It was me, all the time, and none of you fucks ever figured it out. I've been hearing all this crap about how I was abused by Deb, and I've sufferred in silence. Well, now it's time to set the record straight.
The first time I met Deb was, of course, at school, and I was naturally impressed but didn't give her really THAT much thought, until I saw her at a local shopping mall. I was with some friends and I saw her go into a toy and game store from behind, and said, "I think I'll go in here guys, if you know what I mean."
Garth who was an idiot didn't get the message and came in with me, the other guys stayed outside, most of them not really thinking I had much of a chance to score with something on that level, nor did I, but what the hell? At the time, I was just like all the guys you read about when it comes to wanting to be with Deb.
See, I didn't know who she was, but damn I liked what I saw. I didn't even realize who she was when I saw her from the front, just that she seemed familiar. Then, she spoke to me-by name-and I almost fell over. After a second or two it dawned on me who she was-"Miss LaFave?"
"Call me Deb", she purred as she suddenly approached to within inches of me, smiling. She then saw Garth, and said, "oh, hi", and backed away.
I whispered for him to get the fuck out, but the little idiot still didn't get the message, and insisted he was looking at things in the store. I threatened to beat his ass, and I still don't think he got it, he asked me what was wrong, why was I acting like such a prick? I was almost down to begging him to go, and I looked over toward an aisle where Deb had gone and noticed her glancing at us and smiling.
Finally, he asked for ten dollars, and I said get out of here now and I'll think about it when I come out. He said, okay, fine, then left. Then, I was thinking, now if my other asshole friends come in here bugging me I'm going to go off on somebody. I was afraid to approach where she was, but then I glanced back toward her, and she suddenly asked me if I knew anything about some game. I took that as an invitation to approach her and I stammerred that no, I didn't know that much about it. I was breathing hard and was all red faced just looking at those long sexy legs and that sexy pout on her face. I was getting a boner and it was killing me straining against the pants legs. Suddenly, she said, "what about that one up there?", but she wasn't clear what she was talking about, so I asked which one and she said, "oh, I tell you stand right here behind me and I'll point it out". I did and she backed up and pressed her fine ass up against my throbbing hard dick. And started moving sideways as she pressed, and of course I pushed up against her.
Neither of us were saying a word now as she reached her hands back behind her back and started rubbing my dick. Then, she started to unzip my pants. "I was just curious ", she said, "do you wear underwear? I don't, and, well, it looks like you wear boxers. I always wondered why men do that, it seems like it would make it hard to take a dick out when you need to pea. Is it?"
"Uugghhh-well, sometimes", I said. By now she had turned around and was straining to get it out, but finally did. "Wow!", she said "I think I'm going to have a hard time getting it back in. It's so damn big, and hard. I think men and women have it all wrong. You are the one that should not wear underwear, and girls like me should, yet I dont'. See?"
Suddenly, she hiked up her thin, almost skin tight white mini skirt to reveal nothing on under it. Meanwhile I felt like I was going to explode any second, but all I could say was "Uggghhhhhh" as she suddenly turned around and bend over, saying, "it's not easy to see my pussy when I bend down like this, is it?"
Suddeny, I lurched forward, she thrusted backward, and I was against her and then in her, as I grabbed her around the waste, the wifts of jasmine perfume filling my senses and mingling with the smell of our sweat as I lunged inside her over and over, for what seemed like forever, though I have to be honest here, I actually came inside her, actually seemed to explode inside her, after about the tenth thrust or so.
That was the first time I had sex with her. It was the first time I had ever had sex, actually. It was also the first time I had ever been barred from a public store. Luckily there was no one else in there but one clerk, who looked at us all red faced and informed us that we were never to come back. Old women are funny that way. Funniest thing was, she had to unlock the door to let us out. At the time, though, I didn't reall pay that no mind. None of my friends were around, so we went over to a restaurant and had some pizza slices and coke, and just talked. Before we left we exchanged phone numbers, and I swore not to tell anyone.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Well, no, actually, it's a fantasy. One I had years ago, and not about Debra LaFave. It was a teacher, though, and I was fourteen. Or maybe thirteen.
The part about being kicked out of a toy store was true, though.
I guess I'll never know how lucky I was it stayed just a fantasy, and never actually came true. Who knows how it might have ruined my young, innocent life?
Yeah, and never being able to get back into that toy story would probably be devastating.
Thanks. I expended a lot of creative energy during the writing of that one, and afterwards, now it's time for a shower. When you get a chance, check out the link.
That post was exciting to say the least.
LOL Yep, I would think it'll sure rouse the early morning blog readers tomorrow.
Maybe you should moonlight as a romance novel writer.
HAha! I watched her interview on Dateline or whatever it was the other night and I just kept thinking, I can't believe that stupid kid turned her in....what was WRONG with him? She admitted that she was like a thirteen year old girl with a crush on him!
The kid is obviously a moron.
Good story, Patrick. There's a future for you at Zebra Romance if you give it a try, I'm sure.
I ain't sure, it's been a while, but seems to me like his mother had something to do with him turning her in after she found out. I could be wrong though. If he did it on his own, that seems to suggest he was out to make a reputation for himself, or he could have go tit in his head he could make money from a lawsuit, or from selling his story to the tabloids, or whatever.
As for me being a romance novelist, well, that's a thought. I'd prefer being a contemporary noveist with lots of hot, steamy sex, or at least some, but hey, if it puts bread on the table-
LOL, I bet you had fun writing this. I hope so cause I sure had fun reading it.
As to the torture of the expensive martinis, water, chairs, I didn't give in to torture, I cut and ran. :) I really might be a liberal weenie, huh?
A "cut and runner" huh? Yeah, I never looked at it that way, I guess you gave me the perfect answer on that one.
Glad you liked the story. Yeah, it was "loads" of fun, I should know, I shot off a couple while writing it.
interesting, just didn't expect that I will read this novel when I first clicked your link...
Cheerios :D
Yeah, I guess it would seem to be an unusual post judging from the comment I left on Renegade Eyes blog last night, assumming that's where you linked from. Hey, everybody needs a change of pace, right? Glad to see you here.
can i have a smoke now?
Sure, what better tim, huh? Hell, I had two or three just while I was typing it.
Truly Hilarious
But really...public sex is awesome
..and even funnier when some old person walks by and just gawks like they can't believe they're seeing it...
hehehe...it's a lot of fun ;)
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