In other words, it's time for a roundup of the past years observations, reflections, and rants.
Scorpio-Yep, what better astrological sign to dwell on the meaning of the myth of Persephone while musing on it's likely inspirations, with The Rape Of The Maiden
For that matter, Jesse James did some looting and pillaging in his day, and what did he get for all his trouble? A cautionary tale for all those who think politics is a noble profession.
If Jesse's story don't prove that point, just look at how poor old Saddam Hussein ended up. All that hard work for nothing.
Of course, some people don't mind being abused. Dakota Fanning didn't even mind being raped, she'll have you know.
All this violence, rape, mayhem, and overall nastiness got me to thinking, just What Would Gandhi Do? I came to the conclusion the old boy was a bit of a whack job.
Hey, we all have our faults, in fact, I even went so far as to defend the indefensible-Rosie O'Donnell-in Whack Jobs Have Rights Too.
Some whack jobs though, well, what can you say, some of them you are better off just washing your hands of them. At least you'd damn well better if you shake hands with Sheryl Crow.
CBS washed it's hands of Don Imus, and MSNBC did too. I've missed the old fart ever since.
But that's the media for you. As long as you make them money, you can get by with almost anything. And, as Paris Hilton found out, if you have potential, they'll give you a helping hand.
What do they think she is, a goddess or something. Well, considering who I discovered the Stregha goddess Aradia might well be based on, that's entirely possible.
The Japanese of course have a far more practical view of wanton women. Fuck 'em and forget 'em. Well, I say they should at least pay them the going rate.
If Captain America had known about those antics back int he day, he would have been incensed. Nowadays, unfortunately, Marvel Comics decided they didn't want to deal with any controversy, so they killed the good captain off.
Some heroes just ain't what they are all cracked up to be. Some gods aren't either. Take for example, the Mychaenaean God Enyalios and the Christian Jesus Christ. Not the kind of guys you want to turn to to put out a fire.
Well, some people just outlive their usefulness, don't they? I think so, and that is precisely why I'm glad this woman was killed.
But, let's end the year on a high note, shall we? Since that motherfucking Al Gore won the Nobel Prize, by God, I think I deserve one too.