Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Shameful Example Of Child Exploitation By Homosexual Activist "Parent"

Michelle Bachmann was at a book signing appearance in South Carolina when she was approached by this little boy, Elijah who, obviously at the urgings of his "mother", whispered in Bachmann's ear "My mommy's gay and she doesn't need fixing". It's painfully obvious the little boy didn't want to do it, was uncomfortable enough that he had to be urged to repeat the message by his dyke mother. Even Bachmann, sensing the boys discomfort and probably legitimately concerned for him, motioned him close enough to her to where he could whisper the message to her. Bachmann was clearly shocked and taken aback by "his" message.

The main point to me is that this proves beyond any and all reasonable doubt homosexuals should be kept as far from children as possible. In a sense, though, Elijah might be very, very fortunate that his gay "parent" isn't a male homosexual IYKWIMAITYD