Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Homespun Humor Of Fred Thompson-Via Twitter

If I didn't know better-and really, I don't-I would swear Fred Thompson is toying with the idea of making another run for the Presidency, or possibly entering the political sphere in a different capacity. If not, he must just be bored, or maybe angry, and he's using Twitter as a release. But his tweets aren't boring, and they really don't come across as angry in a petulant, hateful kind of way-but Thompson sure does have a gift for the sarcastic jibe. Most politicians that Twitter put out kind of run-of-the-mill observations, or announcements of appearances, sometimes you'll get a link to a news story, etc. In other words, to most politicians, Twitter is a tool.

Fred Thompson, by contrast, looks as though he's actually having fun with Twitter.

Some examples-

Obama's recovery plan: taking money from people who create jobs, then giving it to people who can't find work.

Geithner: economic crisis due to people "living beyond their means". Yup, that's why those people won't get re-elected in 2010.

Biden: Pelosi is "the mother of health care". If that's true, then we need to report her to Child Protective Services.

Black USDA employee fired for not helping white farmer. Outrageous! All colors deserve equal level of surly, resentful govt help

Pelosi: Bush tax cuts "did not create jobs". Sure. Low unemployment rate was from all those temporary census workers Bush hired

Geithner: "every business better off now than 18 months ago." Wonder if that includes the ones that aren't in business any more?

Rangel charged w/ violating House ethics rules. No doubt accusing him of not having enough violations to meet his quota.

Greens say spill clean-up efforts hurt environment. Guys, go holler that in front of a windmill & make some clean energy

Navy uses laser to shoot down drone. Obama to only authorize its use on terrorists for corrective eye surgery.

Biden fined $219K for 2008 campaign violations. He probably figures it's worth that much just to not be President right now.

Gingrich: Obama like a "teenager with a credit card". Yup. And the 2010 elections are going to be like a big pair of scissors

Russia to spend $800M on new space center. Maybe we should sell them Cape Kennedy. Not like Obama plans to use it for anything

3.6-magnitude earthquake hit DC. President Obama said it was due to 8 years of Bush failing to regulate plate tectonics

Obama: fin ref bill would end "era of irresponsibility". Huh... I didn't know it moved election day up to July

Poll: 73 % oppose Obama's offshore drilling ban. Other 27% think oil should only come from quart bottles marked Quaker State.

Axelrod: Medicare Czar "not coming to implement the British system". Good. Obama would look silly wearing a dress and a crown.

Biden to visit flood damage in TN. I'll bet the first thing he says is "great clean-up job. I don't see a single tar ball!"

Cuomo: Ground Zero mosque opponents Islamophobic. Yeah, should be grateful. If not for radical Islam there'd BE no Ground Zero.

Hezbollah: CNN firing editor for terrorist-praising is "intellectual terrorism". Guess he's offended by the "intellectual" part

There's much more, some of it going back some time before I discovered he even had a Twitter account. One things for sure, if Thompson isn't planning on returning to politics, he would sure make one hell of a great speech writer