The association of Barak Obama with former Weather Underground radical terrorist Willaim Ayers has been the subject of much conjecture and criticism, some people claiming this is a sign that Obama just doesn’t share the values of ordinary Americans. This post from the Huffington Post details a controversy over an advertisement, created by an independent group, which claims that this proves Obama is not fit to be President.
Obama supporters claim the group has broken the law, because corporations, companies, and organizations cannot engage in direct advertising against a particular party or candidate. However, even if the ad is pulled, doubtless it will eventually resurface in a way that will conform to the law.
My feeling is, why overreact? As the old saying goes, looks can be deceiving. That applies to personal associations as well.
Let’s try to imagine a positive spin on this matter. Many people are speculating as to the identity of Obama’s soon-to-be announced running mate. He has said it will be someone ready to lead, a person with a depth of experience who can “challenge his thinking”.
That got me to thinking. What if he has special plans for Mr. Ayers, plans for which his past history, far from disqualifying him, might instead make him eminently qualified for certain positions.
I propose then that Barak Obama might well seriously consider appointing William Ayers as his “Terrorism Czar”.
After all, as a current University professor, he is obviously intelligent, but more to the point, his experience makes him a reliable voice of expertise. I can envision a future private meeting between-
Obama and Terrorism Czar William Ayers
President Obama-You know, Bill, I was thinking of going to Texas and making a speech in an effort to promote my Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill. What do you think about the idea of giving it at The Alamao?
Terrorism Czar Ayers-Well, I don’t know, Barak, you’d better let me go through the range of possible scenarios with my staff, just to be on the safe side, so we’ll know what maybe to expect and for what contingencies to prepare.
President Obama-Surely you don’t think someone would try to blow up an American landmark like the Alamo do you?
Terrorism Czar Ayers-Well, I always wanted to. I tell you what, let me look over some of my old diaries and maybe I can help you prepare for any possibility. I doubt that anybody has considered anything that I never thought about.
Of course, that is only one possibility. He could also name Ayers Secretary of Education, since that is now his chosen profession. Or, he could name him White House Chief of Staff, seeing as he has management experience. FBI Director is also not out of the question, as he seems to have amassed a considerable body of experience with them as well.
It would be a shame for the talents of this remarkable man to go to waste, and I’m sure Obama can certainly think of something that would make William Ayers the living embodiment of “change we can believe in.”
The ever present Bill Ayers aka the lowest form of life in America. He was the lazy self indulgent communist
that committed crimes against the American people.
Obama knew about his crimes and has had a disturbing relationship with this pariah. This relationship as well as the wacky Marxist racist cult
church raises serious issues about his judgement.
This was an attempt at humor. I was being facetious. It does say something pretty sad about the state of the Democratic Party, however, that any Chicago candidate for public office is more or less obliged to kiss the ring of someone on the level of William Ayers and his abomination of a wife Behrnadine Dohrn-who publicly applauded Mansons murders of those Tate and LaBianca "pigs", to use her words.
Chicago is a very machine oriented
town. Ayers is the vile spawn of a local utility executive. The reason he is in a University instead of pushing up daisies is money and political connections.
Ayers family is connected with the Daleys as campaign donors.
I agree, Ayers should have been executed years ago, and Dohrn as well. They should have been tried on federal charges. I have an idea that part of the deal that set him free involved information he had. Or, if could have been just a political favor to a friend of Mayor Daily. It was definitely something shady.
Do you see now why when politicians scream and thump their chests about things like the need to stand up to Russia I put it to my smell test and oftentimes it doesn't pass it?
Bill Ayers was never a communist. He was just a rich kid having a temper tantrum against his parents, then he reconciled with them.
Ayers by his tactics and ideology, rejected the dictatorship of the proletariat. He believed and still does probably, that the white working class gets priviledges from racism.
Beakerkin seems to think Marxism has a Protestant wing. Marx was a dialectical materialist and Atheist. Marxism even rejects secularism, because that is based on seperation of church and state. The idea of Marxism is to eliminate the need for religion.
All of the Stalinists support the Democratic Party. They have for over 60 years.
Now Renegade Testicle is lying. Ayers is and remains a communist. His crimes were committed in the name of Marx.
At various times Ren claims Ayers should have been pardoned due to his incompetence as a terrorist. Contrast this with the kill Posada Cariles rhetoric directed against a criminal regime in Havana.
There is a place in America for Ayers it is called Gitmo.
I'm not so sure the fact that Ayers engaged in terrorism is valid proof he is not a communist. Communists are not all one large homogeneous group, as I'm sure you know, and terrorism after all is just a tactic, not in and of itself a component of any given philosophy.
Communism does seem to have a Catholic wing in liberation theology, and even Cahvez, who is a socialist, speaks consistently of Christ, claiming even to have discussed Christ with Castro.
I grant you Ayers might not be an Orthodox Marxist, but no one ever claimed he was.
Ayers will definitely be a factor in this next election. Obama will be on the defensive about him, and it might well be the thing that costs him the majority of independent voters.
The Weather Underground was a well
known Marxist Leninist terrorist group. Its members got training in Cuba and from the Soviets.
Ren knows this and will say anything
to save Marx from the truth.
Liberation Theology is not Catholic.
It is an attempt to subvert organizations by Communists.
I might have got the movement confused with Catholicism due to the presence of catholic priests in Latin America I thought adhered to the movement. Maybe I was wrong. I certainly didn't mean to imply the catholic Church in general supported this.
Beak if he is not practicing serial lying, he is ducking political questions.
Training from the Soviets and Cubans? Beakerkin is flat out lying.
Ayers did his actions in support of the "third world."
Beak ducked my question about Wright. Marxism is based on dialectical and historical materialism. You can't believe in both Marxism and religion.
Once again we have Renegade Testicle lying to advance the cause of communism. The role of Cuba and North Vietnam in training the Weathermen was actually written in the Bolshevik New York Times in 1977.
The Freedom of Information Act added that this training was directed by a KGB agent Vadim Kotchenkine. You can get the spelling of the agents last name at Discover The Networks entry on the Weathermen.
Furthermore Liberation Theology is just another attempt by communists
to subvert organizations. The comments of Pastor Wright are Marxist, Racist crank material.
Communism itself is a religious cult as defined by Toynbee. Ren, Graeme and Troutsky are fundamentalist members of a death cult with a criminal history. Communism should be placed under 24/7 security watch and severely
punished when they break the law like Ayers. Ayers used family connections to escape Justice.
Your obsession with Ren's testicles is disturbing. Please cease. Go back to calling him Retrograde Eye or something.
I do agree with you about Ayers. He and his skank of a wife should both have been prosecuted and executed if found guilty by a jury. The fact they were not is a miscarriage of American justice.
Isn't dialectical materialism a belief in constant movement and change? How does this preclude the possibility for a belief in some kind of religion so long as it does not conflict with basic Marxist principles.
Take for example Beak's assertion that Jim Jones was a communist. Assuming he is correct, would this not be an example of a Marxist who at least professed a belief in religion?
Pagan how about Renegade Spleen? Renegade liver, lungs or kidneys do
not cut it.
What you are seeing is Ren once again knowingly making false statements. The role of the Cubans in training the Weatherman terrorists was known in 1977. Through FOIA we know that they were also trained by the KGB.
Communists will abuse any group in their quest for power. Jim Jones was indeed a communist. The idiea is to subvert sow dissension and gain followers.
Renegade Spleen would be a vast improvement. Then again, anything would.
Ren is wrong, in my view, about the religion thing. That's old fashioned Marxism. Even Chavez has rejected that line of thought. I have no doubt that, in his own perverse way, Jim Jones was sincere insofar as his stated belief in Christianity. He could just as easily have been a Marxist. The two are not mutually exclusive, so long as you adhere to the economic, social, and political philosophies, etc., of Marxism.
Deists for example, from my limited understanding of them, could easily be Marxists. I would agree it would be next to impossible to be both a communist and a fundamentalist Christian. In that case, there probably is way too much conflict between the two philosophies to be reconciled.
Another example is Buddhism. Of course, Buddhism at its core is an atheistic religion, so maybe that's not the best example, but many of the Tibetan monks protesting now against Chinese control of Tibet are themselves both Buddhists and communists. No less a personage than the Dalai Lama says so.
All that is required is a belief in material dialectics as opposed to some kind of heavenly father that controls all of time and creation. This does not presuppose a lack of belief in any religion.
I heard a song today that explains at its core exactly why Marxism will never replace religion in the hearts and minds of the people. Christianity, for just one example, offers the belief in a personal deity, and more importantly, the promise of a personal relationship with that deity through prayer and faith.
Marxism can never replace that, or even come close. How likely is it that, when Trotsky "got the (ice) axe", he was thinking of Ren and all the other communists through history? How likely is it that he willingly died for them, as opposed to just being just another one of many assassination victims?
You can draw the same parallel with Lenin or any other communist leader. The veneration that is put on them has no chance of ever being reciprocated. People that believe their religious faith is reciprocated on some level, whether it is real or delusional on their part, nevertheless in any event have a bedrock of strength no believer in material dialectics can ever attain.
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