Tuesday, November 02, 2010

I Think Fiorina Will Win After All

UPDATE-Yep, I know I called this for Boxer, but on second thought, and this is not JUST wishful thinking, I can see how the card applies to Fiorina emerging victorious. She will be a Republican who ran as a conservative in a bad year for Democrats, trying to represent a state that is overwhelmingly Democratic. As such, if she does win, she will find herself having to thread the needle quite a few times.

Plus, this is going to be a big Republican year, maybe the biggest in recent (and maybe not so recent) memory. It's going to be a tough call to make, but I'm reversing myself here. I do however still maintain that Moonbeam is going to win the governor's race. That might be good for Fiorina. Maybe Moonbeam will provide a sterling example as to why Californians might want to rethink this whole Democrat thing.

-End of Update-

I hate to think this, but I'm calling this for Boxer. I just don't see how Fiorina pulls it out. That's too bad, but the Two Of Swords, reversed, would seem to apply more to Boxer. This is the first real contest she's ever faced-ever, in her life, I am inclined to believe. If she were a Senator from any other state, she would probably be long gone-well, except for New York, Vermont, or Massachusetts. Her arrogance is almost Kennedyesque.

(Video removed due to technical loading problems)

She is nothing, absolutely nothing, but a leftist hack politico. But hacks do have this advantage-they have people who are heavily invested in keeping them in their place, and towing the line. In Boxer's case, that is not only an easy job description to fulfill, its her natural calling.

It might be close, but I think Boxer wins, thanks in part also to Meg Whitman's candidacy for governor dragging Fiorina down.