You know its time for our clueless representatives in Congress to take heed. That is especially true of those, mainly Democrats, who gave a standing ovation to Mexican President Calderon when he stood on the floor of Congress and criticized the Arizona illegal immigration enforcement law-which is almost identical to federal law in almost every particular. I read through several of the comments, though not all. Out of all the ones I did read, more than twenty, I never read one comment that supported Calderon's position, or defended the shameful behavior of Congress. Kudos to the HuffPo, by the way, for pointing out that the majority of those giving the standing ovation were in fact Democrats.
Obama of course earlier joined with Calderon in condemning the law of a sovereign state aiming to protect its own border, something that would be unnecessary if the US would simply enforce one of the few federal laws on the books which it has not only the right to enforce, but is in fact obligated to enforce. When the federal government spends its time trying to impose laws for which it has no constitutional mandate, need, or right to impose, and in the meantime ignores its constitutional duties to do those things it is supposed to be required to do, is it any wonder our Congress maintains such abysmally low approval ratings and on such a consistent basis?
Of course, Congress and this worthless President could care less that Arizona is becoming more of a war zone, especially along the border regions. Calderon even had the temerity to suggest that our gun laws were responsible for the violence in his country. Well, if that's true, here's a simple solution. Close the border, motherfucker. You know seal it tight as a drum, the way you hypocrites seal your southern border with Central America to keep out illegal immigrants from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador.
George W. Bush was wrong about the Axis of Evil. The real Axis of evil, from a purely American perspective, is the government of Mexico, the Catholic Church, the Democratic Party, and while we're at it let's throw in a good helping of business leaders and ranchers who just can't get enough of this shit.
I wonder if John McCain might have been one of the few Republicans to stand and cheer Calderon, assuming he was there and not back in Arizona trying to save his worthless ass. God I hope its on tape if he was there, and if he did.