Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Atkins Diet

One thing I learned a long time ago, you can make a lot of money merely by validating peoples beliefs and lifestyles, and the more blatantly harmful they are, the more you will make. You see the similar process at work in politics, religion, business, and even relationships. People want reassurrance. And, though you would think food and health would be a different matter, it isn't. People want to feed their faces, and they want to feel good about it.

Therefore, when Dr. Joseph Atkins formulated his wildly popular diet in the late 70's, in which he asserted you should eat as much protein as you wanted, and you could lose weight by doing so, it should have been obvious he was going to be an unqualified sucess.

Of course, there were conditions. It required the drastic reduction in the intake of carbohydrates. But to people who love meat and dairy products, this would likely be seen as no great loss.

But now, finally, the Atkins Diet Company has gone broke. Good riddance. Like all fad diets, it lot just a little too much weight, after a period of constipating wealth, it suddenly sufferred an unexpectedly violent case of the shit runs.

Now, maybe somebody will come along and formulate a sensible diet. Fortunatley, it has all ready been done, and it is in the public domain. In fact, you can credit the federal Government for developing the idea of the four basic food groups and the need for a balanced diet that utilizs all four groups.

It has stood the test of time and, for the average person, it is the best diet plan ever devised. It is also good for most cases where there is an obvious need for weight reduction that doesn't involve diabetes or glandular disorder. But it as well comes with conditions. You must get adequate amounts of sleep and exercise (besides work). You should not neglect one food group while making up the difference by overdoing another. For example, you shouldn't gorge on proteins and fats while eliminating or drastically reducing crbohydrates-which, incidentally, are necessary to ensure the adequate presence of electrolytes, which just happen to be necessary for healthy brain function.

Finally, there is another condition, no more or less important than the others. Which is, eat enough to satisfy your appetite. Then stop. Reduce between meal snacks if not eliminate them, or change them to healthy portions of fruits and nuts.

In other words, if you don't want to be a disgustingly obese fat ass slob, and you don't want to come down with diabetes, heat disease, high choloesterol, high blood pressure, etc., and you don't want your kids to follow your example by being fatso fucking tub-of-lards and stay miserable laughing stocks throughout their formative years-