Sunday, February 05, 2012

Allergic To Living

Your Peanut Allergic Kid Is A Goddamn Little Sissy is meant to be a humorous post by Maty Beckerman, but there's probably more than a little truth there. Maybe we are overprotective of our kids. A commenter at the post made the point that he made sure his kids spent the day getting good and dirty because, well, that's what kids are supposed to do. It helps their bodies adapt to germs, and therefore helps them fight them off. Makes sense, especially when I consider the case of a cousin who died of exposure to a germ common in wood that humans developed a natural resistance to probably hundreds of thousands of years ago. Unfortunately, an earlier auto accident which almost took his life destroyed his spleen, and thus wreaked havoc on his immune system. Why it is that children suddenly developed allergies to peanuts over the course of the last three decades remains a mystery. Who knows, maybe it has nothing to do with the protective cocoon so many parents keep their kids enveloped within. Whatever the case, whoever thought this might be the stuff of children's nightmares?
Whatever the case, read the post on Beckerman's website. It might make you smile, it might really piss you off, but one things for sure. It will make you think. H/T to The Other McCain