Saturday, May 22, 2010

She Should Have Said No (1949) Pt. 2 of 8

In Part One, we met "Markie", a marijuana dealer who seems to have cornered the market in 1940'2 Los Angeles. Everybody who was a pot-head in those days knew who Markie was, and knew he could always supply their needs, would do so directly and personally-and yet the clueless cops of those days seemed to be at their wits end as to how to bust up this apparently one man city-wide enterprise. For that matter, they didn't even seem to know who he was.

Tragedy resulted in our last episode, when a young teenager out for laughs with his friends reluctantly agreed to pay five dollars for Markie's marijuana, which he left for him in the change slot of a pay phone. Driving on the LA Streets in wild abandon, an accident resulted which killed him, and two of his friends. The lone survivor was a girl who ended up losing both legs.

Now, in this episode, Markie has his sights set on Annie, a beautiful, naive showgirl who only wants to put her little brother through college. The evil dope pusher moves in pretty quickly, and hilarity ensues.