Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Tarot Reading The Democratic Party, Republican Party, And-The Tea Party!

The first of hopefully many Republican victories has just been called, and I have a new Senator-Rand Paul. So much for the crying I was supposed to be doing tonight, according to somebody who I imagine will be drinking himself to sleep tonight. In the meantime, I'm going to let this be my cue to give my generalized reading, first for the Democratic Party.

Now at first glance, I'll admit this doesn't seem to make much sense in the context of a party of losers, but then again, that's exactly what you have to do, look at it in context. What it means is, a good many Democrats are going to be packing their bags and going off into the sunset. The only bad thing about it is, the implication here is they are going to be enjoying their retirement from public life, and in their private lives they will while away their golden years. I would prefer to see them suffer like they have made so many of the rest of us suffer with their ill-advised, arrogant, and stubborn policies.

But, they are gone, or will be. I'll take that. The other implication might be even better. Many Democrats might well decide to take an early retirement-get out while the getting's good, so to speak-rather than run for re-election two years from now.

That might be more of a strategy like many Democrats actually followed this year. The execrable Chris Dodd of Connecticut comes to mind. Get out and make room for fresh faces that don't hold the same old baggage. But the problem is, they will be carrying precisely the same old baggage of arrogance, elitism, and adherence to the ideology of failed leftist policies.

Democrats won't rest, will never surrender, until they transform America into a European style socialist democracy, and Republicans can't afford to let up for a minute.

As for the GOP-

They need to bear in mind, the American people are not enthralled with them so much as they are just disgusted with Democrats. I remember in 2006, I voted Democratic out of a very naive, borderline retarded belief that enough Blue Dog Democrats would enable the moderate wing of the party to bring it back towards the center.

It wasn't long before I realized that wasn't going to happen, and that I had made a drastic miscalculation. In fact, it wouldn't have made but precious little difference if I had been right in a good many regards. Democrats, even the moderate wing of that party, just have a belief in government as the central force for positive change, and as such, want to give it too much power, over too much of American society. That isn't going to change.

But the Republicans shouldn't take that as a blank check. Show us the plan. But if that plan involves a watered down version of Democrat policies, we'll show you the door as well. It happened to you once. It can and will happen again. We didn't bring you to the dance so you could go off in some dark corner on the upper floors and fuck the maid and then sneak back down and act like everything's peachy.

You know what you were elected for. Do that, and nothing else.

That brings us to the real heroes of this election-the Tea Parties!

We are going to be confronted by the spectacle of people rising to the top with the intention of being the leader of the pack. And certainly, there will be some leaders. Jim DeMint, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, and a host of others.

What they, and we should remember, is that we aren't really looking for THE ONE! That kind of shit is what Democratic Party wet dreams are made of. We aren't looking for a messiah. We already have our holy writ, as it were, and its called the Constitution. Just like we see it as it is written, unlike Democrats who need to look for hidden meanings behind every article and clause, so we also don't need so much as a leader, but a follower, one who will be our voice, our representative, our expression of fidelity to the founder's document.

Together, we can overcome anything, if we hold fast to those principles, and not let anything divert us from that course.