The astrological aspects for Mabon are pretty intense. Seeing as how there is or was an inferior conjunction of the Sun to Mercury, this might not have been the best time to paint my bedroom. What a bitch. Worse than the living room. Oh well.
Retrograde Mercury is supposed to cause problems, particularly with transportation and communication, with machine malfunctions, etc., none of that happened-well, any more than usual.
In fact, during this period, I think I managed to work out the problems I've been having with my internet service, without actually calling and ranting and making a generally obnoxious ass of myself. I just figured out I need to wait until I turn my computer and monitor on, after I plug in the phone line, before I then plug in and if necessary reset the modem. Then I log on. So far, problems have been minimal.
Maybe Mercury Retrograde just has a bad rap. Maybe it's actually an opportune period to address problems such as that, not avoid them. Or, maybe it means nothing at all.
Otherwise, Saturn is still floating around Virgo in a near direct opposition to Uranus and Pisces, which is compounded further by the fact that Uranus is retrograde. This aspect might best be construed as a need for an extra bit of caution and patience, more so than usual to avoid even greater setbacks in the way of progress. I sure felt that over the last few days.
Neptune has been an assist, being in the off-centered trine to the Sun that it now is-it's retrograde motion though possibly serving to make me wonder if all this hard work is really going to be worth it in the long run. Jupiter retrograde in conjunction with Neptune might well serve to heighten that angst, while adding a little bit of spite into the mix, of the "By God I will get this done" variety. Or, that could be the Mars in Cancer trine to Uranus in Pisces ranting, which would be a considerable influence, especially today when the Moon forms a Grand Trine with the pair.
But ah, Pluto, where art thou? A good solid three signs away from the Sun, a square, which thus gives us the opportunity to concentrate on lessening all the negativities accumulated over the course of the year. It's not been easy though by any means.
Maybe the fact that Venus in the first degree of Virgo is trine Pluto, the combination with the aformentioned Sun square Pluto indicating a need and propensity for sexual release. It's times like this I'm glad this isn't a family oriuented blog, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tell you to go out and get fucked.