I thank the gods every day for Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and "Doctor" James Dobson. If these guys were like the Reverend Billy Graham, I might well have stayed a Christian. I mean, here is a guy that so obviously walks the walk as well as talking the talk, you have to be impressed, you even have to admire, and like, the guy. Here is a man that keeps politics out of his sermons. Here is a man that obviously feels called to spread what he considers the word of his God to every nation, race, color, creed, and political persuasion, regardless of sex, age, and it would seem even regardless of sexual orientation. When he says we are all God's children, and we are all sinners, saved by grace through the glory of God through the sacrifice of His only begotten son on the cross, you know he means exactly what he says. You take him seriously when he says through teary eyes that he loves New York. You understand that he feels every bit as kindly toward democrats and liberals as he does towards republicans and conservatives, whom you would automatically expect to be more open to his message.
You feel for the pain and suffering he is exhibiting with such unbridled courage and stamina, and at the same time are caught in the realization that here is a man on whom there is not the faintest trace of a scandal. No lingering suspicions of the slightest bit of hypocrisy. He is head and shoulders above even Pope John Paul II, whom Graham has expressed admiration for, in that the Pope could not rise above the political morass, interjecting his presence even into the sanctum sanctorum of American domestic policy, where he had no business whatsoever, in an effort to influence the American political scene in favor of what he euphemistically referred to as the "Culture Of Life" as opposed to the "Culture Of Death". One knew instinctively where Graham would stand on this issue. At the same time, you didn't feel he was inclined to beat you over the head with it.
No, once he is gone, which may not be long from now, he will be missed by people of good will everywhere. He will not be easily replaced. Though when he is, there are those who will stand at the ready to take whatever credit they can for it. Jerry Falwell has already positioned himself to take credit for whatever status three of Grahams children, and one of his grandchildren, might attain, as he recently pointed out that they are being taught now at his "Liberty University". The implication, obviously, is that Graham has entrusted him as, in a manner of speaking, the trusted guardian of the sacred path.
Like I said, I am glad for people like Falwell. Had I been exposed to nobody but people like Graham, I might still yet believe in an eternal, all good, all powerful creator god who has always existed and has never changed, one I cannot hope to understand, but must yet accept by faith. I might still hold fast to the fallacious doctrine of "Original Sin", and would believe that evolution is an evil concept, that in reality the world was created in exactly the same manner as portrayed in the scriptures. That the Bible is the literal word of God, and must be believed and adhered to, even when simple common sense dictates the opposite, as is more often than not the case. I might never suppose there was any other way to think, might never imagine that I should indeed think for myself, as opposed to the implications of miraculous stories that are little more than fairy tales. Might never suppose that even when the Bible is at it's best,at times it is more symbolic than literal in it's meaning.
In other words, if I had remained exposed to no one besides Billy Graham, or people like him, I might have become, and gladly remained, a sanctimonious, holier than thou, hypocritical religious fanatic and political religious would be Christian mullah. Much like the reverend Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, and "Doctor" James Dobson. Kind of ironic when you stop to think about it.
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religion. Show all posts
Monday, June 27, 2005
Billy Graham And The Last Crusade
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11:46 AM
Billy Graham And The Last Crusade

Monday, June 20, 2005
Summer Solstice
Tomorrow is the summer solstice, which of course is more than just the first day of summer, it is a Pagan High Holy Day. I'm, a solitary, of course, so I will have to do without the camaraderie that accompanies group events, but the idea is still there. Yep, the old sun god will be riding high, at the full force of his power, and the goddess will be-well, she'll do the goddess thing. Funny how with the advent of Christianity, the significance of the seasonal holidays were all but lost. But it is easy to see how ancient peoples would have been inspired by the recurring seasons, the return of the sun on a periodic basis, the phases of the moon, all those environmental and astronomical aspects that go largely unnoticed by non-Pagans.
It's fun being a pagan. You can smoke, drink, watch porn, jack off, or fuck all day, and it's not just all right, it's sacred. Provided you do it responsibly, of course. And, if somebody smacks you up the side of the head, you can knock his fucking teeth down his throat, and it's all right to feel good about it afterwards. Of course, none of this is what Paganism is all about. Paganism is all about the revering of nature, of the worship of nature and all the earth, of seeing the world, nature, and all of life as aspects of the divine. And of seeing the balance and harmony of nature as exemplified by the duality of the deities, the Goddess as well as the God. It is respect for the earth and nature, and all living creatures, yet not in a maudlin sort of way. It is a religion of practicality. Humans are, after all, at the top of the food chain, and I like a big juicy steak as much as the next guy. So to slaughter an animal for food, as long as that is the reason, and as long as you do it humanely, is fine.
It is about respect for the rule of law, yet it is about seeking positive change, be it politically, socially, or with ritual and magic. And it is about respecting all points of view, yet demanding the same consideration for yourself.
I can't wait for tomorrow. Hell, I can't wait for tonight. It's going to be a long, hopefully eventful, fruitful day. As such, it might be another day or two before this Blog is updated. But when I return to it, hopefully it will be with a fresh batch of inspiration, as well as a healthy dose of good old bull shit, just to round things out. Remember, it's all about balance.
It's fun being a pagan. You can smoke, drink, watch porn, jack off, or fuck all day, and it's not just all right, it's sacred. Provided you do it responsibly, of course. And, if somebody smacks you up the side of the head, you can knock his fucking teeth down his throat, and it's all right to feel good about it afterwards. Of course, none of this is what Paganism is all about. Paganism is all about the revering of nature, of the worship of nature and all the earth, of seeing the world, nature, and all of life as aspects of the divine. And of seeing the balance and harmony of nature as exemplified by the duality of the deities, the Goddess as well as the God. It is respect for the earth and nature, and all living creatures, yet not in a maudlin sort of way. It is a religion of practicality. Humans are, after all, at the top of the food chain, and I like a big juicy steak as much as the next guy. So to slaughter an animal for food, as long as that is the reason, and as long as you do it humanely, is fine.
It is about respect for the rule of law, yet it is about seeking positive change, be it politically, socially, or with ritual and magic. And it is about respecting all points of view, yet demanding the same consideration for yourself.
I can't wait for tomorrow. Hell, I can't wait for tonight. It's going to be a long, hopefully eventful, fruitful day. As such, it might be another day or two before this Blog is updated. But when I return to it, hopefully it will be with a fresh batch of inspiration, as well as a healthy dose of good old bull shit, just to round things out. Remember, it's all about balance.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Terri Schiavo-Autopsy Report Due Today
The Schiavo controversy may be due this day for a resurrection of sorts, when the final autopsy report is finally made public. There are hopes that the report will prove conclusively that Terri Schiavo was indeed NOT in the vegetative state that her husband, scores of doctors, and a variety of court judges decided that she was, before the feeding tube that kept her wasted body going was finally removed, resulting in her death some nearly two weeks later. But just who is it that hopes for this? Her family, of course-her mother, father, brother, and sister-and one would assume their myriad supporters among the politicos, pundits, and religious figures ranging from the catholic hierarchy, to right wing evangelists such as Jerry Falwell and Doctor James Dobson, to Jesse Jackson. In other words, all of them are waiting on pins and needles in the hopes that poor Terri did, indeed, suffer grievously during her final days and hours.
In the event this does indeed turn out to be the case, hold your breath-and your nose-for the release of the numerous prepared statements to the press excoriating the widower Schiavo and his supporters. In the event that the opposite turns out to be the case, you can count on a separate variety of prepared statements from the same circle of allies, only in this case it will probably be a play in two acts.
Act One will contain the story of how the courts, the media, and Schiavo's attorneys have doubtless all conspired to lie on the documents for political, monetary, and legal reasons. A type of cover-up, if you will. They might maintain that this conspiracy has been on-going from day one, from the day Terri first suffered the on-set of her mysteriously degenerating condition, in the case of Mr. Schiavo and his shadowy supporters. Others might maintain the cover-up came after the fact of the death, in the case of political considerations of a good many of Mr. Schiavo's political supporters. There will be accusations of bribery and corruption in high places.
Act Two will come somewhat later, and will develop into an excoriation of the all-pervading "culture of death" that is all too ready to end a human life at the first convenience, and on the slightest pretext. And, once again, the culture wars will be in full fury, with the smiling, unaware face of Terri Schiavo the poster child of the Far Right, invoking the kindness of compassionate conservatism.
Only this time, the play will be performed to a nearly empty house, and will close after a very brief run, in the event that Mr. Schiavo's and his supporters claims turn out to be verified. Still, in the unlikely event that it does indeed turn out that Ms. Schiavo suffered form excruciating pain and agony during her last few days, as a result of Mr. Schiavo and his supporters selfishly removing the feeding tube, and it is proven that Terri was not, after all, in a persistent vegetative state, but had minimal consciousness and feeling-then, the family of Terri Schiavo and their friends and supporters will have a reason to smile. Of course, they will try not to, but, like Terri, hopefully they would be unable to control themselves.
In the event this does indeed turn out to be the case, hold your breath-and your nose-for the release of the numerous prepared statements to the press excoriating the widower Schiavo and his supporters. In the event that the opposite turns out to be the case, you can count on a separate variety of prepared statements from the same circle of allies, only in this case it will probably be a play in two acts.
Act One will contain the story of how the courts, the media, and Schiavo's attorneys have doubtless all conspired to lie on the documents for political, monetary, and legal reasons. A type of cover-up, if you will. They might maintain that this conspiracy has been on-going from day one, from the day Terri first suffered the on-set of her mysteriously degenerating condition, in the case of Mr. Schiavo and his shadowy supporters. Others might maintain the cover-up came after the fact of the death, in the case of political considerations of a good many of Mr. Schiavo's political supporters. There will be accusations of bribery and corruption in high places.
Act Two will come somewhat later, and will develop into an excoriation of the all-pervading "culture of death" that is all too ready to end a human life at the first convenience, and on the slightest pretext. And, once again, the culture wars will be in full fury, with the smiling, unaware face of Terri Schiavo the poster child of the Far Right, invoking the kindness of compassionate conservatism.
Only this time, the play will be performed to a nearly empty house, and will close after a very brief run, in the event that Mr. Schiavo's and his supporters claims turn out to be verified. Still, in the unlikely event that it does indeed turn out that Ms. Schiavo suffered form excruciating pain and agony during her last few days, as a result of Mr. Schiavo and his supporters selfishly removing the feeding tube, and it is proven that Terri was not, after all, in a persistent vegetative state, but had minimal consciousness and feeling-then, the family of Terri Schiavo and their friends and supporters will have a reason to smile. Of course, they will try not to, but, like Terri, hopefully they would be unable to control themselves.
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