Sunday, September 02, 2007

Pleasant Dreams

This is how fucked up the worlds leaders are. Afghanistan's opium production this year is at record levels. It's the biggest cash crop they are capable of growing in any appreciable amounts. Afghan farmers make good money selling it. We invade the country and what do the Western leaders propose? They should grow beans and corn and wheat. Yeah, okay, I'm sure they'll take that under advisement.

In the meantime, we diverted our resources from Afghanistan, so the place is about as fucked up as Iraq-at least as fucked up as Iraq. So the resurgent Taliban are back to paying top dollar for the opium, and are using the profits they make from selling the shit to Western countries-including the US and Britain-to fund their war.

So who are the Afghan farmers going to listen to-the Taliban, or the British-American cheese eaters? And please don't tell me about the potential for ethanol from growing corn.

Hey, why don't we buy the shit from them-or allow our pharmaceutical companies to buy it? Let them buy every last poppy plant and make-oh hell, I don't know-codeine? Morphine? Oxycontin? Why the fuck not? Because it would be so cheap then, the pharmaceuticals wouldn't be able to make one third the profit they make to relieve the pain of cancer or to hook people through the auspices of crooked physicians?

I don't know, just a thought. Also, I have an idea back in the distant past, Afghani Buddhist monks used to sit around in the caves of Tora Bora, and others, just sitting around smoking opium for the purposes of spiritual enlightenment. In fact, this probably was an ancient time honored ritual from ancient pagan days.

So maybe we can make the shit into a weapon, gasify it to the point it can be disseminated inside the caves. Maybe Al-Queda and the Taliban might get a whole new perspective on life.