Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Fourth Of July And The Comet

I can't wait to find out the results of the Nasa experiment due to take place July 4th of this year, when a rocket is scheduled to slam into a comet. It is hoped that this will yield some as yet unknown data concerning the nature of comets, and possibly give some idea of their nature and function in the early creation of life on our planet, and potentially elsewhere.

I am expecting them to discover the element of mercury within the comet. I have a reason for believing this, but I'm not about to go out on a limb by saying why, not just yet. But if I am right, and it is shown that mercury is present in this comet, therefore by implication others as well, it might prove to provide a key to a mystery of some fifty years or more standing, which by then I will be more than willing to divulge. If not, then I guess I'll just shut up about it.