Thursday, February 09, 2012

Some People Have Their Damn Gall

Everybody's talking about how the Obama Administration is trying to find a way to walk back its recent ruling that Catholic charities have to offer insurance that covers birth control. To which I say, well, isn't that special.

What I'd really like to know is, when the fuck do the rest of us get a do-over? If you think the Catholic Church has suddenly awoke to the dangers posed to the Constitution and conservative values by ObamaCare, think again. And they damn sure aren't concerned about the encroachment on our Federalist principles. No, they just have religious sensibilities to abortion and birth control.

All well and good. And, you know? I don't give a good fried fuck. I care about their so-called religious liberties about like they care about mine. Maybe I have my own set of ethical standards, maybe even religious values, that make me strongly opposed to ObamaCare and other liberal policies shoved down my fucking throat.

Do you think for one second the Catholic Bishops Conference among other Catholic groups, including some groups of nuns, gave a big rats ass about my values, my rights, my concerns, or for those of any of the rest of you, when they threw all of us under the bus and supported ObamaCare? Hell fucking no they didn't care, and I'll be damned if I give a big shit about them now.

It's not like they didn't know what kind of person Obama was. This is the most openly, actively pro-abortion President we've had yet. This is a man who, as an Illinois State Senator, couldn't be fucking bothered to vote half the time, other than as "Present", but he damn sure made sure to vote against the Born Alive Act, over the course of his career offering as many as 10 different reasons he voted against this law that tried to mandate saving the life of children who were born alive during the course of a botched abortion.

He has no problem now funding Planned Parenthood with federal tax dollars, or with supporting even third-trimester abortions. But yet, the Catholic Church, whose membership voted for Obama by about 54% despite knowing full well his history, are upset that he turned around and stabbed them in the back? Fuck them, I say good enough for them. I hope Obama doesn't walk it back. I hope he sticks to his guns on this. I hope he keeps right on rubbing their fucking faces in it. Maybe it will teach them a god damn motherfucking lesson.

I doubt it though. Come the next election, they'll probably still vote for him, and won't have any fucking problem whatsoever promoting and supporting more leftist policies that fuck all the rest of us. The nerve of these cocksuckers!