
So let's see, if I attended a typical Pagan Pride Day event, then I'm going to have to wade through 1000 people to find just 106 I can stand to talk to for more than the time it takes to ask for directions. That's just great. Oh, I could do it. I like to think that like attracts like. I'll recognize them somehow. I won't say how. I'll just know. And they will know me. For one thing, we'll all be the ones with our eyes peeled for the nearest exits.
I won't change the name of this blog, but I think I will start referring to my path as something other than Pagan or Wiccan. The vast leftist majority will appreciate that, I'm sure. I just don't really have anything in common with these people and there's no use in pretending I do. I know it, and they know it.
But, it is what it is. I guess they feel they have a right to celebrate. So did Trotsky.
Will somebody kindly pass me the belladonna?
You can't just talk about paganism? I mean, I can't tell you the number of times I've been around people with different political views- you just talk about things other than politics. Why should something as small as politics define you as a person?
You just have to know these people. If they didn't actually invent Bush Derangement Syndrome, they sure contributed to it. I doubt I could ever have a five minute conversation with them about anything without that being in the back of my mind.
I've criticized Bush on numerous occasions myself, but I come by it honestly. It's not like I'm an in-the-tank Republican conservative. Pagans, of all people, should strive for objectivity and independence of thought, not just jump on the bandwagon of the day. Not them, though.
Put maybe a bit more concisely, visit any left-wing blog, such as Kos, HuffPo, or Democratic Underground, and you pretty much got the gist of any group of pagans you want to think of.
I think you're overreacting.
I always viewed the phrase "pagan community" as an oxymoron - the emphasis on individual power and all that.
I can sympathize with you PT. Being a Pagan myself, outside of what many people consider being the norm for Pagans. There are a few Pagans who supported the McCain ticket, me included. We should never cut military spending and the Democrats are notorious for doing just that. Clinton closed bases and cut military spending in order to balance the budget, I’m sure Obama will do the same thing. Clinton should have attacked the Taliban in Afghanistan on his watch when they tried to bring down the World Trade Center with explosives. All he did was launch a couple of cruise missiles at a mud hut he thought Osama Bin Laden was hiding in, he may have killed a camel. If Clinton would have reacted with a strong military mindset to the bombing of the World Trade Center, the Taliban would have been disabled long before 911, possibly averting the disaster. Military service should be a pre-requisite for anyone wanting to be Commander-in-Chief of the military.
Something really bad is going to happen during the Obama term. Remember my dream predicting the Obama win and future suffering for the American people? Here is it again for those who missed it:
Now here is a personal revelation through a dream: “There was a very large and powerful African man walking with a very large and powerful white man. Both men were dressed tribally. They were walking on either side of an old wooden wagon that was being pulled by a water buffalo. The black man was on the left side of the wagon and the white man was on the right side of the wagon. The water buffalo was struggling very hard to pull this wagon. The wagon was not hard to pull because it was heavy; it was empty and had nothing in it. It was hard to pull because instead of having the wheels on the side position in a normal manner, the wheels were on the front and back so that they were being dragged instead of turning smoothly. The powerful black man and the powerful white man were amused by the struggles of the water buffalo. After a time, the black man came to the front of the water buffalo and delivered a crushing blow straight into the forehead of the poor beast. His fist sunk into the animal’s skull. The eyes on the water buffalo bulged out in pain and horror.”
The powerful black man and the powerful white man represent Obama and McCain. The water buffalo represents the American people and their daily struggles. The empty wagon represents what the average American is struggling for and attaining. The black man coming to the front represents Obama winning the presidential election. The black man sinking his fist into the water buffalo’s head represents future suffering for the American people.
Did you think Clinton supporters were overreacting when they tried to defend Clinton against the constant barrage of unfair attacks from Republican conservatives? I used to get pissed off at that too, and thought, and still think, a lot of that crap was over the line. These leftists and their anti-Bush rhetoric, however, actually make all that look mild by comparison.
There is no pagan community, it's an ideal. Basically a bunch of people on the internet talking about a bunch of shit that's never going to happen, and probably wouldn't amount to a hill of beans if it did. It would have the shelf-life of your typical nineteen sixties era hippy commune, and be about half as much fun.
Add in a few Pagan Pride Day festivals and Rennaissance Fairs and there's your pagan community, for what its worth. Its a role playing opportunity, a fantasy.
A real, honest-to-Gods community would require too much work and commitment. No real pagan wants to be a pawn of a select group of people's delusional power fantasies.
Blue Skull-I had forgotten about that. That is a scary vision. I think I know what it means too. It's really a typical modern American political tactic. If you want to keep power, keep the people afraid and in pain. of course it only works as long as you can deflect the blame onto somebody or something else.
I guess I'm sad to see the shift.
In the days I would readily describe myself as "pagan" - pagans were Libertarians or Greenies.
A lot of subsets beyond "pagan community" have swallowed the Democrat Kool-Aid.
Well, if it was just that so many of them were Democrats, I could live with that, at least up to a point. It goes well beyond that though. A lot of them, if not most of them, are Code Pink types, and others like that and worse.
I guess what really has me pissed off is the way they reacted over Sarah Palin. You know the kind of crap that was shot at her. Well, say hello to your basic "pagan community". Talk about taking the Kool-Aid, they drunk that shit and regurgitated it by the keg.
And here they want to mouth off about women's rights, and women power, and goddess spirituality, and making inroads against the so-called "evil patriarchy" (which is another fucking joke), but the minute a woman looks like she might actually have a shot at being VP they attack her with all kinds of vile shit. Why? Just because she's a conservative. I ain't going to get over it any time soon. They are hypocrites.
If they had just opposed her ideas and left it at that, I could have accepted that to a point, but the personal shit, aimed at a woman, and at her family-her kids especially-coming from people that preach gender equality on a spiritual basis, makes me want to jab a fucking screwdriver in somebody's fucking eyeballs.
I don't know what is worse, that so many of them are lying, self-serving manipulators, or that most of the rest of them are just so fucking weak-minded they just took the shit and ran with it without giving any real thought to what they were doing.
Anyway, there you have it. Here we have a bunch of numb nuts that preach how we should empower ourselves by living in tune with nature and gaining self-mastery, discipline, and knowledge, but in the meantime, hey, let's all vote for the party that will make sure the government will take care of us and supply all our needs.
They're not witches and pagans, they're fucking Dragons and Dungeons rejects.
Well, Lemuel has called me a Hindu - and maybe I am but I sure can't stand the New Age guru types. Actually they can't stand me.
I'm becoming more and more amazed at how much I actually agree with you.
Dungeons and Dragons rejects.
(don't look now, the Chaotic Good half elf druids are coming to loot the bodies.)
You mean you don't know for sure whether you're a Hindu? Well, in that case, you do have one thing in common with most New Ager pagan types. They don't know what the fuck they are either, for the most part. Most of the ones that do are the ones laughing to the bank.
I don't want to put you on that level though. You seem to be a man of real principles, more like an actual real Hindu, or at least more how they are supposed to be, or strive to be.
Without mentioning any names, one of the most renowned pagans in America today is a member or at least a close associate of Code Pink. That should tell you something.
Here you have a woman who goes to Israel after calling the government there apartheid, and complains because they won't let her in, while in the meantime she associates with folks that encourage the forming of human shields to protect Palestinian thugs and murderers.
Incredible. Somebody forgot to explain to me how crap like this is supposed to benefit the pagan cause.
Patrick, I don't know, I wasn't into politics then.
Tonight, why don't you have a glass of wine with dinner and jack off a little bit. You'll feel better in the morning.
4 years ago, I was pissed that Bush was re-elected, but I did not go through all this drama with being upset. I just let it go, said what's done is done and tried to look on the bright side.
You can, too.
Danielle, I think you might be missing the point. I'm not mad at Obama for winning. I'll admit I'm very disappointed that most people voted for him, but I'm not really even mad so much about that.
What has me so pissed off is the way these people have engaged in their vitriolic campaign of hatred over the course of the last eight years, and especially the way they have done so against Sarah Palin.
What have you read from me that is any worse than the way these people have been carrying on over the last eight years, against Bush, and now against McCain and Palin? They are my targets, not Obama or his honestly well-meaning though in my opinion deluded supporters.
I might also give a big shout out to certain media personalities from whom we have a right to expect better, and from the leaders, movers and shakers of many of the Democratic Party and it's myriads of special interest groups, from whom we really can't expect any better.
That's the point. It's not so much that Obama might pass a few laws, or even a bunch of them, that I might strongly disagree with. Bad laws can be reversed, amended, or scrapped over time.
My main problem with Obama is how he might impact the make-up of the Supreme Court over the course of his hopefully one term of office.
But even that, as concerned as I am about it, isn't the reason for the rage I'm expressing now, it's the Code Pinko types who have earned every bit of the bile and vitriol I have spewed their way, especially the so-called self-styled "pagans", as well as those media and political and special interest types.
I don't want anybody to ever forget them or the way they have tried to rip this country apart over the last eight years.
Dissent is patriotic, PT.
Remember to chide them not to contribute to the cycle of violence while you're stomping on their faces.
Joe the plumber gets up at 6 am and fills his coffeepot with water to prepare his morning coffee. The water is clean and good because some tree-hugging liberal fought for reasonable water quality standards.
With his first swallow of water, he takes his daily medication. His medications are safe to take because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure their safety and that they work as advertised. All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance – now Joe gets it too.
He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs. Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.
In the morning shower, Joe reaches for his shampoo. His bottle is properly labeled with each ingredient and the amount of the total contents because some crybaby liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained.
Joe dresses, walks outside, and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some wacko environmentalist liberal fought for the laws to stop industries from polluting our air.
He walks on the government provided sidewalk to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some fancy-pants liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.
Joe begins his work day. He has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays, and vacation because some big city liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job, or becomes unemployed, he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.
It is noontime and Joe needs to make a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FDIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.
Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the government might be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime. Joe also forgets that in addition to his federally subsidized student loans, he attended a state funded university.
Joe is home from work. He plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive. His car is among the safest in the world because some America-hating liberal fought for car safety standards to go along with the taxpayer funded roads. He arrives at his boyhood home. His was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers' Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans.
The house didn't have electricity until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.
He is happy to see his father, who is now retired. His father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine drinking, cheese eating liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.
Joe gets back in his car for the ride home, and turns on a radio talk show. The radio host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good.
He doesn't mention that those beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day.
Joe agrees: "We don't need those big government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have!"
Joe the Plumber had better switch to tea. By the time the Democrats get through trashing our relationship with Columbia, the price of coffee is going to go through the roof. Every morning at your coffee pot is going to be like a morning at Starbucks.
Those liberals are the reason Joe's medicine and other aspects of his medical care are so expensive that it is forcing so many companies to either lay off workers, or drop their medical coverage.
Joe better lay off the bacon, as the nanny state wing of the Democratic Party are in the middle of mandating how much a person can weigh and what kinds of foods they should eat, and they'll accomplish this in part by driving the price of pork, for one thing, through the roof. This will please their new Islamic constituents, and it will unclog Joe's arteries, for Joe's own good.
Joe had better stay away from MacDonalds too. Thanks to those namby-pamby liberals, they will probably be sued and/or regulated out of business in his area, and maybe a lot of places.
Joe doesn't care what's in his shampoo. He's used it for years, and he knows it's good and will do him no harm. He just wish it didn't cost as much as it does, but thanks to those buttinsky liberals and their oppressive regulatory rules, it costs twice as much as it should.
But hey, it's taxed at the state and/or local level, so those creepy state and local liberals will make more money off the tax of a high priced product than they will a low priced one. Plus the companies federal taxes will be higher and thus bring in more money for the liberals social spending programs.
No wonder Joe's hair looks greasy some days. He can't afford to wash his hair every day, thanks to those uncaring liberals.
Joe takes a deep breath of fresh air, and wonders why if the air is so much cleaner than it used to be, thanks to the liberals, supposedly, why do they keep on going on about Gorebal Warming? The only hot air Joe knows anything about is the hot air constantly spewing from the mouths of ass-hat liberals looking for yet another excuse to reach their grubby liberal hands inside his wallet.
Joe takes a walk down his sidewalk and wonders why his city and state have to receive federal funds to build his sidewalk and his county, city, and state roads. Wouldn't it be better if the state just raised the money to build it themselves instead of the feds taxing him, then turning that tax money back to the states, cities, and counties? Wouldn't that give them more bang for the buck?
Of course, Joe realizes that as long as the feds control how much money states get from federal highway funds, the feds can control what laws states pass and can mandate what kind of companies the states contract to do business with, which means of course it increases their patronage power.
Joe is no fool. Joe realizes that public transportation would be more cheap and efficient if the federal government kept their mitts off of it and let the cities and states run it like they should.
Joe is grateful for his many benefits on the job, but Joe gets pissed off when he thinks of how corrupt some of his union bosses are, and how they give his hard-earned union dues to politicians that insist on supporting gun control and other laws that Joe doesn't like or agree with. Joe is determined that he will not be their slave just to keep from being a slave to his boss.
Still, Joe does give the liberals some credit for his benefits on the job, and other things, such as Social Security and FDIC. After all, the economy is a national one, so they feds are within their rights to put in some kind of protections for workers like him.
Joe says to himself, "well, a stopped clock is right twice a day."
Then Joe takes out his mortgage payment. "God damn that fucking Fannie Mae," he says. I knew those motherfuckers and their liberal fascist elite friends would screw me, just like they have so many others. Joe wipes a tear from his eyes, and goes to pay it, thankful that-so far-he is one of the lucky ones that are still able to do so-for now.
Joe bitches that, if not for those godless commie liberals at that liberal infested university he attended, he might have learned better than to fall for their crap, but instead of learning the basics of business and other worthwhile common sense things, his mind was filled with Bolshevik garbage from the depraved mind of Marxist tenured professors.
"A damn good thing I have my plumbing job to fall back on", says Joe.
Joe gets in his car, which is not as safe as it could be because the automotive industry had to cut corners to at least try to be profitable in the face of the federal governments oppressive regulations. He takes the federaly funded road, which since it crosses state lines the federal government should fund, to his father's house, his old third-generation family farm, which was saved through his grandfather's ability to acquire a Federal Farm Loan, which he of course had to pay back at low interest over time.
Joe wonders why they don't make Democrats like Harry Truman and Franklin Roosevelt anymore, men who tried to have government programs that were worthwhile and made sense, and that served an important and good purpose, instead of Bolshevik elitists who want to take away his guns and tax his coffee and cigarettes to where he can't afford them, and allow hordes of illegal immigrants to swarm into his native country, among other things.
Joe wonders how much longer he will be able to see a movie or a television show, especially the news, that doesn't serve as propaganda for some liberal cause? Joe wonders if he will have to spend his life walking a tightrope being politically correct in all his words and actions to avoid offending some namby-pamby liberal special interest group. Joe is sure this is not exactly what Roosevelt had in mind.
Joe is happy to see his father, and his father is happy to see him.
"I've got some fresh fruits and vegetables here for you, Joe," his father said. "Got some fresh slaughtered meat for you too.
"Good," says Joe. "Those fucking liberals have made shit so expensive with their regulations and taxes I can't afford to buy my own food anymore."
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