Monday, June 04, 2007

Tired Of All That Shit


How would you like it if your address was listed for seven years running as the "Sidi Toilets", the very toilets where you worked for a dollar a day and was forced to raise your family, including your wife, daughter, and now seven month old son.

Surrounded by vermin, including rats, you try desperately to get aid, but no one will help you. No friends, no family, no government agencies or social services.

That was the predicament this family found themselves in for seven years after the husband and father had to hand over all his possessions in exchange for the return of his kidnapped daughter.

Well, the government finally did something. They kicked the family out and barred the doors. Now they are staying in a cramped little apartment with family, in a neighborhood of Morocco that is a breeding ground for terrorists, amidst unimaginable squalor in a country considered a US ally, where a small percentage of the population enjoys vast wealth.

The next time Hillary Clinton decides to vacation in Morocco as she did a few years back in an obviously politically calculated ruse to demonstrate how some Arab nations are "good", I think I know the perfect ac "commode"ations for her.

Read about the whole shitty mess here.