The pardon the agents petition that is the subject of this post can be accessed by clicking on the post title, which contains the link to the site which is promoting the petition, which can be likewise accessed by a link at the upper right hand of that page. Also, a hat tip to Lemuel Calhoun of Hillbilly White Trash, who kindly posted the link on his blog at my request, as well as this one here which also goes into some detail as to the chain of events which lead to this controversy.
If you want a job where you are treated with respect, it seems the last thing you might want to consider is the life of a government employee, in at least some cases. And the lower you go down the totem pole, the worse off you are. You get about as much respect in some cases if you’re a burger flipper or 7/11 clerk. Of course, to see the idiot smiles on the faces of actors portraying clerks in tv commercials, you would think they live the life of reilly. Yeah, what do you want your daughter to bring home from Pizza Hut? A supreme with extra cheese and breadsticks, maybe, but certainly not the clerk, if she does that you’ll probably send her back.
Now, you might think you’d be proud if your daughter brought home a government employee, but you might want to rethink that a bit.
Military enlistees are, technically speaking, “government employees”, and they get little respect. Oh, sure, we all “support the troops”, some would even go so far as to say they “love” them, but where does the lip service end and the reality begin? You can leave all that love and respect right outside the door of the Walter Reed Outpatient Treatment Center, thank you very much, it might damage the decorative mold.
Or, if your daughter brings home a US Attorney, you might consider wondering just what you did wrong. Can’t your daughter find a decent tort attorney with a real job?
But it seems these days like if you really want to scrape the bottom of the barrel, you might come out with an INS border security guard. Talk about getting no respect. Here are these two guys that went out of their way to apprehend an illegal Mexican alien who was smuggling some 74 pounds or so of marijuana across the border, whom the two guards thought was armed, and when he tried to escape they shot him in the ass.
They were then tried and convicted of numerous trumped up charges, including civil rights violations.
Now, after this trial, at which three of the jurors involved later claimed they were coerced into delivering a guilty verdict, (the prosecutor, incidentally, is under investigation for prosecutorial misconduct due to his part in the trial) they have been sentenced to twelve and thirteen years in prison, where one of them was recently brutally beaten by Mexican inmates who demanded “death to the border guards.”
They were convicted in part due to the testimony of the illegal alien drug smuggler, who was granted immunity in return for his testimony. But why the hell were they even charged and tried to begin with? According to some reports, this was done at the instigation of the Mexican government itself. Now, I don’t know if that is true or not, though I certainly believe they at least encouraged it, along with the other usual suspects, the pro open borders and amnesty crowds and open immigration factions among the liberal left and the various other immigrant advocacy groups.
In the meantime, these men have gotten little in the way of support from among the conservative forces that would ordinarily be up in arms about these kinds of shenanigans. Of course, as usual, both parties for the most part care more about kowtowing to the far left (in the case of Democrats), or to the business oriented open borders, free trade neo-cons (in the case of Republicans), while both are trolling for as many Hispanic votes as they can muster. It’s fucking shameful. Out of all the members of Congress, only twelve-all Republicans-have gone on record as actively opposing this shameful sham of a trial and demanding that the border agents be granted a presidential pardon.
It is not looking good, however. Although he could definitely grant the men a pardon at a drop of a sombrero, Bush seems to be hiding behind the excuse that pardons are typically granted only after time has been served. Of course, there are numerous instances where this was not the case. Clinton’s pardon of billionaire tax cheat and fugitive from justice Mark Rich comes to mind. Granted, these two men don’t have wealthy wives who can contribute hefty sums of money to a presidential library. Nor are they former high ranking cabinet officials, as in the case of former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, pardoned for his role in Iran-Contra by President George Herbert Walker Bush. Nor are they former Presidents, such as Richard M. Nixon, pardoned by Gerald Ford before he was ever even tried.
They are however men who were merely doing their jobs, maybe not perfectly, but still putting their lives on the line for little in the way of appreciation, renumeration, and respect. Now, they may be compelled to spend the best remaining years of their lives in a federal prison.
If you feel the way I do about this shit, you can click on this link, which will take you to a page where you can donate money to keep the cause alive or, at least as good and maybe even better, in the upper right hand corner of the page you will see a link to a page where you can sign a petition to President Bush encouraging him to grant these men the pardon I honestly feel they should receive as quickly as possible.
I also personally feel they should be granted a public apology, and back pay, in addition to a hefty amount of money for their pain and sufferring. In addition, they should receive an extra amount for whatever harassment they received while in prison, and the warden should be fired for not insuring their safety.
Yes, prison is rough, but all prisoners who are deemed to be potential targets are typically afforded some degree of protective custody, and this would obviously have been the appropriate precaution in the case of these two men.
You see, these two men are both Hispanics, and so in addition to the “crime” of being border agents, to the Hispanic street trash thugs who threatened them and attacked one on at least this one occasion, they are also doubtless viewed as “race traitors”.
Still, for the time being, let’s concentrate on getting them freed. Copy and paste the link and send it to as many people as you can think of to sign and forward to the President.
Like I told Lemuel Calhoun, of Hillbilly White Trash, who was kind enough to post these links on his blog at my request, if Bush would actually do the right thing in this regard, it might go a long way toward demonstrating evidence of this stiffened spine and backbone he allegedly has that we are always hearing so much about.
And I might add one other thing. I know that some that might peruse these links might have a knee jerk reaction to one of these sites, WorldNet Daily, but please try to think outside the box. You don’t have to agree with them on everything, or even on most things. I know I don’t. But when you're right, you’re right. If you agree with me that this is one of the times when they are right, not wrong-and there is little if any gray area here, in my opinion-then get over your initial objections to the site and support this petition drive.
And do more than that. Forward these links to your House Representatives and Senators. I think it’s a disgrace that no Democratic Congressmen or Senators have supported these two men. But that should be considered more a reflection of the Democratic leadership than on the individuals. After all, committee assignments might be in danger if they were to engage in an activity that goes beyond the accepted parameters of the House and Senate leadership as it currently stands. To say nothing of endangering funding of congressional projects and support for sponsored bills. Still, you would think at least one would have the balls (or ovaries) to stand up for what’s right. In all fairness, as I said, only twelve Republicans have done so, as of the writing of the petition.
The drug smuggler in question, by the way, has sued the US government for five million dollars. Like they say-only in America.
Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drugs. Show all posts
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Begging Your Pardon, Mr. President
Posted by
7:59 PM
Begging Your Pardon, Mr. President
Border Security|Crime|Drugs|Illegal Immigration|political hacks|Politically Correct Bullshit|Politics|Prosecutorial Misconduct|

Border Security,
Illegal Immigration,
political hacks,
Politically Correct Bullshit,
Prosecutorial Misconduct
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Sex Slaves
A couple of weeks ago, a couple of young children, a brother and sister by the name of Groene, were kidnapped in the town of Couer De Lane, Idaho, and taken from their home while their mother, step-father, and brother were brutally murdered. The three of them were beaten to death. According to the latest forensic evidence the two youngest children, Shasta (aged 8) and her nine-year old brother, left no evidence that they were murdered-at least not at the same time, nor place. And so, hope is still being held out that the two children are still alive. But in all such cases, with the pasing of time, hope grows dimmer.
What is seldom if ever mentioned in all the news reports on the subject, at least insofar as I have ever noticed, is the history of Couer De Lane. In the not so distant past, up until just a few years ago, the town had the dubious distinction of being a haven for white supremacists. They were a quite controversial element of the society of the town, and were eventually run out on the figurative rail. But they had their following. They held parades in the town, which were the subjects of protests and controversies, yet it has to be noted, there had to have been an element of support in the town for the controversy to begin. So, what happened to them? I have been in theprocess of researching the subject , but as yet have no clear answer. Their leader was an old man, in ill health, and there was a lawsuit which resulted in the groups compound being taken. But, still, they had to go somewhere. I doubt that they went that far, nor do I doubt that they disbanded all together.
Add to this the mystery of the family's apparent involvement with methamphetamines, traces of which were found in the bodies of the two murdered adults, the mother and step-father, and a possible scenario presents itself. Being debt-ridden, to the tune of thousands of dollars, to their suppliers, they themselves presented the option or selling the two youngest children in lieu of paying off their sizable debt. The purchase was agreed upon, but this presented a problem to the drug pushers. The parents would have to report the children as missing, and these numbnuts would obviously raise enough suspicion to warrant a full fledged investigation, and would probably crack and spill the beans. The pushers would be in a position to lose a great deal if that were to occur. They couldn't take that kind of a chance. And so, after getting the children to a place of safety, they returned later in the night or early morning hours, and murdered the three. But why so brutally? Well, why not? After all, they had to leave an impression, had to leave a message. You mess with us, you welch out on paying us what you owe, this is what you get. Which, in that cae, would mean that there are people in Couer De Lane who have a pretty good idea of who the perpetrators might be. But nobody is talking. Especially about drugs. And they don't want anybody in the media talking about drugs, either. The father of the children, as well as other family members, made that all too pain, and complained about the drug questions by the media, live, on cable news outlets.
They don't want to focus on peoples past faults, they explain. Just like nobody seems to want to draw a connection to Coeur De lane's white supremacist recent past. It has never been mentioned, as I said before. But who else would take two small children, while slaughtering the rest? Maybe, just maybe, they were not taken for nefarious purpses of the sex-slave trade. maybe the people who murdered the otehr three, including a thirteen year old boy, the other childrens' brother, had just enough of a heart to want to see to their welfare, and try to provide a decent home, maybe in Canada. Some place where they would be in a clean, wholesome, drug-free environment. Yeah, that would be good.
What is seldom if ever mentioned in all the news reports on the subject, at least insofar as I have ever noticed, is the history of Couer De Lane. In the not so distant past, up until just a few years ago, the town had the dubious distinction of being a haven for white supremacists. They were a quite controversial element of the society of the town, and were eventually run out on the figurative rail. But they had their following. They held parades in the town, which were the subjects of protests and controversies, yet it has to be noted, there had to have been an element of support in the town for the controversy to begin. So, what happened to them? I have been in theprocess of researching the subject , but as yet have no clear answer. Their leader was an old man, in ill health, and there was a lawsuit which resulted in the groups compound being taken. But, still, they had to go somewhere. I doubt that they went that far, nor do I doubt that they disbanded all together.
Add to this the mystery of the family's apparent involvement with methamphetamines, traces of which were found in the bodies of the two murdered adults, the mother and step-father, and a possible scenario presents itself. Being debt-ridden, to the tune of thousands of dollars, to their suppliers, they themselves presented the option or selling the two youngest children in lieu of paying off their sizable debt. The purchase was agreed upon, but this presented a problem to the drug pushers. The parents would have to report the children as missing, and these numbnuts would obviously raise enough suspicion to warrant a full fledged investigation, and would probably crack and spill the beans. The pushers would be in a position to lose a great deal if that were to occur. They couldn't take that kind of a chance. And so, after getting the children to a place of safety, they returned later in the night or early morning hours, and murdered the three. But why so brutally? Well, why not? After all, they had to leave an impression, had to leave a message. You mess with us, you welch out on paying us what you owe, this is what you get. Which, in that cae, would mean that there are people in Couer De Lane who have a pretty good idea of who the perpetrators might be. But nobody is talking. Especially about drugs. And they don't want anybody in the media talking about drugs, either. The father of the children, as well as other family members, made that all too pain, and complained about the drug questions by the media, live, on cable news outlets.
They don't want to focus on peoples past faults, they explain. Just like nobody seems to want to draw a connection to Coeur De lane's white supremacist recent past. It has never been mentioned, as I said before. But who else would take two small children, while slaughtering the rest? Maybe, just maybe, they were not taken for nefarious purpses of the sex-slave trade. maybe the people who murdered the otehr three, including a thirteen year old boy, the other childrens' brother, had just enough of a heart to want to see to their welfare, and try to provide a decent home, maybe in Canada. Some place where they would be in a clean, wholesome, drug-free environment. Yeah, that would be good.
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2:59 PM
Sex Slaves

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