There might be a bit of trouble in the European Union faux paradise here in the near future, centered on a relatively recent addition-the Eastern European nation of Bulgaria. Some factions there in this Balkan nation have balked at what they see as the overly repressive demands for carbon emissions reduction. Many Bulgarians feel such restrictions might cause a reversal in the nation’s economy, perhaps throwing it into a recession. It does seem a bit draconian, in that the agreed target is to reduce to late 1990’s level emissions. As such, Bulgaria might challenge the ruling in court. Should they prevail, which in my opinion is unlikely, it would by necessity cause the entire agreement to be scrapped.
Of course, it is unlikely that any European nation will ever reach the announced target. There are multiple EU overseers ready and willing to take bribes to look the other way, of course, which is possibly the major function of the EU to begin with. The European Union is not really a union at all so much as it is a legitimized protection racket. I give it twenty years at the most before it either falls flat on it’s ass, or becomes so repressive by necessity in order to insure it’s survival that any pretense to democracy will be legitimately viewed as some archaic symbol, much like a modern European monarch.
Of course, Bulgaria could well decide to withdraw from the Union. The only problem is, if they do, they would probably end up suffering the fate of Serbia in the mid-nineteen nineties. First would come sanctions, and then, if worse came to worse, there would be a full scale NATO assault on some exaggerated or outright fictitious pretext, in which the US would be expected to provide the lead role.
I can almost even predict what that pretext might be-pollution of the Danube River.
I hope we do not carry their water for them this time. When you look at the laws and the flaws of the European Union as a whole, it does not look much different from the PRC, which might actually be a bit more advanced in some respects. At least China is not dependent on us continually propping them up. If anything, we are dependent on them. Without our influence, the European Union would dissolve back into dozens, possibly more than a hundred rival kingdoms and duchies slaughtering each other every bit as violently and bloodthirstily as any group of savage, rival tribes in Sub-Saharan Africa. Well, after all, that is pretty much their history, isn’t it? They are all pretty much cut from the same cloth. The Europeans just have more advanced technologies with which to slaughter each other. Repressive laws enacted under a pretense of consensus might in the end do little more than delay the inevitable while at the same time exacerbating it.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
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Trouble In So-Called Civilization
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