Well, you've certainly been a busy little goddess throughout the eons, and you've certainly made your mark on the world. You've convinced the sun to go in the opposite direction. With just one toss of an apple you were responsible for the Trojan War. You've still got your own, fun loving cult of followers. And now, finally, you've got your own little planet named after you.
So, what will you do next?
"Ah, but that would be telling."
GP: Is Eris true?
M2: Everything is true.
GP: Even false things?
M2: Even false things are true.
GP: How can that be?
M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it.
Episode 17: "That would be telling."
— W.S. of the BT
She looks a lot like Nicole Kidman.
I don't think she likes Nicole Kidman too much. Sleep with one eye open tonight.
"The pellet with the poison's in the flagon with the dragon; the vessel with the pestle has the brew that is true."
The Sacred Chao of Masonry
Well, it's easier than sleeping with two eyes open.
I'll have to try that.
And I would love to see you try that.
Your point?
You might be interested in the thing I've got up about Discordian Pope Robt. Anton Wilson.
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