Saturday, November 29, 2008

Echidne Of The Snakes And Sarah Palin

Usually, when I deem it time to pay a visit to Echidne Of The Snakes, I prepare myself for a dose of ultra-feminist rhetoric on steroids, from a Wiccan perspective. I imagine the lady who owns the blog would just as soon keep the hair under her arms and on her legs. Sometimes, she gets so wound up on the subject of feminism I have to wonder if she is actually trying to be satirical.

On a whim, I just typed Sarah Palin into the search function of her blog, and lo and behold, I was in for a very pleasant surprise. No, she was not a McCain-Palin supporter, by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, she opposed them strongly. However, this page of essays I dug up, all of which contained references to Palin to some extent-some more so than others-struck me as very thoughtful, from a feminist perspective. If all feminists had treated Palin like this, and all leftists as well, I might not have developed such a raging mad-on at all of them.

If more feminists, leftists, and pagans had defended Palin against the uncalled for slurs, I might even have a small amount of grudging respect for them.