Thursday, June 03, 2010

The Gods Must Be Crazy

Comedy Central is planning an animated series called "JC"-a comedy about Jesus Christ coming back to earth, but not to take over. No, he just wants to get away from it all and live out a relatively normal human life in obscurity. What is God's reaction? Well, God doesn't seem to give much of a damn about anything in this comedy series.

Many of his real-life earthly followers, however, are incensed. You don't have to be a prophet to predict who is involved in a recently planned conference call to discourage advertisers from sponsoring this program, currently in pre-production, and to encourage Comedy Central to withdraw from placing it on their schedule. Brent "Bozo" Bozell of the Media Research Center and publisher of Newsbuster, will be joined by the following-

Joining Bozell on the call will be Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, syndicated radio host Michael Medved, Catholic League president Bill Donohue, Parents Television Council president Tim Winter, and Rabbi Daniel Lapin of the American Alliance of Jews and Christians.

I fully suspect that Doctor James Dobson would probably be on board as well, provided he could figure out a way to suck a sufficient portion of oxygen out of the room. Of course, that might be a hard task even for Dobson, with the likes of Donohue and Bozell on hand.

By no means do I discourage these folks from airing their views, or from initiating boycotts, if that's what they decide to do. At the same time, I think its a juvenile overreaction from people who mainly don't seem to have a sense of humor. These are people who will go out of their way to insist that the Old Testament God of the Bible-Yahweh-and Allah, the God of Islam, are actually two separate entities. They are by no means the same God.

My question to them would be-are you absolutely sure about that? Granted, your God hasn't commanded you to hijack jetliners and fly them into skyscrapers, or explode bombs or attack people with biological or chemical weapons, but at the end of the day, you seem to ascribe to him a rather severe, unyielding temperament. Would he really be that offended by a television program-a cartoon? Doesn't he have other things to be outraged about, in all honesty?

Now look, I understand your point about the craven cowardice Comedy Central displayed over the recent flap concerning a recent portrayal of Mohammed in a bear suit, which was even more exacerbated by a defense thrown up about not wanting to offend the majority of allegedly peaceful and well-meaning Muslims.

We all know and understand that this is hypocrisy in action. But instead of whining about unfairness and prejudice towards Christianity, why don't you take a page from the Koran? No, not to wipe your asses with, but as an example of how to deal with the problem of people who are disrespectful to your God. Why don't you blow Comedy Central clear to hell, and everybody in it? Or at least threaten to do so. After all, your God is the creator and lord of the universe and of everything therein, which he created, with nothing to work with but his will. To hear you tell it, he barely broke a sweat doing it. I guess that could be because up until the fourth day there was no such thing as the sun, and thus no heat. But I digress. The point is, whether your God and Allah are one and the same, or not, doesn't he deserve at least an equal amount of respect? And if he does, should you not be willing to go at least as far as a devout Muslim in order to make sure he is treated with all due deference befitting the Lord of All Creation?

We all know you have resources, and a willing reservoir of talent. True, in all probability they amount to less than one percent of one percent of your total flock, but how many do you need? Granted, they are for the most part a deranged, deluded crew, mostly loners, a few working in relatively small groups, but if they can mange to kill an abortion doctor and blow up a clinic here and there, surely they can manage to take down a cable network.

Of course, there is the point that the vast majority of you are more civilized than that. Your religion, unlike Islam, has grown and evolved. Which is fucking ironic as hell, seeing as how you don't believe in evolution.

Well, allow me to help you further along in your evolutionary journey. This might turn out to be a teachable moment, for you as well as potential viewers of JC, many of whom might not have the most accurate impressions of your faith. Maybe, just maybe, the program might draw young viewers who will be led to explore the Christian faith out of curiosity. It might lead to a journey of discovery for them. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

By the way, you think you have problems? My deities were recently portrayed on the WB Network program "Supernatural" as a pretty sad group long past their salad days, when they drew power from the faith of worshipers. Now they manage to maintain their existence, barely, by devouring human flesh. Talk about your subsistence level living. As if to add insult to injury, along comes Lucifer, who with little effort utterly decimates their ranks.

So should I complain, or organize a boycott? I won't for two reasons. One, its too silly to complain about, and two, organizing a boycott against the WB among most television viewers would be almost as big a waste of time as discouraging folks from bathing in buckets of piss.

I don't care, and neither should you. If our Gods literally exist, they couldn't care less about such lunacy. If they don't literally exist, its a moot point. In any event, it's not a matter of whether or not our Gods are offended, or whether or not they are wholly unconcerned, or whether or not they even are, period.

The point is, we should be better than that. If we're not, we have a big problem. Derision and ridicule comes with the territory in a free society, and in one such as ours, one with pretty advanced First Amendment rights, even for a modern democratic society, it is to be expected-even welcome.

Instead of crying about how Muslims are granted special privileges and consideration, let's go them one better. Let's set an example, one that will show their worthless, seventh-century savage Imams and Mullahs for the intolerant pricks and jackasses that they are. We're going to eventually have to put them in their places anyway. Respect for our most time honored and legally enshrined secular traditions, even at the expense of our most profoundly held religious beliefs and faiths, would be a good place to start. If we're forced to drag Muslims kicking and screaming into the Twenty-First century, it might help to have a sense of humor.