Monday, March 21, 2011

Cats And Catnip

Hail Bast

Who Do The Japanese Turn To In Their Hour Of Need

How do the Japanese handle disasters like the recent earthquake and tsunami, with the nuclear disaster forming a trifecta of tragedy. You might think they would turn to religion, and they do. A very small minority of Japanese are Christians, but they do have their spiritual sides. When it comes to celebrations and joyous occasions, their spiritual outlook is defined by their ancient Shinto heritage. However, when it comes to the kinds of tragedies they have recently faced, they tend to turn to Buddhism.

Yet, in their everyday, day to day lives, the Japanese are a very secular oriented people. It might be hard to understand for some people, and some might even consider them hypocritical, only crying out to their God, or Gods, when they have some great, overwhelming need, but otherwise ignoring them.

But are they really? Is it not a sign of maturity that they live their lives in a strict code of honor and adherence to ethical standards without applying a dogma or relinquishing control, and this responsibility, to some benign, or malignant spirit?

What I find interesting about the turn to Buddhism during a tragedy is their need for understanding. Is their hardship caused by some kind of universal karma that has brought this on themselves, perhaps?

The Japanese are not that different from all of us, are they? We tend to thank God, however we conceive him or her, for our good times, and pray to God for relief from the bad times, we ask for forgiveness and sustenance, etc., but otherwise, we too go about our daily mundane lives without giving it that much thought, for the most part. That's because our secular society is such that we too have learned to not lean so heavily on the superstitious need to find a divine cause behind every event. We tend to ignore the divine and the spiritual.

The only thing unique about the Japanese is they go from one religion to another, whichever one suits the occasion, with feeling the need to form a syncretic union of the two. Whereas we tend to stick to one path.

But then again, the Japanese are, at heart, pagans, I believe, so its more natural for them to look to different Gods in regards to different matters. Most Americans look to just one as the answer to everything. Sometimes they don't know what the right question is, but they're still pretty sure about the answer regardless.


Let's all hope Charlie had a winning Ostara.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where Is My Nuclear Powered Car?

Can you believe this was actually a prototype for a car envisioned by Ford in 1958?

No, its not the Batmobile, exactly, but it is-a nuclear powered car, called back then, the Nucleon.

It was supposed to have a nuclear reactor in the back, and worked like a nuclear submarine, through a steam engine. That was way back in the day and was quietly shelved with as little fanfare as when it was first proposed. You would guess that would have probably been the end of it, right? I mean, it would be far too impractical, requiring such a heavy layer of shielding it would be way too heavy.

But that was then and this is, well not now, but for a brief time, it was actually considered, again, as a viable means of powering, not a steam engine, but an electric one.

And then Japan happened.

Back to the drawing board folks. We can do this.

The Magic Of Cheese

I don't know what it is, but there's something magical about cheese. Since today was Ostara, I got some Colby, along with some ham and some summer sausage, to enhance my celebration of this mystical first day of spring.

The more I see this clip from The Sopranos, the more I wished I'd went ahead and maybe got some Provolone to dabble on the floor, or to stick in my socks. Funny though, cheese is one of those things that puts me in a better mood, but I guess there are some people that will always be raving lunatics regardless.

Wonder Woman

Here she is-

Her name is Adrienne Palicki, and she has agreed, for I'm sure a tidy sum, to waste her considerable acting talents on David E. Kelly's new revamped television version of DC Comics Amazon superheroin, Wonder Woman.

Not that I blame her. It is a job, and like us all, we need to pay the bills however we can. But it is a waste nonetheless.

Here she is in her past role as Tyra Banks, on the critically acclaimed NBC series Friday Night Lights.


Democrats Will Never Change

Obama's Justice Department is going to be investigating cases of school bullying, and will hold school districts accountable for such incidents. But only if the kid being bullied falls under the guidelines of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which, lo and behold, seems to have included gays.

DOJ’s website states: 

The Civil Rights Division and the entire Justice Department are committed to ending bullying and harassment in schools, and the video highlights the Department’s authority to enforce federal laws that protect students from discrimination and harassment at school because of their race, national origin, disability, religion, and sex, including harassment based on nonconformity with gender stereotypes.

The statement later says:

The enforcement of the Equal Protection Clause, Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in school districts is a top priority of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Additional information is available at the Civil Rights Division’s Educational Opportunities Section website at

So there you have it. If you're a white male heterosexual, and not mentally of physically handicapped in any way, you're shit out of luck.

That's because most of you redneck honky fucks daddies don't vote Democrat. Let that be a lesson to you. And if you compalin about the unfairness of this law, that just proves that you too are a sexist, racist, homophobic piece of trash.

The Rape Of A Nation

In Cleveland Texas, twenty-eight black males raped an eleven year old Latino girl. As if that were not bad enough, they videotaped the deed, and then distributed it throughout all of the predominatly black high schools, and middle schools, where it was apparently all the rage. This all lead to the arrest of all twenty eight of these scumbags, who despite the nature of the crime seem to be enjoying a high level of support among the black community.

You know what this is going to lead to, a heightened atmosphere of violence and hate amongst the two communities. There will most certainly be reprisals, and counter-reprisals, and its not going to be pretty.

In a, well not perfect, but a just world, all twenty eight of these animals would be handed over to the girls parents and the Latino community and forced to suffer whatever fate they decided was most appropriate to dish out to them. Hopefully, the reprisals would end there, with the deaths, or worse, of the animals that perpetrated the deed.

But we don't live in a just world, we live in a world where the law and the justice system has been hi-jacked by advocates for the very sub-human beasts that have turned our world into a sewer.

And in the meantime, we are forced to endure the spectacle of the borders of our country thrown open in welcome to millions of dirtballs from every third world country imaginable, with customs and mores that think little to nothing of perpetrating these kinds of deeds on "the other".

And what do our politicians do in response? Far too many of them adopt the position that this is what this country was for, to inspire the downtrodden and, evidently, the miserable scum of the earth, who might hopefully evolve and bcome more civilized. But at the same time, we must respect their culture and their rights as members of some minority.

Because, you know, this country needs to become just a little bit more barbaric, just a little bit more savage, like the rest of the world. Because we need to be more understanding, and tolerant.

Good Doggie

Krystal Violet Norby, pictured above, was arrested by Chisago County Minnesota police after Canadian police informed them of a case they had uncovered. It seems that Norby had photographed herself having sex with two children, and a dog. She then shared the photos over the internet in a peer-to-peer file sharing system.

She was arrested, and the children were removed from her care. So was the dog.

We were recently able to interview the dog. In order to protect him, we shall call him Rex. The following interview is verbatim.

PT-So how long had you been having sex with this woman?

REX-RRlrroognmngf Raaowimm

PT-And how did it come about?


PT-So what kind of sex did you have with her?


PT-Oh you know, did she suck your dick, jack you off, did you have intercourse? You know.

REX-Raawwwrrrrr Ra rrbooove

PT-So do you like it?


PT-So did you feel like you were being abused?


PT-So do you want to have sex with her again, or with anybody?


PT-Hey come on now cut that out these are new pants.


Fast And Furious-And An Impeachable Offense

While the Middle East is getting to the point where it could erupt in flames at any given moment, and while all eyes are focused on the plight of the Japanese, other things are happening, believe it or not, and they are going on almost under the radar screen, as if by design.

Its recently come out that an operation of the ATF, dubbed "Fast And Furious" has been underway for some time, and is an attempt to flood Mexico with American guns, allow Mexican gangs and gunrunners to pass instant background checks for gun sales, and then just sit back and see where those guns end up going. The idea was supposedly to then bust the criminal cartels in possession of the guns.

It didn't quite work out that way. Instead, the guns ended up disappearing as soon as they crossed the border, and there is very credible evidence that they have been used in crime in Mexico, crimes that have resulted in many deaths, including the deaths of American citizens.

An ATF agent has even alleged that he was ordered to sit back and let the gun sales go through and to not interfere, an order that agitated him in that it was in conflict with his sworn duties as a federal agent.

What gives this story even greater credibility to many who might otherwise disregard it is that it was first reported by Sheryl Atkinson of CBS.

But this was a story that was bound to break wide open, as there were a number of agents who in fact objected strenously to this operation, according to the Center For Public Integrity.

It gets worse. Not only is this a strict violation of our diplomatic relations with the Mexican government, almost tantamount to an act of espionage, if not open war, but there are very credible allegations that this might be part of a broader effort by the Obama Administration to rein in the sales of firearms.At least, that's what several agents have been saying to some people in Congress, Both Chuck Grassley in the Senate, and Darrell Issa in the House, are vowing an investigation into the matter.

It is also worth noting that a measure in the UN also seeks to severely limit and curtail the rights of citizens to own firearms, supposedly on the pretext of fighting terrorism. And our State Department is alleged to be negotiating some kind of concordance with these aims.

It's incredible that a large segment, and at times even a majority, continue to vote for a party whose politicians reluctantly affirm their commitment to the Second Amendment while appointing judges that they know good and well will uphold the most stringent of gun control laws, if challenged in the courts. It should be no surpise to any on either side of the gun debate then that something like this would happen. But we keep putting up with it. After all, there always seems to be "more important things".

It's almost like every morning, half the country gets up, looks in their bathroom mirror, and says "May I live in interesting times".

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Enemy Of My Enemy Can Kiss My Ass Sometimes

The whole Middle East is in turmoil and Israel may be in graver danger than ever before, but it looks to me like all anybody can think of is how they can score points either for or against Obama. Fuck that assclown. I'm not a fan or supporter of Moammar Qaddafi, but how am I supposed to know who these people are that are wanting to take power from him in the name of some nebulous freedom and democracy? These are Muslim Arabs here, who seem to be doing all their strategery during Friday morning prayers at their local mosques. I don't like this. There are too many bad actors.

Obama has been playing this pretty well. He's been staying in the background, and according to some reports his state department has been working hand in glove with several different international labor organizations, in addition to such groups as Code Pink and other nefarious leftist organizations.

Do you know why that is? Because he knows that if he took a more active, open role, the right would be accusing him of being a pro-Islamic hater of Israel and actively working to assist Islamists in taking over the Middle East. And that might very well be about eighty percent accurate, except for the Islamist part. I honestly think the man is hoping to establish a socialist renaissance, not just in the Middle East, but in the world, eventually.

Of course he can't come out and say that or damn sure not work openly toward that end, so he's got to stay very much in the game, looking concerned, but at the same time, not worried. He knows he will be criticized mercilessly for, for example, taking the time to pick NCAA brackets, but what the hell. He might as well be criticized for something inconsequential, and cool.

But the man behind the curtain at the State Department-that would be Hillary Clinton-is working feverishly on his behalf, meeting with European leaders, and with rebel leaders in Egypt, and Gods know who else.

And what does the stupid right do? Encourage Obama to do something. Encourage Obama to "support the democracy and freedom movement". In other words, they play right into Obama's hands.

Yeah, this is the intervention I was referring to in the previous post. My message to the right-


Now, if the whole region does go down in flames, and if it does turn into a struggle for control by Islamist radicals-or is eventually controlled by Islamist radicals-its just as much your fault as it is his. You helped this happen.

Meanwhile, as NATO is in the process of establishing a No-Fly Zone over Lybia, attacking Lybian infrastructure and anti-aircraft positions in order to assist the so-called democratic movement, another insurgency is underfoot, in Gaza, from whence fifty-four missiles at last count have been launched into Israeli territory, the most at any one time in a number of years.

The enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend, god damn it. Sometimes, the enemy of your enemy might hack your head off with a dull blade if given half a chance. Handing him the means and wherewithal to do so might not be the smartest move you could ever make, even if that first, mutual enemy is someone you utterly despise and wish to destroy. Somebody like Moamar Qaddafi. Or Barak Obama.

We Prefer To Call It A Carefrontation

I'm planning my own intervention, and its not going to be pretty, but such things never are. Its not about drugs, but it might be a nastier habit certain people need to break themselves from. I am not hopeful.

But it got me to thinking about the whole process of interventions. They usually involve either drugs or alcohol, or both. In this scene from Season 4 of The Sopranos, we see how easily the best of intentions can go awry due to the inherently unpredictable nature of such endeavors, and the people involved.

Of course, in this case, the "family" involved in the intervention attempt towards one of their members, happens to be a Mafia family, so you can expect hi-jimks on a even greater order of magnitude.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Obama Cleverly Leading Obamabots In Worship Of Satan

Ha Ha this reminds me of Agent Coopers dream of the Red Room in the old series Twin Peaks.

Two Irish Guys On Saint Paddy's Day

I almost let the day slip by unnoticed, but at least I can pass along a good joke I saw on AceofSpadesHQ, courtesy of commenter Adrianna, as follows
So a man walks into Barney & Son's Ballyroan Bar and asks for a beer.
'Today's me birthday!' he tells Barney's son.
'Begorrah!' says another man at Barney & Son's Ballyroan Bar.  'Today's mine birthday as well!'
'Saints above!' cries the first.  'Two birthdays on the same day.  Drinks all around!'
And as Barney's son poured drinks all around, the first man says, 'You know,' he says, 'It were 37 years ago today, I came into the world in Rathdowney.'
'NO!' cried the 2nd man. 'I'm Rathdowney born and raised, meself!'
'Blessed Lady!' cries the first.  'Two Irishmen born and raised in Rathdowney.  Drinks all around!'
So the phone rings and Barney asks, 'Son, how goes the bar this fine evening?'
'Doing fine, Pops!' says Barney's son.  'The Ferguson Twins are at again.'

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Prison Break's "T-Bag" Returns

Though Prison Break is long over, the old Prison Break production team has a new show on A&E called Brerakout Kings which airs on Sunday Night at 10:00 pm. And it seems as though Robert Knepper's old PB character, Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell, is still alive and well in the hearts of old Prison Break fans. Or so the new show's producers hope.

When last we saw Bagwell, at the end of the Prison Break series finale, he was returned to Fox River to serve out the entirety of his lifetime sentence, with no hope of parole. After all, this was a man who had committed multiple murders and sex crimes, including the rape and murder of six teenagers-"not necessarily in that order" as one of the "Breakout Kings" characters muses when the team learns their latest assignment-to recapture T-Bag, who broke out of a van transporting him to a medical appointment to get a new artificial hand.

The Breakout Kings is a special task force made up in part of convicted felongs working to reduce their prison sentiences by working to help law enforcement recapture escaped convicts. As we can see in the following clip, they definitely have their work cut out for them with T-Bag.

As hideous a criminal as he is, I have to say he is probably my all-time favorite television series villain. Robert Knepper has the ability all actors crave but which few can master-the ability to chew up the scenery, and more importantly, to make the most heinous, despicably horrible villains human, and even sympathetic.

Knepper once explained this by saying, "there's a kind of innocence in his eyes. There's still a bit of hope there."

I can't wait for this episode. Old memories, good times.

Watch The Moonshine War

The best show currently on television right now is Justified, and this episode, "The Moonshine War", is the second season premiere episode. Justified airs every Wednesday at 10:00 pm on FX. In my opinion, it easily rises to the level of quality of such shows as The Sopranos and Dexter. Unfortunately, I was unable to embed the player here on the blog, but it is well worth your time to click on the link and watch the episode if you have not already seen it. It's on the FX site, which is a site worth visiting on its own merits. The Justified section features games and even a history of criminals in the US.

The Moonshine War
Raylan tangles with a ruthless Harlan County crime family while hunting for a fugitive sex offender. Story by Elmore Leonard and Graham Yost; teleplay by Graham Yost; directed by Adam Arkin.

By the way, there have been six episodes so far, which means next week's episode will put it right at the half-way mark of the 13 episode season. My favorite episode so far is episode 5, "Copperhead". But they are all good.

It's based on a couple of novels and a short-story, "Fire In The Hole", by the great American crime novelist Elmore Leonard. If you have ever read anything by Leonard, you know that nobody does scumbag characters like he does. Most of his novels are set in Florida, but this series is set in Kentucky. Raylan Givens is a US Marshall from Harlan Kentucky who is not above stepping outside the law in order to make things right with the world. The title, Justified, refers to the legal finding in regards to his shooting and killing of a criminal. Once based in Florida, Raylan was reassigned to his Kentucky roots. The first season took place in Lexington, but this season is set primarily in Harlan.

Givens finds himself having to juggle problems with his ex-wife, and his former friend Boyd Crowder (played by Walton Goggins, formerly of The SHIELD), an ex-con who can't quite go straight, for all his good intentions. Meanwhile, Raylan finds himself in the middle of a hornets nest involving a family of hardened criminals involved in drugs and murder, led by the family matriarch Mags.

I'll just end by saying this show is a perfect antidote for those who think American television drama is of an inferior quality.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My Ol' Kentucky Home

If I chose to caption this picture, it would probably be something like-



The woman pictured above is Jessica Talerovich, a young lady of Kentucky who was recently taken into custody by Louisville police when her companion at the time, one Jason Kircher, was arrested and charged with public intoxication and possession of an open container of alcohol in a car. This occurred once officers spotted Kircher's 2005 Toyota weaving in and out of traffic. Kircher failed a field sobriety test administered by the arresting officers, even though his blood alcohol level was in fact below the legal limit.

As it happens, Kircher did have an excuse for his erratic driving. According to him, during the time he was weaving in and out of traffic, Jessica was giving him-a BLOWJOB.

I guess since he did reek of alcohol, the officers decided to weigh everything in the balance, and reached the conclusion the public interest would be better served were he incarcerated for the time being.

And though that is pretty much the end of this little tale of hillbilly happenstance in the city of Louisville Kentucky, there is one thing that seems to be missing. What is it?

Ohhhh, yeah, that would be Mr. Kircher's mug shot.


The Booby Trap

An Israeli model by the name of Orit Fox was performing with a live snake, when it bit her on the breast. She was taken to the hospital and given a tetanus shot, and then discharged. As for the snake-it died.


Back in ancient times, that would have been viewed as some kind of omen. On the other hand, back in ancient times, they didn't have silicone breast implants.

As for people in our modern day, they might want to think about what might happen if these things were to leak and get in the blood stream. Unnecessary bullshit, but if you feel you got to have 'em, what can you say? Just remember they can be dangerous weapons, in the wrong hands.

H/T Wyatt Earp

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tyranny And Oppression-Sometimes, You Just Can't Beat It

 UPDATE-Just in case you might be inclined to put as good a face on the following post as possible, it's just come to my attention that Hamas has put out a statement about the massacre of the Israeli Fogel family of five, including three children, two of them boys, ages five and eleven, in addition to a four month old infant girl.

Actually, the put out two statement, one in English, the other in Arabic.

The one in English-"Harming children is not part of Hamas policy."

And the one in Arabic?

"a Palestinian mujahid was able to break into the usurper (settlement) of “Itamar” south of Nablus in the occupied (West) Bank, and stabbed five Zionist usurpers."

H/T The Jawa Report

Let me give you some advice. Don't ever come on this blog and try to justify this batch of scum with me, because any attempt to do so will be summarily deleted. I am now officially announcing a no-tolerance policy towards this filth unless of course I decide what you have to say is so obviously over-the-top it can be used to make you and your "cause" look even worse than it already does.

 (End of Update)
I've been struggling over this post, because its one of the most distasteful things I've ever dealth with. But I think I have to say something, if for no other reason than it offers a concise explanation as to why I haven't exactly been beating the drum in support of all the various Middle Eastern uprisings-in Tunisia, Egypt, Lybia, and Yemen, also in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, etc.
My true feelings go beyond the mere hope that our sources for Middle Eastern oil remains stable, although admitedly that is a big damn part of it. But there's more, much more, to it than that. Simply put, I don't trust these people, and neither should you.
And to put it bluntly, I'm going to have to have a hell of a lot better reason to support them than that it might make Barak Obama look bad. That to me is so incredibly naive, and cynical, as to be borderline pathological. I refuse to play such stupidly obvious games.
But if you have to have a specific reason why I feel the way I do, here's a few good reasons.
Cute kids, huh? Awwwww. How sweet-
Not only were the two pictured above brutally murdered by Palestinian Arab Muslims, so was their little sister-a four month old infant. Their father was also murdered, along with his wife and the children's mother, the only one whose picture after the murder has not been released by the family. I don't even want to speculate why, though I have my ideas. All I know for a fact was that this Israeli family, the Fogel family, was murdered in cold blood.
The Palestinians of course had their own reactions to the news that this family was murdered inside their own homes by two of their own. They celebrated, passing out sweets in commemoration of the murder of this family of Israeli settlers.
Hamas explains this as natural joy at the deaths of Israeli occuppers. I don't care what their excuses are, nor do I care that, technically, the current protesters in Yemen, Egypt, Lybia, etc., are not at fault. I do know they all support the Palestinians in their "struggle" for "freedom" from the "oppressive yoke of Israeli tyranny".
I also know they are all cut from the same cloth. If they get the "democracy" they claim they want, it will more likely than not turn into one vote for an Islamic government that will institute shariah law and rhen proclaim that as the people are now under the rule of Allah, no further "democracy" is necessary of adviseable.
And if you still need further reason as to why I don't give a shit about them.

Some peoples are cursed with tyranny and oppression. In many cases, they are cursed with the tyranny and oppression they deserve.