Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Perfect Image For Everybody Draw Mohammed Day

I knew I would like Samizdata the minute I saw it.After all, how could you not love a cabal of British and European libertarians? Should one of them take part in Everybody Draw Mohammed Day, you should expect the thin line between genius and insanity to blur-and they did not disappoint.

Fundamentalist Islam permits the use of symbols in art, but not the representation of the images of living things, which even in non-religious art is viewed as idolatry-the worship of the creature instead of the creator. This is especially true and all the more blasphemous when the image is of a reputed religious figure.

Natalie, one of the blogs contributors, came up with a brilliant compromise, one that actually meets the standards of Islam, then turns right around and gives it a good hearty "fuck you". This might well cause an intellectual discussion among Muslim imams-what ones are capable of any form of rational thought that doesn't involve manipulating their more naive and gullible followers to feed their insatiable power lust. The rest of them might well not need a suicide vest, as their heads are liable to explode in what passes for mid-thought.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for me to copy her drawing of Mohammed, but its just as well. It would be worth your time to see it for yourself here.

There's no need to see anymore. There may be funnier drawings of Mohammed done this day. There may be more insulting ones. There will certainly be ones that run the gamut from insane to surreal. But I seriously doubt that any will rise to the level of the sublime, as this one does.