She couldn't be more obvious if she had a finger crammed up in it. But what the hell? Believe it or not, this morning the number one ranking for the Technoratti Search engine was for Britney Spears. As if that weren't enough, the number four ranking was for just "Britney" . Another subject of this post, Lindsay Lohan, was number eight.
Somewhere in the top ten was one or two matters of actual importance. Damned if I remember what they were, though.
For some reason, the photo at top (if it is not also censored by Blogger) was censored from both Google and Yahoo. I was dismayed and disheartened until I remembered fellow Stumbleupon site member AmsterdamBabe. Nothing gets past her, and I figured if she didn't have this photo, no one did. As usual, she did not disappoint me.
Britney Spears made a living by starting out as a living contradiction-a virgin whore. As nothing in the universe, which is in constant motion, remains static, it was obvious where that was going to go. And in her constant motion to mainstream the trailor trash lifestyle, she has inspired a generation of pre-teen girls to assert their own-well, I won't call it sexuality-but since the days that first madonna and then Britney got the ball rolling, I think it's probably headed there.
And since filing for divorce from Kevin Federline, she has taken up a kind of celebrity duet of sluttiness with Paris Hilton, as though to proclaim to the world, "yes I'm an unfit mother, but by God we are human beings too."
Yes, indeed, and with a shaved vagina to boot.
Lindsey Lohan makes up the remainder of the trio of trashiness, as she seems to have succumbed to the spell of the papparzzi lifestyle-and that's a shame. Lohan almost perfectly symbolizes the inevitable and ultimately tragic attraction of youthful inexperience and naivete to a life of wanton abandon.
In Lohans case, she has taken her conflicting need and at the same time loathing of the papparrzzi,and seemingly turned to these two for aid and support, comfort, and the benefit of their seemingly greater expertise and wisdom.
The irony is, Lohan is the only one of the three that is truly talented. It is they who should benefit from her, yet in the process of soaking up her energy, she is going to ened up drained, used up, and ultimately worthless.
This would then be the fate of the girl who belted out a dazling performance in the late Robert Altmans "A Prairie Home Companion", and who at the recent tenth annual Hollywood Film Festival Awards, was honored with the "Breathrough Acting Award".
Ten years from now, one of three things will happen. One, she will break away from this crew (which in a way she seems to want to) and may in time develop her natural talents and abilities, which are formidable, to consistently award winning levels.
Or, she will eventually fall apart, end up going through extended periods of therapy and rehab, and end up just another statistic among many other burnt out and tragic child stars.
Or, she will die young.
Ultimately, it's her decision.
As for Britney Spears, well-just what the hell is this going to amount to in thirty years? Who is going to care about it-shaved or unshaved?
Unfortunately for her, in the long run, she really has no say in that.
One of the current "blog memes" that's making the rounds asks "Is Aidan Quinn gay?" My response, as it is so often for celebrity related questions, is "Who gives a damn?" I guess I should change my question to "Why would anybody give a damn?"
PT, I fail to underwtand why you wasted valuable blogging time writing about Britney. Does she need a cairn outside her house?
Tom Accuosti
The Tao of Masonry
I am not a fan of Britney Spears, however I note for the record that nudity is not a big deal for her. She commonly went about her family home naked almost up until she left home to begin her singing career. For someone raised like that socities reaction to showing the body is boty amusing and puzzeling.
The bottom line is that this photograph is going to put a great deal of money in Britney's pocket. Peopel who would never have dreamed of buying her next CD or going to her next movie will do so now, and they will greatly outnumber the people who will boycott her because of this.
Look at how Paris Hilton's career took off when her sex video hit the internet.
Tom-Like I said, she is ranked both number one and number four on Technorati's search engine,so evidently it is important to some people. And that in itself makes it a worthwhile post. It speaks volumes about the state of American culture. Therefore, this makes it worthwhile for blogging on that level.
Also, I'll admit, I'm trying to attract more readers. Hopefully, some will stick around for the long haul.
As for your question bout the cairn, I started to say it isn't so much a cairn that she need as a phallus, but I tshe has any trouble in that regard.
Lemuel-I doubt seriously anybody is going to boycott her, but I also doubt even more that it is going to significantly add to her record or movie sells.
All she has done really is kept herself in the public eye, for the sake of publicity, which will probably win her no significant amount of new fans. It will ratchet up the intensity among the fan base she already has, but that will be about it.
Years from now, Britney will amount to nothing in comparison to what she is now. She is already going downhill, and knows it. It will take some intensive training and serious work to reverse the slide. She could do it, but I doubt she has the stomach or stamina for it.
Lindsay Lohan is the one of the three to watch. She has the most talent of the three, and could really make it big, and I mean over the long haul, unless she screws it up by association with the likes of these other two.
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