Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Shelf Life Of Lunacy

It had to happen sooner or later. I didn't know what, exactly, but I knew something would happen to show the flotilla activists for the capricious motherfuckers they really were. I was just surprised it happened this quick. The flotilla aid activists and their supporters have proven their abiding humanitarian love for the Palestinian Arabs of Gaza by sending them medicine that was more than one year past it's expiration date.

What was the reaction of Hamas? Although the Israelis were willing to deliver the aid, Hamas has thus far rejected all of the aid from the flotilla. No, they've not just rejected the expired medications. They rejected all of it-the school supplies, toys, construction materials, all of it.

The Israelis boarded the Rachel Corrie earlier, without incident, and have commandeered it to the port of Ashdod. All relief supplies will, once again, be conducted to Gaza by way of land convoy. And probably, Hamas will reject it as well.

Why the hell not? Gaza gets in the neighborhood of a billion dollars in aid from the US, the UN,and the EU, in addition to what it gets from Arab contributors. They get further aid through the auspices of the UN and the Red Cross, and other agencies-aid that is delivered freely to Gaza with Israeli sanction and support. No problems.

What does Hamas need with expired medications? They take credit for distributing goods directly to the population, they don't want to take the responsibility for some kid or old person dying unnecessarily, or having a severe set back or reaction, because a bunch of cretins decide they want to put on a propaganda show. One can also make the point they don't want to be beholden to outsiders for seeing to the people's needs. They've made a point that they are in charge and the people are dependent and beholden to them, and along comes some jackasses from Turkey and Sweden and tries to steal their thunder? Really!

Here's the straight scoop from the Israeli website linked above-

Any organization or country wishing to transfer humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip can do so legally via the established ground crossings by coordinating with the relevant authorities, as is done on a near daily basis.

The closure of the Gaza Strip prevents the smuggling of arms to the Hamas terror organization and ensures the security of vessels traveling in the area.

It should be noted that Hamas has refused to allow any of the aid carried by the other six flotilla ships into the Gaza Strip thus far. Five days have passed since trucks were loaded with cargo and were ready to enter Gaza.

The rules of warfare allow the capturing of naval vessels prior to their actual violation of a naval blockade. This is dependent on the vessels being on their way to a blockaded area, being outside the territorial waters of neutral states and when there is a substantial likelihood (based on credible evidence) that the vessels intend to violate the blockade

Again, there is no problem with legitimate aid going to Gaza. Again, there is no need for a flotilla of aid. It's a fucking publicity stunt timed and orchestrated to make the Israelis look like brutes. Only somebody forgot to explain the whole concept to the would-be benefactors, and Hamas, who know better, and who believe it or not are fine with the situation as is. When they're ready to go to the next level, I'm sure you fucking morons will be the first to know.