Friday, July 16, 2010

All Right, If You Won't Listen To Me-

Maybe you'll listen to Charles Krauthammer.

The short version-Even if the GOP wins big this year, if they aren't careful Obama could win re-election in 2012 and pick up seats, maybe regain or retain his majority in one or both Houses of Congress, and go on from there to fundamentally change America, for conceivably far into the future.

Krauthammer goes me one better though. According to him, Obama and his inner circle are counting on it, and are not at all blind to the coming election loss for their party that this year seems to portend. For them, it might well be an acceptable trade off.

In other words, Obama is looking at the long-term and couldn't really care less about short term losses.

It's actually scary, sobering reading, and I would advise all libertarian, conservative, federalist, and independent minded Americans-and even some honest, well-meaning liberals (deluded however they might be) to read the article linked above.

If conservative Republicans take the House, and/or the Senate, they need to be very careful. They need to be more than just obstinate opponents of the Obama leftist agenda. They need to offer worthy, compelling alternatives, and they need to set the tone of the debate, not let the Democrats define it, or especially not define them. They need to be combative, but reasoned. They need to be passionate, but rational.

They need to, like Obama, think of the long term.

Thanks to Sarah Palin for this article.