I recently discovered a blog that I just had to put on my blogroll, written by the lovely and talented Sonia Belle, who you see pictured here. What can I say? As she puts it, she has not worn clothes since the age of twenty. She is, nevertheless, happily married, with two teenage children. She loves sex, and has numerous affairs, but with women only, for, as she explains, she would never cheat on her husband with another man.
Yeah, I know, sorry guys, but check out her blog anyway. In the political realm , her concise logic and reason focuses like a laser on both American and international politics and problems, to the extent that I wish she'd get off the island where she lives with her family and devote her time to public service, where her talents and reason are desperately needed, and would be of great value.
On the other hand, why ruin a good thing? Sonia is by no means a knee-jerk partisan, and so in that sense I feel she is almost like a soul mate. She is truly a free thinker and an independent spirit. Would that there could be more.
She also has an eye for art and film, and a great deal of her blog is devoted to these subjects. She is an artist herself, creating collages from works she fnds on the internet. Beautiful, talented, original, sensuous, independent, and intelligent, yet loyal. Yes, I may have found the closest thing to the perfect woman here, folks. If you want to ever engage in a meaningful, reasonable, aticulate discussion and debate, by all means visit her blog.
Befre closing, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that I discovered this treasure on the blog of Renegade Eye, yet another member of the blogroll whose blog I heartily recommend, for mostly the same reasons. No nude photos though. Still, if you ever want to visit a blog with insights from a socialist perspective, pay him a visit. He too welcomes a hearty, well thought out and reasoanble debate.
Until later, well, later. For the time being, I feel this strange impulse to scroll back up to the top of the page.
Fortunately, Tonga is a bit warmer than Antarctica...
Pagan Temple,
Thank you for your kind words. I am very flattered...
Danielle, somehow I doubt Sonia would have to worry too much about staying warm, regardless of where she lived.
Sonia, you're more than welcome.
I've been reading Sonia's blog for some months now. Enjoyable stuff. However I find it very difficult to believe the woman pictured has not worn clothes in the tropics for years, is the age she represents herself to be, or has children.
Well, Brian, she says she's 38, and she only has two-or is it three-kids, and they are all teenagers, I think, so she's had quite a few years to work out and get in shape, plus to me if anything she looks younger than what she says. The nudity is reasonable, considering she lives in a climate that evidently stays warm year round.
Now if she really wanted to work on peoples heads she could say she is thirty, is married to a husband she has twisted around her little finger so much she can do whatever she wants, and enjoys doing it to torture him, and has never had kids nor wants them.
Then she would say she usually wears clothes, but enjoys going nude and posting pictures of herself nude on the internet, hoping to one day finally meet a man worthy of her, at which point she will forevermore be his obedient sex kitten.
See what I mean? Enjoy the Sonia dream. It's good for you. Almost makes up for finding out Santa was just a myth.
Thanks for visiting and commenting, by the way.
I've said this before; Sonia and I, are connected at the hip.
She changed the character of my blog. Check out the comments after my first post about Hugo Chavez. From that time, the character of our blogs changed forever. Neither of us, by design, planned our blogs to be debate forums.
Personally my political outlook became more defined, debating Sonia. My earlier posts, were more conservative.
Her blog is also democratic. Many bloggers only want readers, who agree with them about everything.
I believe Sonia is, who she says she is.
I have a friend, who plans to write a novel, based on Sonia. I'm trying to convince her, to make it like "Emanuelle".
I think that if someone reads your blog, they will find writing that deserves a larger audience. Use the search engine, and look up the word "Pompeii", in this blog. That will make anyone a believer.
I'm humbled by your comments and friendship.
No problem, Renegade, you're more than welcome, and I thank you as well. You've kind of thrown me though-Pompeii? I don't recall ever posting anything about it. Are you thinking about the post I did about Sodom and Gommorrah (Bab Edh Dhra and Numeira)?
As for Sonia, I too believe she is who she said she is, not that it's realy that important insofar as the quality of her blog goes. But I noticed on it she has a link to a page with reviews where a few people not only questioned her biography, but whether she is even actually a woman. She didn't have to display them, yet she does, and provides a link to a whole section of nothing but this kind of speculation. It's kind of funny, in a way. Why should anyone question her?
I think it's a bit of sour grapes myself. A group of people that are jealous of one persons popularity, and thinking, well let't try to tear her down a bit.
Anyway, they are actually irrelevant. Have a good evening, and also, I too want to thank you for your friendship and support.
You have good taste, Pagan Temple.
I like you selection of Religion and movies, as well as your selection of Sonia's Page, which is excellent.
Thank you, Mr. Clampett.
sonia and wholetruthy don't always see eye to eye but horizontally we find common ground!
Well, ypu know what I always say-politics ain't everything.
I love Sonia Belle. So used to right-wingers being witches/bitches of the Koulter Klan, but Sonia's intertwining of politics and nakedness is quite alluring.
Aw hell, Tony, you can always use the excuse a lot of these other guys have been using, just say, "hey honey, don't worry, this ain't really a woman, this is actually a guy, probably some nerdy marketing analyst, pretending to be a beautiful female nudist so 'she' can get a lot of horny guys to read 'her' blog. I just read it because it's intelligent and well written."
That way, your balls and your dignity will all remain intact. Well, that is, unless the effects of seeing Sonia's beautiful form are, shall we say, somewhat obvious?
No problem linking to your blog, by the way, it's a good one. I was on Moxies blog the other day and went to your blog from a link to it she put on one of her posts. I'll definitely be back there from time to time. I almost fell off my chair when I read that Chinese honeymoon joke, that punch line was the best one I've read in years. And thanks for linking to me, as well.
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