'm sure things will move full circle. Maybe next year you'll be treated to an awards ceremony featuring Lady Gaga performing a work of performance art-incucing an on-stage miscarriage. Then you'll have a chance to write glowing colums of praise about how artistic and edgy she is, while Natalie Portman will be carrying her second child while taking orders at a greasy spoon diner, hiding a black eye, courtesy of the fists of her beast of an opposite sex mate, and secretly dreaming of what might have been.
H/T The Other McCain
Living Legends-Living Lies
Early Sunday Morning of the 27th of February, 2011, Frank Buckles died at the age of 110. His life mirrored the US military history of the twentieth century. He lied his way into World War I by claiming to be eighteen when he was a mere 16 1/2. But having done so, he comported himself admirably. His life path led to his eventual capture, as a civilian, by the Japanese in World War II, in the Phillipines, where he spent three years as a POW, close to the amount of actual time the US was in World War II.
He spent his later years advocating for a World War I Memorial at the Washington Mall, but never lived to see this dream accomplished. It should be, for him and all of the other brave soldiers who fought, and the many who died, in the belief that they were saving the world for democracy from the wrath of "the Hun".
In truth, we did save Europe, but in doing so, we set the stage for World War II, which never would have occured had we not entered the war and enabled the French and English to enforce the Treaty of Versailles. If not for that, Germany and Britain, as well as France, and the entire European continent, would have been wholly decimated beyond immediate or even long-term repair, for at least three decades or more. There would have been casualties as massive, if not more, than the eventual result of World War II. Or perhaps Britain may have asked for terms, if possible, in order to salvage what would have been left, if anything, of their beleaguered Empire, which was already during its last stages anyway.
In the long run, democracy, real democracy, might have risen from the ashes of the old de facto feudal industrial states, while Fascism and National Socialism may never have arose. Communism would have proven unable to answer to the direst needs of a ravaged European poplace, and it too might have withered on the vine.
We could have stepped in at some point and really delivered Europe from the ravages which would have been the results of their own leader's arrogance and insanity. An entire century which followed would have looked entirely different.
Unfortunately, there were two viruses that infested Europe in 1918 in the aftermath of the War To End All Wars. One of them was Vlad Lenin and the Bolsheviks.
The second came cloaked in a flag of red, white, and blue,.
Zenga Zenga Song
From Joshua Pundit comes this video satire of Moammar Qaddafi, which was wildly popular with Arabs. That is, it was up until they found out it was actually made by an Israeli Jew. In answer to a further complaint, he obliged them by creating a second version without the girl. Because, you know, what could be more horrible than to have to look at a nearly nude beautiful blonde dancing girl?
Sunday, February 27, 2011
North Korea, South Korea-Here We Go Again
Apparently, someone in South Korea has decided it would be a good idea to drop leaflets over North Korea encouraging the citizens of North Korea to rebel against the communist regime, in imitation of the rebellions that have been on-going in the Middle East. For their part, the North is threatening a military response, calling the South's actions "dangerous". They are also threatening, naturally, to attack the US. Evidently, there is going to be a new round of joint military exercises of the South Korean and US military, and the North has threatened also to increase its stockpile of nuclear weapons.
If this is true, and not just another Alex Jones conspiracy theory/rant, not much is likely to come of it one way or another. For one thing, what the South is forgetting is that the protests in the Middle East is inspired as much by anti-US and anti-Israeli sentiment as it is a rebellion against the Middle East dictators, such as Mubarrek. Granted, the actions against Gaddafi in Lybia may well be taken at face value, seeing as how he is not now nor has he ever been a friend of the US or Israel.
However, the Libyans are without a doubt being influenced by the same factors as are currently inflaming situations in the Middle East-influences such as Al-Jazeera, various arms of international labor, and even elements within the US State Department, to name a few.
Oh, and by the way, one of the major influences in the Middle East is-the international Socialists movement.
So once you remove the radical Islamists, labor unions, cabals within the US State Department, and student democracy movements from the mix, you have a situation pretty much like you have in North Korea, where nobody has any influence, except of course for one of the applicable groups in question-the communists.
So I think its farily safe to say this isn't going to go much of anywhere. What are the communists going to do in North Korea, encourage their people to rebel against their own rule?
Mishka The Talking Husky
Friday, February 25, 2011
Two And A Half Men Minus Charlie Sheen Equals-Two Men
If the hit TV series remains on the air past this season, Two Men should in fact be what the producers of 21/2 Men change the name of the show to once Charlie Sheen departs, which now seems likely in the face of his latest rant on The Alex Jones Show. He called Thomas Jefferson a pussy, and asserted that Alcoholics Anonymous is a "bootleg cult", but he saved the worst of his ire for show producer Chuck Lorre, who he calls a clown and a turd. He also asserted that Lore's real name is Chaim Levine, evidently a way of casting aspersions on Lorre's integrity by way of his Jewish (read, Zionist) roots.
Sheen, himself a long-time proponent of the "Truther" conspiracy theories regarding 9/11-the government was behind it, possibly also the Israelis-has had a long association with conspiracy theory monger Jones, and he left nothing out in this latest rant, even going so far as to call President Barak Obama "a coward in a cheap suit".
This is due to Obama's refusal to engage Sheen in regards to all of the so-called evidence calling into question the official 9/11 story. I can tell him the answer to that one. It's not that Obama doesn't believe in it. Doubtless he doesn't, but that damn sure wouldn't stop him if it was a politically popular position. Unfortunately, its not, because its pretty well established that people that do believe in Trutherism are fruit cakes, like, well, Charlie Sheen.
Production of the CBS hit show has now been cancelled for the remainder of the season. My response is, its about time. I always wondered how Sheen could be so popular playing such an unabashedly misogynistic, sexist character as he does on this show, and I've always wondered why CBS would promote it for so long. The show, and Sheen, should be an embarassment to them, and to all liberals, but lo and behold, it remains one of the most popular shows on television, and Sheen is undeniably the star who at about a million dollars per episode brings the undoubtedly liberal audience back for more misogynistic and sexist laughs, week after week.
Maybe part of Sheen's problem is he has a problem processing the unadulterated hypocrisy of his audience, and himself. If so, no wonder he is driven to lash out at everybody in sight. Including, again, himself, with the alcohol, the whores, etc. Well, the gracy train may soon be over. If so, it can't happen soon enough, but I'm sure he'll find somebody else to blame for his downfall. The Koch Brothers, maybe.
Listen if you dare.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Book Of Kanye
And then it came to pass that the searching hordes, hungry and thirsty for words of wisdom and knowledge, made their desperate way to the land of Twitter. Finding Kanye, they gathered around him. Seeing them, and discerning their need for guidance, he looked to them and he said-
an abortion can cost a ballin' nigga up to 50gs maybe a 100. Gold diggin' bitches be getting pregnant on purpose. #STRAPUP my niggas!
Kanye's disciples said, "Yeah we feel ya dog!"
And there was unrest and discontent throughout the land.
Inch, inch. house, house. home, home. zanga zanga
Forward, forward, Revolution, Revolution
I got millions on my side not from the inside but from other countries. From here i send a call to all the millions of the desert.. from desert to desert the millions will march and no one will be able to stop them.
Fast, fast
The bell of work has rang!, the bell to march has rang!, the bell of victory has rang!, no turning back!
Enjoy!! Gaddafi RAP