Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Rachel's Tomb-To The Arabs With Love, From The UN

Rachel's Tomb is one of the most sacred places in Jewish tradition, reputed for well over one thousand years-by Jews, Christians, and Muslims-to be the burial spot of the beloved Jewish Matriarch Rachel, the wife of Jacob.

Now it has been decided by the United Nations organization UNESCO, that it will no longer be recognized as a world heritage site, and that, furthermore, Rachel's Tomb should henceforth be recognized not even as a Jewish site, but as an Islamic mosque.

This provocation has been going on since 1996, and has gained currency in the Arab world, especially with the Turks. That's one thing in and of itself, its something quite again for the UN to deign to decide the issue. It's not really surprising though, since when it comes to issues such as this, especially those that touch on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the UN is the world's biggest lap dog to the Muslims. This is in fact a title for which they have fought long and hard to attain.

The Israelis, to their credit, have let it be known they will no longer cooperate with UNESCO, going so far as to describe this latest action as tantamount to an act of war.

So it looks like yet another round of conflict between the proponents, adherents, and defenders of the "religion of peace", and the one tiny little country that can't seem to achieve it with them, regardless of how hard they try.

There can be no doubt, this insanity is going to keep on until one day the Jews might well feel they have no other option but to embark on the massive wholesale slaughter of their surrounding Arab population, who in fact seem to be desirous of just that, possibly out of some internal collective desire to die as martyrs, or even more possibly out of some ancient and primeval suicidal impulse that is unique to them as a group.

As for the UN, I for one want them off of US soil. This fiasco, this shameful act of collusion, is just one more reason among a multitude of reasons as to why I feel that way, and wish the Israelis good luck in solving their own problems in however way they see fit. I'm afraid they are, unfortunately, pretty much on their own.