Sunday, January 04, 2009

Assud The Jew Eating Rabbit

Silly rabbit. He's a replacement for Nahoul, the Killer Bee whose "martyrdom" is portrayed at the beginning of this segment of the popular Palestinian children's program "The Pioneers Of Tomorrow". Due to the Israeli blockade, poor Nahoul was unable to reach a hospital in Egypt for a life-saving operation. Previously, there was Farfour the Mouse, who was "martyred" by a brutal Israeli interrogator, in an act of violence that was also portrayed in a segment of a previous program.

The little girl is named Saraa, probably the daughter or granddaughter of a mid-level Hamas leader. She is the hostess of the show, which is basically over-the-top Hamas propaganda. Among other things, it advocates, in fact demands, the liberation of the Al Aqsa mosque and the land of Palestine from the "filthy Jews", and encourages martyrdom to it's young viewers.

I picked this particular segment, though it's out of order, because it has what I assume is a regular feature, a call-in segment where viewers can call in with questions. In the one question asked on this particular segment, someone asks the rabbit why his name is Assud, which means "lion". The bunny from hell answers that a rabbit is a no good coward, after which he promises he will "eat the Jews".

Chilling. And a very good indication of why there will never be peace in the region as long as the Palestinians are controlled or influenced by such as Hamas. In view of the on-going Israeli onslaught against Hamas, I am going to make this a regular series. It helps put the whole affair in perspective. The little girl is gone. It's too late for her. She is probably ruined. She will grow up with the knowledge of the blood of children on her hands, if she grows up at all. For Hamas to use her as an advocate to encourage other Palestinian children to follow their path is in my opinion the depths of depravity.

This is more than just an appeal to patriotism. This is outright lies and child abuse. An overall viewing of some of these videos should put an end, once and for all, to the notion that Hamas might ever be bargained or reasoned with.

I know by the way there are some who will protest that this video was deliberately misinterpreted by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency. I don't buy that for a second. It would be too easy to disprove. Besides, in some instances, translation is all but unnecessary, if not superfluous.

At any rate, view this video at your own risk. A strong stomach is in order. It speaks volumes that once cartoon characters reach a certain level of popularity and recognition to the children of Palestine, they are "martyred" at such a time as to achieve maximum impact, and then replaced by another to carry on the fight-all the while encouraging the children of Palestine to join the "Pioneers Of Tomorrow", many of whom will likewise willingly, even gladly, join Nahoul and Farfour in "martyrdom".


beakerkin said...

This show is almost as poorly written
as Ren's blog and about as antisemitic. I have been aware of these Hamas cartoon characters for a while. Do note the lines are on a par
with the stupidity of Larry Gambone
who probably wrote the episode.

It is time to end the Marxist madness
and end the fiction of Palestine. The folks in Gaza are Egyptian.

na said...

I really like the Islamic religion and admire their determination and faith. They will wait thousands of years believing that one day Allah will bring them victory. The Kaaba in Mecca holds great power and control over devout Muslims. Dark Forces use the Islamic faith to bring Death and Destruction, just like Dark Forces have used every human religion. The Darkness in my own life has shown me Doors that lead through Islam. Here is a dream I had some years ago:

“I was walking through the Dark Corridors of the Tomb of Time. Above each Door was a Plaque that described the Path the Door Opened. I stopped at a Door that had a Lady with Cards standing at a small Wooden Table. She told me to draw a Card from Her Deck. I drew the “Queen of Hearts,” the Queen of Hearts is the “Opener of Doorways.” She told me that if I went through the Door next to Her that I would find Great Prosperity. With my Black Heart that meant it lead to a means of Death and Darkness. I looked above the Door to read its Plaque; it read “Hajj.” Not knowing what Hajj meant, the next day on the internet I looked it up; it is the “Fifth Pillar of Islam,” the Pilgrimage to Mecca.”

This dream showed me that Islam is a key component to the present decline of humanity and past/future sufferings for the world.

Frank Partisan said...

Gaza should belong to a socialist Egypt. They would have free healthcare, schooling etc. The border would be abolished. In addition they would have 80 million countrymen. That won't happen until there is a socialist Egypt.

What I disagree with Beakerkin is, that they should be able to decide if they are Palestinian. That can't happen unless there's socialism. A smart decision is to pick Egyptian.

Pagan: Beakerkin called Larry and myself antisemitic. He should be banned from your blog.

Anonymous said...

uh. not to excuse the video at all. But also of mention is the Jesus Camp video that is all over youtube. Try to find it. Trust me, loonies come in all shapes and sizes. It is just that if the loonie is not among you he seems even more loony than your own loonies, while the fact is a loony is a loony.

Beakerkin, people in Gaza are Egyptian? huh? you really are a buffoon aren't you?

SecondComingOfBast said...


I view Ren as a friend of mine, as I likewise do yourself, so-come on now. Calm down.

Plus, I have to point out, no one that I know of is suggesting the present day Palestinian Arabs are even slightly related to the ancient Philistines, who have vanished. The name Palestinian is purely a geographical designation.

You can make the same case regarding the present day Syrians, that they are no more related to the ancient Syrians than Palestinians are to the ancient Philistines. They are still recognized as Syrians due to generations of living within the geographically historical country of Syria. They are also basically Arabs.

Similarly, ancient religious heritage aside for a minute, Palestinian Arabs have lived in the area for many centuries. They were subordinate to the Ottoman Empire for most of that time, and to the earlier Arabian Empire before that, and a plethora of others in between. They have never actually been a nation in their own right, just a group of people who have lived in the area for many successive generations. Not only Jerusalem, but other cities, such as Hebron. To deny their rights due to the irrelevant fact that they are called Palestinians while not being truly Philistine in heritage is a straw man argument-and not a very good one at that.

No one equals me in support of Israel's right to exist, and to engage in whatever actions are necessary to insure their survival, safety, stability, security, and prosperity. If civilians die as a result of whatever defensive actions they take, while that is regrettable, to me it is one of the unavoidable facts of life.

Be that as it may, facts are facts. There is going to have to be an accounting and a realistic solution to the problem, or it will never cease. Unfortunately, being as there is no historical tradition of a Palestinian state, there is no one with any kind of conceivably workable idea as to how to create one. It's going to take time, and it will be a hard slog.

Ren-I don't want to ban anybody from my blog. You and Gambone are big boys. Besides, Beak hurts his own case when he engages in that kind of stuff, he just hasn't caught on yet. Frankly, I disagree with your decision to ban him from your own blog, but that's of course your decision.

I also half way agree with your point about the Palestinians as a part of Egypt, but I can see where it's problematic. The majority of Palestinians would probably be agreeable, but Hamas and Fatah are the problem. They both have to be done away with somehow, or there will never be any progress made. While Fatah is allegedly "moderate" in comparison to Hamas, they are notoriously corrupt. They would be no more wiling to accede power and influence to an Egyptian regime than would Hamas.

As for what type of government this should be, like I said, a socialist government that includes Gaza would certainly be a vast improvement over the situation as it stands now, but I'm not sure a socialist government is the only solution, or even the best one.

A democratic capitalist system could work as well under the right set of circumstances. Once the Palestinians are settled and they have access to the same rights and privileges as all native born Egyptians, that is the most important thing.

However, even that is not the end of it. You still have the West Bank to deal with.

And then you have the Golan. Incidentally, the Golan is historically and traditionally a part of Greater Israel. It was called originally Gaulinitis by the Greeks, and was part of the region of Bashan. Israel is not going to give it up in a hurry, certainly not willingly, without major lasting concessions, if at all.

There is no such problem with Gaza. It was never a part of Israel. It was alloted to the Tribe of Dan, but they failed to consolidate their claims.

Unfortunately, I doubt that any of this will be settled in our lifetimes. Frankly, I would like to see Israel take control of the entirety of the ancient Biblical land of Israel and rebuild the Temple, and the Palestinians fold into the surrounding countries of Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt where they would all be as well off or better than as a nation in their own right.

Then, I think the UN, in what would hopefully be their last act, should compensate them financially for the theft of their lands and homes, which frankly they should never have done to begin with. The present day Palestinians would be set then to eventually work toward a new future. The old Palestinians who were deprived of their homes are all for the most part dead anyway, or will be before long.

The point being, it's time to move on.

Frank Partisan said...

stPagan: Socialism in Gaza means overthrowing Hamas and Fatah. They have proven to be uncaring, and unable to protect their constituency.

Gaza could be part of a real power in the Middle East, or be Palestine.

If Hamas was a revolutionary group, they would protect Gaza with armed struggle. Armed struggle is not shooting missiles that land everywhere. Real armed struggle means arming every factory, school and household. Hamas fears an armed working class more than Israel.

Self determination needs to be solved from below, not above.

Israel would negotiate Golan Heights now, as opposed to even a few years ago. Because of modern weaponry, it doesn't have the same military importance.

The Israeli state is unable with capitalism to absorb all the West Bank settlers. That is one of the biggest contradictions facing territorialist Zionists. There are two major groups of Zionists, territorialist who believe Israel should go back to 1967 borders, and expansionist (Beak and Mad Zionist). Most Israelis are territorialist.

Israel is talked about as if it is independent. It will negotiate not on any basis of ancient history, but realpolitik. Contrary to those who believe in "Jewish Lobby." The Israeli state is best characterized as America's satellite in the Middle East.

I didn't ban Beak from my blog. He agreed it was better he not be there.

Mohamed: You would like Bill Maher's movie "Religiosity."

Beak is advocating deporting Palestinians to Egypt.

I believe Gaza should be part of a socialist Egypt. The population should be able to choose what future it wants.