Friday, September 03, 2010

Still Waiting, In A Haze Of Smoke

When everything goes to hell in a handbasket, all you can do is bitch. People will tell you it doesn't do you any good, but it does help you to vent. Right now, I do need to vent. I got my car fixed, then came a plumbing problem. I'm still waiting for the bill on that one. On top of that, now that my car has had new valves put in, it still runs hot, so I'm still not out of the woods. I have a family medical drama on-going that I'd rather not go into right now. And, since my computer broke down and I have too much of this other crap going on to get it fixed, I have been smoking like the proverbial freight train. Seriously, I had cut down to a half pack a day, with little problem. Now, since I have all this other crap going on, and nothing to occupy my time with in a constructive way, other than a few minutes at the local library computer every once in a while (yes, Sonia Belle, they do have libraries in Kentucky, I've been smoking worse than Obama in the White House men's room.

What I need is some good fucking drugs, but who can afford that?