Friday, November 11, 2005

President Franken

I was going to add a link to this post about author/comedian Al Franken, to his radio show on Air America, "The O'Franken Factor", but when I tried to click on the link that was supplied on the Yahoo Search Engine, I was immediately directed to a porn site. I thought, what the hell? Turns out it was more than just an ad, it was a computer virus, and almost caused my computer to shut down, luckily I was able to bring the situation under control, then stupidly tried to link to the site again, and of course got hooked up on the same porn site. O' Reilly's revenge, I thought? But I guess these things are wont to happen from time to time. Maybe if I try a different search engine?

But it's really not that important. Franken has been making the rounds lately to promote his new book "The Truth-(With Jokes), and has appearred as such on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olberrmann, and Imus In The Morning.

Franken's books are always worth reading, even if you don't agree with him politically, which I generally do. This one should be no different. More importantly, however, is his recent decision to relocate to Minnesota, where he is considering in '06 a run for the Senate. He probably has not made up his mind yet, out of the prospect of considering a run in '08, agaisnt current incumbent Republican Norm Coleman. This might be his best option.

On the other hand, maybe not. It has crossed my mind over the past few days that Franken, if events warrant, might eventually consider a spot on the Democratic ticket in 2012. '08 would of course be way too soon. But consider the possibilities.

Franken wins in '06. He does such a bang up job, and is so popular, that he easily wins re-election in 2012. 2016 comes along, and the Democrats are trying to hold onto the office for a second or a third straight time. Or maybe they are trying to take the office for the first time since 2000. Yes, that is actually a possibility. Franken is offerred a spot on the ticket, as VP. Or, maybe he runs inthe primaries, and wins the top spot.

No matter what end of the ticket he is on, who better to run a campaign? Franken's humor is not exactly Don Rickles style, but his targets may feel like it is. Franken's humor, at least on the surface, is much more cerebral, much more subtle, and easily as devastating. Who could possibly debate with this guy?

Of course, if he runs in '06, he will be up for re-election in 2012, so may forego that year. But what if he does decide to run in '08, agaisnt Coleman, and wins. By 2012, he wil have been a four year first term Senator, and may throw his hat into the ring in preparation for 2016. Anything's possible.

But is it possible that he could win? He would certainly be the target of all kinds of vicious personal assaults, the kind he himself has been accussed of utilizing. Bill O' Reilly will probably be beside himself. Just imagine how the Right Wing would react, especially if Franken were to win.

I don't know if he could win or not. Franken has a tendency to come across as pedantic and arrogant. If he could figure out a way to connect with the average person in a way that belies his tendency to ridicule and belittle his subject matter, he may actually get somewhere, make some headway.

I would probably vote for him. Think about it. Al Franken, giving the State Of The Union speech. Buit before his first time, appearring on Saturday Night Live as the President-elect, and giving a "preview" State of The Union speech.

That would almost be worth voting for him in it's own right.