Yeah, this is funny, in a way, but in a way you have to wonder just how true it really is. From the web-site Cox And Forkum
and a special thanks to Lemuel Calhound of Hillbilly White Trash
who features Cox And Forkum on his blog on a fairly regular basis.
What can you say? For a so-called "religion of peace", a good lot of it's adherents seem to be anything but "moderate" when it comes to how they react to critiicsms of their religion. Of course, it doesn't help that they make it so damned easy in oh so many ways.
I've wondered lately why people keep issuing inane apologies when they offend these groups. Since it doesn't seem to make any difference anyway, why not stand up for their right to offend?
Also, I think the 'religion of peace' thing was just the phrase Bush used after the attacks. I don't think anyone else has ever used it seriously.
Apologizing to these nuts likely has the same at least short term effect as when an animal smells fear. Or when a shark smells blood. In the first case, an animal misinterprets fear as an indication it is about to be attacked, and so attacks out of a perceived need to defend itself. In the second case, the blood serves to whet the sharks appetite. I'm not sure which applies to these people most, but people seem to forget that some of them went so far as to murder a catholic nun, in addition to burning down some Christian churches in Gaza, acts for which no Muslim that I am aware of has yet to offer an apology. That should tell you how they feel about apologies. It's not in their voabulary, or thought processes.
The religion of peace thing was only made a colloquially well known expression by Bush, but at the same time, it is based on the fact that the word Islam, which literally means "submission", is derived from an ancient I think Semitic word that actually does mean "peace". For example the Hebrew word "Shalome" means peace, and those two words are of course linquistically related. Just look at them together. "Islam". "Shalom"
Now it doesn't take much effort to infer that by peace, the Islamic ideal is submission, as the word "Islam" could legitimately be said to mean either "peace" or "submission". And you know what that means. If you "submit", then obviously you are being dominated. If you come under their power, in other words, you have no real choice. You aren't given a cordial invitation. You either submit, or die, or live the life of dhiminitude-life as basicaly a second class citizen, obliged to pay a "jizra", or tax.
That is at least the ideal of the fundamentalist Muslims, and unfortunately they always seem to rule the roost.
Hear, hear!
I may have misspoken somewhat. I think actually it is the word Qu'ran that means submission, while it is the word Islam that means peace. But it's still pretty much the same thing. To sum it up in a nutshell, the Muslim ideal is that the entire world will one day become Islamic, after which there will be peace. Until that time, evidently, they're not going to let anybody see a fucking minute of it.
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